The canal was not used in OAR because
the Church did not want to be linked
to the invasion of Charis.
The canal in Silkiah was set up to be
off limits in acts of war and using it
to quickly invade Charis would have
required the explicit permission from
the COGA.
isaac_newton wrote:runsforcelery wrote:
There is no canal from Salthar Bay to the Gulf of Jahras; there's one from Salthar Bay to Silkiah Bay.
Now, the canal from Salthar Bay to Silkiah isn't really suitable for ovean-going galleons with drafts of well over 20 feet, but you probably could get a few galleys through it. Maybe even, oh, I dunno . . . a few ironclad galleys with heavy, bow-mounted, shell-firing artillery pieces? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .
Something has recently puzzled me about the Salthar Canal - why didn't the Dohlaren galley fleet in OAR use it for a quick transit to Tarot, instead of going all the way round Howard?
I've had a look in the past threads and this one sort of gets close [which is why I resurrected it]... is there any other textev or threads that might illuminate the question?