roseandheather wrote:Roguevictory wrote:I hope we get back to the space combat soon. Unfortunately with the GA's massive tech edge the current battlefield is probably in the top 25 most mismatched wars in science fiction history. Hopefully that will change very soon.
On the one hand, the prospect of the Grand Alliance crushing the Alignment like so many insignificant bugs is a hugely appealing one for a multitude of reasons.
On the other hand, it would probably also be very boring.
So I will settle for plenty of exciting space battles in which the Alignment is eventually crushed like so many insignificant bugs.
What I would really like to see is the Solarian Raiders running into a Grayson force, yes I miss those guys, of older ships with similar ranges to the Solarian Navy. The tech advantage would still swing to the Graysons but they would have to work for it. Also, I miss watching a professional force facing a larger enemy and winning through guile and cunning. Plus it would illustrate for the reader in plain terms, that even if the tech was closely matched, decades of battlefield experience trump officers appointed because of political connections. Icing on the cake would be if Caslet was commanding the Grayson force. I know it can't happen. He is probably way to senior for that. I'll just have to hope to see Yu and Caslet in future books tearing it up with the Graysons.