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EOC War aims, goals

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: EOC War aims, goals-LaMA Spoiler
Post by PeterZ   » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:10 am

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LaMA Spoiler

I don't think Charis will insist on being the only navy on Safehold. No, they want to have every other nation able to compete by innovating in every area under the sun. This includes military tech. The more innovation and tech advances made by the mainland the harder it will be for the OBS to blast Safehold back to the stone age.

I doubt every nation would want to develop a navy. Some will focus on land based military tech and others on industrial development. The Inner Circle WANTS as much ionnovation as possible in as many areas as possible. Part of value Silverlode represents is the ability for Charis to provide capital for Safehold to industrialize. The more Charis spreads around the better.

By spending their money abroad like water Charis can accomplish several things that both harm the more hidebound nations and increase innovation. The obvious result is that it helps nations industrialize. The less obvious result is to increase the tendency towards inflation. Inflation will be highest in those nations that don't improve productivity. Those nations that increase their productivity most will have the fewest problems with inflation.

So by spending loads and loads of silver and gold in the mainland, Charis slips a dagger into the hearts of mainlanders least comfortable with Charisian innovations. The beauty of it is that those same nations will line up to get that money which will eventually destroy their cushy and insular political structure. With this in mind, I especially like the idea of buying women and children slaves and serfs to be emancipated in Charis and or Siddermark.

SYED wrote:I see them definitly ensuring that the imperium is the ruler of the oceans of safe hold. with only the merchant marine o the imperium and her allies let. even if they cant dock in ports, they will use near by islands, then arrange for smugglers to purchase their goods then take them to mainland ports.
if there is no navy able to fight them, and no port able to safely build oppsition, then they win. the church is forced to deal with the fact the heretic empire is not protected by military action. and avle to do untold damage to the port cities of the main land. Say the navy of god is gone, then the republic able to secure their wins. charis can force the church to surrender by demolitioning evey enemy mainland port it can reach.
Re: EOC War aims, goals
Post by n7axw   » Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:00 pm

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PeterZ wrote:I don't think all the vicar's deserve execution. With the boxful of evidence, there is clear proof to convict many Vicars under their own laws. I suspect enough to swing the vicarage against Clyntahn. Will the Allies stop after getting Clyntahn's head if Duchairn and Magwair agree to their stated terms? They just might if keeping those two means they give the Temple Loyalists face saving gesture and the Allies get their cold war.

I have no problem with subtle. We're talking trials with the accused being allowed to confront the witnesses and the evidence, not simply carnage, something like Nurenburg after WW2.

Magwair and Duchairn are the of the G of 4 the ones who are least to blame for what happened. Nevertheless they did both consent to and actively abet the original assault against Charis and should be held accountable for that at least to some extent. I am not suggesting execution, but something to plainly indicate to the rest of Safehold that they are indeed guilty and that launching aggressive war against innocent kingdoms is not "ok."

As for face saving for the Temple loyalists, I don't think so myself. At bare minimum, they should be brought face to face with the evil they were supporting sort of like the Germans coming to terms with their Nazi heritage in the aftermath of WW2. I know that there will be all sorts of denial rather than facing the music. That can't be helped. Nevertheless the record of what actually happened should be out there and very public.

Finally about religion, I realize that much of what happened occurred as a result of interpreting the Book of Schuler literally. I don't believe that anyone should be able to hid behind God's skirts or the Writ to justify their bad behavior. We see all to much of this sort of thing in real life as the Bible is used to justify all manner of bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism and about everything else you can imagine. I am a firm believer in the Apostle Paul's assertion that the laws of God are written upon the human heart. That means that we KNOW at rock bottom that we are doing wrong when we in any way act in ways that are abusive to our fellow human beings. We may well short circuit the hardwiring by dulling our consciences, rationalizing away our behavior, or whatever. But when push comes to shove, we KNOW. That would be as true on Safehold as it is on earth.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: EOC War aims, goals
Post by PeterZ   » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:33 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 6432
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I find myself persuaded by your cogent arguments. Either that or were never in disagreement. :)

n7axw wrote:
I have no problem with subtle. We're talking trials with the accused being allowed to confront the witnesses and the evidence, not simply carnage, something like Nurenburg after WW2.

Magwair and Duchairn are the of the G of 4 the ones who are least to blame for what happened. Nevertheless they did both consent to and actively abet the original assault against Charis and should be held accountable for that at least to some extent. I am not suggesting execution, but something to plainly indicate to the rest of Safehold that they are indeed guilty and that launching aggressive war against innocent kingdoms is not "ok."

As for face saving for the Temple loyalists, I don't think so myself. At bare minimum, they should be brought face to face with the evil they were supporting sort of like the Germans coming to terms with their Nazi heritage in the aftermath of WW2. I know that there will be all sorts of denial rather than facing the music. That can't be helped. Nevertheless the record of what actually happened should be out there and very public.

Finally about religion, I realize that much of what happened occurred as a result of interpreting the Book of Schuler literally. I don't believe that anyone should be able to hid behind God's skirts or the Writ to justify their bad behavior. We see all to much of this sort of thing in real life as the Bible is used to justify all manner of bigotry, racism, anti-Semitism and about everything else you can imagine. I am a firm believer in the Apostle Paul's assertion that the laws of God are written upon the human heart. That means that we KNOW at rock bottom that we are doing wrong when we in any way act in ways that are abusive to our fellow human beings. We may well short circuit the hardwiring by dulling our consciences, rationalizing away our behavior, or whatever. But when push comes to shove, we KNOW. That would be as true on Safehold as it is on earth.


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