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POW question

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Re: POW question
Post by AirTech   » Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:52 am

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isaac_newton wrote:
kbus888 wrote:=2014/06/12=
Possible solution to motivating POW's to work.

Upon wake-up, cull those (able-bodied) not willing to work that day.

The remainders are sent to the fields or the hospital as required.

In the evening, the workers get food and water, and the non-workers get water only.

For that day, the non-workers get housed in separate quarters to avoid their friends sneaking food to them.

No torture required.



hmmmmm - sounds a bit like what I imagine the regime is like in the COGA camps in Siddarmark. Don't think that's going to appeal to Cayleb, Staynair etc...

This was standard Japanese practice in WWII - resulted in a 20%/year mortality rate for POW's (higher for civilians). Being sick is quickly fatal unless you have supportive fellows. The Germans did the same for civilian prisoners (with similar results) but were prohibited under the Geneva conventions from treating the POW's the same way. (Japan hadn't signed the Geneva conventions at this time).
Re: POW question
Post by kbus888   » Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:33 am

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Hi Guys
You did notice that I said cull the able-bodied unwilling to work eh ??

My (unspoken) idea was that only the lazy able-bodied would be punished.

Anyone who was injured and unable (but willing) to work would be cared for (sent to the hospital, I think I wrote).

After all, this is CHARIS -- right ?? :D

..//* *\\

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Re: POW question
Post by EdThomas   » Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:55 am

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Some thoughts...
There will be very few POWs outside of Siddarmark. These will imo be prisoners taken in small naval actions where the closest prisoner collection point was on one of the Empire's islands.

I'd be surprised if naval prisoners were kept long term on hulks. Hulks have never been "good" places to keep POWs. People get sick and die when exposed to the conditions that will exist on prison hulks.

Naval prisoners will be harder to convert from the Church's teachings. With almost no exceptions, they will not have seen, or participated in, heretic cleansing actions. All they know is what they've been told. Good treatment, food, medical care and decent living conditions may lead some prisoners to a "they're not such bad people" position but they will still be seen as heretics.

POW security.
I expect camp security and staffing will be pretty much all Siddarmarkian. These will also not be Siddarmark's finest. The "finest" will be put into line units and shipped off to the front(s). Actions of the Sword of Schueler (SOS) will have impacted the camp security staffs directly, or not very far-removed indirectly. They will not be inclined to forgive the actions done to them by the prisoners. Camps will be "not-nice" places where rules will be applied strictly. Hogan's not going to find any Sgt Schultz's here.

When we first started taking prisoners I was not concerned about escapes or prisoner plots because, I thought, OWL will be monitoring the barracks' conversations. Then it occurred to me that while OWL may be able to monitor barrack conversations, getting word to camp security folks will be very difficult. I can't see BGV mentioning to his staff that he's got a bad feeling about the 2nd floor of Bldg 37. Nor can I see any seijins just stopping by to chat with the camp commanders.

So, if we do get any words on POW camps from RFC, they will not be pleasant. Probably wouldn't be much fun for him to write either.
Re: POW question
Post by saber964   » Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:12 pm


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EdThomas wrote:Some thoughts...
There will be very few POWs outside of Siddarmark. These will imo be prisoners taken in small naval actions where the closest prisoner collection point was on one of the Empire's islands.

I'd be surprised if naval prisoners were kept long term on hulks. Hulks have never been "good" places to keep POWs. People get sick and die when exposed to the conditions that will exist on prison hulks.

Naval prisoners will be harder to convert from the Church's teachings. With almost no exceptions, they will not have seen, or participated in, heretic cleansing actions. All they know is what they've been told. Good treatment, food, medical care and decent living conditions may lead some prisoners to a "they're not such bad people" position but they will still be seen as heretics.

POW security.
I expect camp security and staffing will be pretty much all Siddarmarkian. These will also not be Siddarmark's finest. The "finest" will be put into line units and shipped off to the front(s). Actions of the Sword of Schueler (SOS) will have impacted the camp security staffs directly, or not very far-removed indirectly. They will not be inclined to forgive the actions done to them by the prisoners. Camps will be "not-nice" places where rules will be applied strictly. Hogan's not going to find any Sgt Schultz's here.

When we first started taking prisoners I was not concerned about escapes or prisoner plots because, I thought, OWL will be monitoring the barracks' conversations. Then it occurred to me that while OWL may be able to monitor barrack conversations, getting word to camp security folks will be very difficult. I can't see BGV mentioning to his staff that he's got a bad feeling about the 2nd floor of Bldg 37. Nor can I see any seijins just stopping by to chat with the camp commanders.

So, if we do get any words on POW camps from RFC, they will not be pleasant. Probably wouldn't be much fun for him to write either.

On camp guards I would use guard who are recovering from wounds, those who have debilitating wounds that would exclude them from frontline service and those who are too old for frontline service. I would also put the camps on islands like Hourglass Island or Sand Shoal island
Re: POW question
Post by n7axw   » Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:22 am

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EdThomas wrote:Some thoughts...
There will be very few POWs outside of Siddarmark. These will imo be prisoners taken in small naval actions where the closest prisoner collection point was on one of the Empire's islands.

I'd be surprised if naval prisoners were kept long term on hulks. Hulks have never been "good" places to keep POWs. People get sick and die when exposed to the conditions that will exist on prison hulks.

Naval prisoners will be harder to convert from the Church's teachings. With almost no exceptions, they will not have seen, or participated in, heretic cleansing actions. All they know is what they've been told. Good treatment, food, medical care and decent living conditions may lead some prisoners to a "they're not such bad people" position but they will still be seen as heretics.

POW security.
I expect camp security and staffing will be pretty much all Siddarmarkian. These will also not be Siddarmark's finest. The "finest" will be put into line units and shipped off to the front(s). Actions of the Sword of Schueler (SOS) will have impacted the camp security staffs directly, or not very far-removed indirectly. They will not be inclined to forgive the actions done to them by the prisoners. Camps will be "not-nice" places where rules will be applied strictly. Hogan's not going to find any Sgt Schultz's here.

When we first started taking prisoners I was not concerned about escapes or prisoner plots because, I thought, OWL will be monitoring the barracks' conversations. Then it occurred to me that while OWL may be able to monitor barrack conversations, getting word to camp security folks will be very difficult. I can't see BGV mentioning to his staff that he's got a bad feeling about the 2nd floor of Bldg 37. Nor can I see any seijins just stopping by to chat with the camp commanders.

So, if we do get any words on POW camps from RFC, they will not be pleasant. Probably wouldn't be much fun for him to write either.

I think that it needs to be mentioned here that Rock Point was prepaing prison hulks to house at least a portion of the some 60,000 prisoners taken at the battle in the Markovian Sea. There is textev for that. I don't remember any textev on whether or not the arrangement was to be temporary or permanet.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: POW question
Post by EdThomas   » Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:33 am

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n7axw wrote:I think that it needs to be mentioned here that Rock Point was prepaing prison hulks to house at least a portion of the some 60,000 prisoners taken at the battle in the Markovian Sea. There is textev for that. I don't remember any textev on whether or not the arrangement was to be temporary or permanet.


You're absolutely right about there not being textev as to the permanence or lack of same. (At least that I'm aware of :-). My point here is that hulks aren't good long term prisons. They're awful places. They're damp, dark, cramped, and drafty. A guard brings a cold on board. Three days later you'll have all sorts of respiratory illness.
Sanitation could be another problem. If they're not moored in any area with strong tidal currents the neighborhood's gonna smell pretty badly.
RFC could get a good Maikel "enraged at the mistreatment of the prisoners" scene out of it and the issue could be a propaganda issue for the COGA (talk about irony, huh).
Re: POW question
Post by lyonheart   » Wed Jun 18, 2014 1:22 pm

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Hi ED Thomas,

I salute your concerns about the POW's health, but let's keep in mind the prison hulks in question are within 1100- 1200 miles of the equator, you know whee its rather warm all year.

Our historical 'memories' of prison hulks is based on European ones that were anchored much further away like 40-50 degrees north, in places like England, France, and New York during the revolutionary war, far different climates.

Evidently they're not that important to RFC's storyline, at the moment at least. ;)


EdThomas wrote:
n7axw wrote:I think that it needs to be mentioned here that Rock Point was prepaing prison hulks to house at least a portion of the some 60,000 prisoners taken at the battle in the Markovian Sea. There is textev for that. I don't remember any textev on whether or not the arrangement was to be temporary or permanet.


You're absolutely right about there not being textev as to the permanence or lack of same. (At least that I'm aware of :-). My point here is that hulks aren't good long term prisons. They're awful places. They're damp, dark, cramped, and drafty. A guard brings a cold on board. Three days later you'll have all sorts of respiratory illness.
Sanitation could be another problem. If they're not moored in any area with strong tidal currents the neighborhood's gonna smell pretty badly.
RFC could get a good Maikel "enraged at the mistreatment of the prisoners" scene out of it and the issue could be a propaganda issue for the COGA (talk about irony, huh).
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!

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