Kizarvexis wrote:Just so that I completely understand, you want a ship to generate a second, short lived wedge 90 degrees offset from the primary wedge. Basically, outside the primary wedge and parallel to the sidewall correct?
I think he is suggesting using other platforms to generate wedges as extra "armor" for the ship. The biggest problem with that is that the platform has to be quite far out from the ship in order to operate at a right angle. If it is too close, the ship begins missing large parts of hull and other useful bits. If it is too far, the entire plan is pointless.
As well, I imagine that any missile would react quite ably to small platforms interposing their wedges by simply bobbing over them. We've seen in the series before that smaller ships try the same technique, and the larger ships are still hit. Considering how close the ship would have to be to be usefully able to catch missiles and how large their wedges are, I'd say that smaller platforms wouldn't stand much of a chance.
Also, you have to think how overpowered missile wedges are, and how awfully it would constrain your own active defenses. One missile could simply run over a recon platform's wedge and fratricide it, while the rest swarm in. Meanwhile, your CMs would have a lot of trouble trying to miss your own "protective" wedge, as well as blinding your own sensors to enemy missiles, screwing up missile intercept solutions, or worse yet, completely missing missiles on the plot altogether.