It's a clever idea for causing the Go4 and their lackeys trouble, and I wonder if RFC ever considered it at some point, though I'm sure Silverlode was there from the beginning of his planning the series out.
Unfortunately, tracing gold or precious metals requires a very careful chemical analysis, including assays of the tailings themselves if I'm not mistaken [which would be very unlikely for Langhorne&co to spotlight since it would likely lead to a lot of chemical research], which presupposes an understanding of chemistry that Safehold, especially the church, doesn't have [and doesn't want]; so they might notice more gold if it were used where they could see it, but since that gold etc would be used almost entirely in the EoC and the alliance, that's a rather remote result.
Resorting to further refining Go4 gold and other precious metals might have been a emergency resort for Merlin and OWL on behalf of the EoC and the alliance if Silverlode's true nature hadn't been discovered, yet given that mining operations are 26.516666 hours/5days a 5day, trying to grab or refine the leftovers from the spoil without being observed would take some considerable time and effort on the part of OWL's remotes and his concentration even with Nahrmahn as a consultant for really very little return compared to the intelligence work they should be doing.
It would be far better, NTM easier for OWL and his processing time, to simply search out remote finds and mine them unseen like Merlin's steam power test, which is probably what Nahrmahn had in mind when he had
OWL search the data base for the best places to start, only to discover Shan-wei had quite a sense of humor.

SYED wrote:I just had an idea, merlin could send his bots to collect the tailings from working and worked mines. His tech should be able to salvage the valuable materials that would have been lost. Gold can be tracked to where it was mined by it's composition, I think that this could be within the church's capabilities. Imagine their reaction, if charis suddenly has alot of desnair gold or it is appearing where it should not be. They will think someone is cooking the books, so cause them trouble.