namelessfly wrote:It is a reasonable inference from basic fusion reactor physics.
The gravity containment system has to not only contain the hot plasma but the fusion reactor products.
I am assuming that the reactor plasma is not large enough and dense enough for the fusion reaction products to be thermalized to the lower average energy before reaching the reactor vessel walls. Since even the "clean" fusion reactor fuels (whose fusion reaction cross sections are small relative to D-T and D-D retains and thus their power density sucks) have sideband reactions that produce Neutrons, your reactor containment field needs to create a deep enough gravity well to shield the reactor walls. If not your missile will transform itself into radioactive slag.
This assumption is validated by the gravity focusing of fusion explosions in laser heads. Even if the fuel burn fraction of the explosive device is on the order of only 10%, you still getba plasma with a characteristic velocity of 1eex7 m/s. It takes a very steep gravity well to contain that.
I see. Unfortunately, I don't agree with your assumptions.