Alizon wrote:Not necessarily "revolutionary" changes.
The main problem from what I've heard stems from the power core needed power the drives. Certainly the micro-fusion plant will undergo evolutionary changes which will allow future models to be made smaller with the same power output as current designs.
No. That´s the problem here, there is no "certainly". If you run into a physical limit, you MAY find a way to get around it, or you may not.
The Intel Pentium 4 was designed to hit 10Ghz before 2008. Well *booom*, they ran into a physical limit, or rather several, and those cpus never even reached 5Ghz even after dieshrinks. The design was then promptly completely dropped because the physical limits could not be worked around.
A realworld example of physical limits doing a onefinger salute to the engineers.
Alizon wrote:We're also ignoring the fact that MDM's do not need to be powered by all up fusion reactors.
I´m not. In fact i believe i mentioned the option of going with capacitors earlier in this thread. But that also means much reduced power envelope for the missile, and the question then becomes if the reduced abilities is worth the size savings.
Alizon wrote:Prior to that, earlier MDM's were powered by capacitors and since such missiles do not use a fusion core, presumably that would not be a limiting factor in their design. Improvements in this field could lead to smaller MDM's suitable for light combatants but with an acceptable range and missile salvo density.
It´s definitely possible yes. But since the difference in power provided from a reactor and from a capacitor is apparently quite large, it´s not something i will be holding my breath while waiting for.
But like i said earlier in the thread, it´s at least quite possible.
Alizon wrote:In fact, we really don't know to what degree capacitor technology has advanced over the last several years as the books have mostly dealt with the new fusion powered weapons. It's not unlikely that BuWeapons is currently attempting to either create a smaller fusion core or more powerful and efficient capacitors specifically to solve this problem.
Not unlikely no. But remember that Manticore despite everything has a limit on how much it can spend on researching.
With the massive focus on the newer tech, i expect R&D into capacitors has likely been minimal. Or it´s even possible that that technology is so mature that there´s not much more to gain from improving it further.
Alizon wrote:This is just conjecture of course, but when you are faced by your other choices, building the large light cruiser sized Roland DD or building SDM equipped DD's and CL's, creating a right sized MDM for these vessels would seem to be something of a priority.
Well, yes and no i would say. MDMs for minimally sized combatant ships are not going to win battles, hence it is likely something that will not be very high on the list of priorities.
Longterm a solution is needed because no nation can afford to send heavy cruisers at the smallest to do the job of a destroyer, but it´s more important to survive the battles involving larger ships up until you HAVE a longterm at all.
So, short term solution is probably scaled up ships, quite possibly with some sort of "second line" DD added, maybe also a CL, for backwater, low priority duties as well as fleet duties that only need ANY ship, no matter the size or ability.
But again, longterm, yes it´s needed.