RFC has said straight-out that a Roland (which is bigger than most pre-war CLs and pushing on traditional CA territory) is not viable once everyone of consequence has something like Mark 16s. Recently he's suggested that may be true of anything smaller than a Sag-C.Crown Loyalist wrote:drothgery wrote:And the DD is dying, and the CL may be as well.
The DD isn't dying, the class is just getting bigger and bigger to keep it combat viable. Not all recon can be done with recon drones; navies still need small-ish hyper-capable units to scout systems.
The role of the destroyer isn't going anywhere, so there are always going to be destroyers.
I'd argue for 'rebranding' the Sag-C as a CL and sticking a 'new look' CA in the old ~1MTon classic BC range, but it may be that the RMN ends up with just Sag-Cs and Nikes (and their direct successors) below the wall.