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Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian Leauge Navy

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Re: Honorverse series, the future..?
Post by Tenshinai   » Tue May 20, 2014 6:21 pm


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kzt wrote:
drothgery wrote:But another thing to consider is that Haven was trying to counter about 60 first-gen SD(P)s (and some of Grayson's fleet). The Grand Alliance has over ten times that, with over two hundred and fifty of them Apollo capable.

They also have at least 100 times as much industrial capability as Haven.

Quite possibly even more, depending on how ruthlessly they are ready to exploit the systems under the thumb of OFS.

biochem wrote:That's why they won't have the latest greatest technology. But they still have access to the old info, including likely at least some access to what Manticorian tech was at the time.

They will have had access to mostly pre-Buttercup tech. Probably not so much after that.

They also have access to people. The top people will have been purged but given the frequency of purges in Haven, a smart businessman (and Solarian businessmen were smart) would have cultivated a lot of contacts, so that they could have a foot in the door just in case their current purchaser got executed. And over time (we're talking decades here) contacts between military suppliers and the military purchasers get a lot closer than they should be.

You´re making completely unwarranted assumptions here.
First of all, Havenite contacts with SL were mostly not handled openly. There were no choices for the SL people, they dealt with whoever they were told to.
Secondly, even if there WERE some personal contacts made, those are long since irrelevant. And trying to use them now would for an average Havenite be equal to becoming a traitor.

So even after Erewhon, they'll still have that unofficial access.

As far as anyone KNOWS, no they don´t. Because once Haven got access to Manty stuff, at that point the SL were pretty much inferior to Haven tech in just about anything and everything.

Haven PAID a LOT for their earlier gains from the SL, they would be fools to keep that up, to get mostly useless information for a high price, when they already got Manty tech almost for free.

However, it would take almost an inverse perfect storm for the SL to survive.

Indeed, and that´s not anywhere remotely likely.
Re: Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian League Navy
Post by Tenshinai   » Tue May 20, 2014 6:22 pm


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Weird Harold wrote:
The reference I can't find is specific to Technodyne and/or the MAlign and lamented that they could make no progress on MDMs or FTL comm without further input which they could no longer get.

Some other military tech company might be having better luck, but the text is rather specific that TIY and the MAlign do NOT have any access to Haven sector tech (or Andermani tech.)

I´ve read this(or something close to it) somewhere as well...
Re: Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian League Navy
Post by n7axw   » Tue May 20, 2014 6:28 pm

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Weird Harold wrote:
biochem wrote:That's why they won't have the latest greatest technology. But they still have access to the old info, including likely at least some access to what Manticorian tech was at the time.

The reference I can't find is specific to Technodyne and/or the MAlign and lamented that they could make no progress on MDMs or FTL comm without further input which they could no longer get.

Some other military tech company might be having better luck, but the text is rather specific that TIY and the MAlign do NOT have any access to Haven sector tech (or Andermani tech.)

It was the MAlign. The best they were able to do is come up with the Catapharact with its range booster. TIY come up with some pretty big missile pods for Monica, but they weren't the same thing. However TIY did provide the Catapharats for Filerata, at least officially. However since TIY is represented on Mesa's board, there is not much daylight there.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian Leauge Navy
Post by biochem   » Tue May 20, 2014 7:34 pm

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Michael Everett wrote:
lyonheart wrote:What prohibited substances are you using?

I think he found the stash I was using years ago when I theorised in the Free Range Topics that merging the USA and the UK might be a worthwhile option...

That I've got to read!
Re: Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian Leauge Navy
Post by Brigade XO   » Tue May 20, 2014 9:01 pm

Brigade XO
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The Malignment came up with the Cataprhact (and variants) so while Technodyne is producing them "for the SLN" there are other sources including Darius. At no point do we see any other source of Cataprhact missiles for the SLN.

On the other hand, David has been clear that there are a number of SDFs which are doing their own thing and NOT sharing with the SLN. Beowulf is clearly one of them and the BSDF is likely going to be able to slip into working with RMN equipment shortly if not already. It would appear that they are doing the production for weapons- for RMN and I would presume part of those go to Grayson.

Then there are places like Mannerheim who are deep in the Alignment (though 99% of the population doesn't know it and you can guess that they have some variation of at least Cataprhatcts that they "get from Technodyne" and are manufaturing the same "under license" so they have them "legally" and are not dealing with Mesa- who they profess to hate. I would not be surprized if ALL of the RF systems were getting buit out with the latest "Technodyne" improvements plus a number of other improvements which are home gown over the SLN stuff.

As the wheels come off the SL, I suspect that at least the RF systems and places like Erwehon and our friends in the Maya sector are going to kick the snot out of any of the fragments of FF and some of the BF capital ships that may show up to try and keep them in the SL. Mostly the FF and BF units are going to just not get home and it will be harder and harder for the SL and SLN to pay proper attention to dealing with are leaving their system.

Even if Grayson opts to pull back a bit from the conflict with the SL (and that could be a part of the story line) they are still going to be looking for blood after the attack on Blackbird and will be quite capable of holding up commitments other than going after pieces of the SL.

Then there is the Aldermani. This is another place that is working with "Manticore Lite" or better equipment or their own variations of it plus state of the art Manticorian gear. To this point the SL Mandarins and even the SLN have not given much concern to the IAE but the Emperor and the IAN want more than a piece of Manpower/Mesa/The Alignment and will probably have little concern about driving through the SL to get at at least Manpower/Mesa.

If you want yet another glitch in the Alignment plans (for the RF etc) how about an IAN task force show up at Visigoth looking to take the wormhole to Mesa and Visagoth not only says not only "NO" but Hell NO and makes an agressive move on the IAN. Which quite possibly results in Visigoth loosing a fair chunk of it's SDF, the Andie's kicking the crap out of part of the system (that whole military industry side of it) and going through the wormhole anyway having left a strong force to hole the Visigoth end of the wormhole to keep anybody else from cutting off that line of travel and their "easy" route back home without looking like they are working with Mantiore.
Just a thought
Re: Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian Leauge Navy
Post by Alizon   » Tue May 20, 2014 9:56 pm


Posts: 243
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lyonheart wrote:Hi Alizon,

No they couldn't.

Please read the pearls, its obvious you haven't; and you keep ignoring what you should know if you had, so to keep rehearsing these stupid arguments is embarrassing.

No one has ever challenged the potential of the SL to be a giant military-industrial complex, RFC has made that point many times, we all have.

But RFC has also made the point many, many times that the SL is "doomed", its "collapse is inevitable" etc, since CoS more than ten years ago.

In other words its never going to get the chance to become a military-industrial complex, because someone is going to shoot it in the head several times with a flechette gun while its still sleeping very soon.

I wonder how you can read the books and keep missing the obvious.

But to suggest that in only a few month's and they'll be militarily outbuilding the GA, the AE and Beowulf combined?

What prohibited substances are you using? ;) ;)

Again I wonder how you could've read the pearls, since RFC has repeatedly stated the SL has only a half dozen or so shipyards that can build SD's [its possible there might be 7-9 including some SDF's], while depending on what pearl even that wasn't on a continuous annual basis.

His current thinking does appear to involve annual production, but only around 46-7 for the whole BF, when Haven commissioned around 300 last year at Bolthole and the SEM and Grayson commissioned another ~200 for 11 times as many as the whole league, which won't be allowed to gear up; again RFC has stated the SL doesn't have 5 years to even begin building let alone designing a SDP, which obviously goes for upgrading shipyards to military work, which does not take "only a few month's".

Show me the textev not this constant childish wishful thinking.

Clearly RFC isn't going to portray a SL renaissance in the next book the way you keep insisting.

Shipyards are built only if they're going to used.

The huge impact the withdrawal of the MMM to the SL ought to indicate to you that relatively few SL systems build and operate all that many freighters, ie their space infrastructure isn't geared toward much shipbuilding of any kind, being 'satisfied economies' as RFC has put it; NTM the difficulties of shifting to such specialized work as naval warships.

If you've never 'grown' armor before, don't know how, never tried etc, let alone built shield generators or naval engines even before getting into weapons, how is all that to be accomplished in a few month's?

Especially given the lethargy we continue to see throughout the SL and especially in Old Chicago; there is nothing to support your daydreams of the SL somehow avoiding the avalanche its created for itself.

Dream away but don't keep wasting our time here ignoring the facts of the honor-verse, please.

If a quarter [possibly representing a third of the member systems] of the Executive Council voted against the mandarins' wishes, its likely many that do build freighters and warships side with Beowulf already, reducing your potential builders even further.

Its pathetic to keep pushing this, let's move on, please.


Well Lyonheart, by all means, just keep moving on.

So let me get this straight, it's childish to talk about how the League could possibly be saved and tactics they might employ because it offends your personal sensibilities and the rightness of the Honorverse because, well, obviously, RFC has already used the "doomed" word.

Well, Lyonheart, it's called imagination. I suspect the entire Honorverse sprang from that quality and I see no reason to restrain it just because it's wasting your time. If you don't want to waste it, then don't read it and go post somewhere else.

And honestly, what is the fun in figuring out how the Alliance is going to smash the League and how doomed it is. It's like having fun pushing chicks into a river. Where does that get interesting?

I know that RFC isn't going to write anything like a League victory or probably even survival. It is obvious that the books are heading direction X.

But what is the challenge in arguing the obvious. The real challenge isn't figuring out how the Alliance is going to win. It's simple, send in SD's with MDM's and blow up everything in sight. Yeah that is really fun to talk about.

No, the challenge isn't figuring out how badly the Alliance is going to paste everything it runs into, it's about figuring out how the League can survive. What course do they need to take, how can you possibly face MDM ships with Ghost Rider and Keyhole with the technology the SLN currently has.

Sure I can come up with any number of reasons why the SLN is doomed. That's easy. Now coming up with a way it can survive, that's hard. You actually have to work your brain cells on that one, think a bit beyond the Pearls and the "Doom" word and see how it could happen.

I don't know, maybe it's my Girl Scout training, not to let the million reasons why something can't be done stop you, just find the one way it can be done and do it.

Now, I've read a number of the Pearls but I haven't read all of them. But you know, I have a working brain and I have imagination and those both work awfully well so I can actually form opinions on what I do know. And I don't intend to stop because some Neanderthal with too much testosterone tells me to stop because I'm "embarrassing", "pathetic" and "childish". In my experience those words are most often used by those who are lacking in vocabulary and in the ability to think of something better to say.

If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Big whooping deal. Have at least the simple courtesy to tell me why I'm wrong without all the kindergarten pissing contest commentary. Get over yourself, grow an imagination and if you don't like what I have to post, don't read it.
Re: Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian Leauge Navy
Post by lyonheart   » Tue May 20, 2014 11:48 pm

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Posts: 4853
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Hi guys,

How is it that my wink wink didn't transfer over?


biochem wrote:**quote="Michael Everett"**[quote="lyonheart"]What prohibited substances are you using? **/quote**
I think he found the stash I was using years ago when I theorised in the Free Range Topics that merging the USA and the UK might be a worthwhile option...

That I've got to read![/quote]
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Honorverse series, the future..?
Post by kzt   » Wed May 21, 2014 12:42 am

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Tenshinai wrote:You´re making completely unwarranted assumptions here.
First of all, Havenite contacts with SL were mostly not handled openly. There were no choices for the SL people, they dealt with whoever they were told to.
Secondly, even if there WERE some personal contacts made, those are long since irrelevant. And trying to use them now would for an average Havenite be equal to becoming a traitor.


If there were a list of traitors who sold secrets to a totalitarian government for money, like say:
Aldrich Ames
Robert Hanssen
Christopher John Boyce
John Anthony Walker

Wouldn't you feel foolish?
Re: Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian Leauge Navy
Post by lyonheart   » Wed May 21, 2014 1:54 am

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Posts: 4853
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Hi Alizon,

My apologies.

I didn't realise what a sensitive woman you were, I'm sorry to hurt your feelings that way.

As a matter of fact, your gender wasn't important to me, the value and accuracy of your ideas were; I thought that was how things were supposed to work.

But I'm glad we've finally gotten to the core truth here, that you really weren't that serious about this concept.

Making that clear would have helped the discussion.

But congratulations on being so convincing, because I really thought you were being really really invested in defending the SL's survival despite all the obvious evidence, so I was almost beginning to worry about your mental thinking, it was so repetitive.

Imagination is obviously very important, but why revealing your gender is important or justification for flaming is something else again.

I am glad you're another lady fan of RFC, I'm friends with several BTW, and I'll give you full credit for imagining the hyper defense concept; but after 8 years of posting at the bar and the forums, seeing and yes even making some suggestions on how to try to save the SL early on, then seeing the same old, same old ideas has obviously reduced my patience for this subject which has gotten rather tiresome IMO, some of of my comments in my last post to you were over the top and for that I apologize.

I'm glad you've recognised there's no textev to support your hyper defense concept, and it was clever in a way; but being aware of all the clues or hints should have been accounted for earlier in your arguments, to be fair to your readers, and who knows, perhaps you actually hit something RFC overlooked, I doubt it but if you're right, then kudos.

I've had RFC correct my impressions of how things work or could because of clues I'd overlooked more times than I want to remember. :D

I've also forgotten how often I was right. ;)

Claiming your imagination overrules or supplants the rules of the honorverse, though also used by other posters here, doesn't cut that much ice with me or other posters.

Regarding my imagination, its been directed at what RFC hasn't told us yet; I've been expressing it in several thousand posts here and at the bar over the years and I suspect RFC has been irked by at least a few of my posts, given his rather negative responses.

I've been curious about almost everything in the honorverse etc that's still a mystery; what's going to happen next after CoG, NTM about how the honor-verse works; how big is the human colonized part of the galaxy or the MMM, how much does a MDM cost and how many can the SKM/SEM or Haven afford to make every day; or for example just how large is Manticore's economic and financial impact on the SL, given it gets news so much faster than anywhere else, ie much of the SL's vibrant trade and financial heart is in the SKM because it has to be.

Being told you have too much testosterone is a compliment to most real men; if you feel I was bullying you because you were a woman, I apologize for not noticing any clues you gave.

But kudos for "adapting, improvising, and overcoming" the obstacles in your life. ;)

While the marines made it a credo, all adults by definition do it, so congratulations again.

Good luck with your future ideas and posts; I've liked some in the past as you know, and know I will again in the future.


Alizon wrote:
lyonheart wrote:Hi Alizon,

No they couldn't.

Please read the pearls, its obvious you haven't; and you keep ignoring what you should know if you had, so to keep rehearsing these stupid arguments is embarrassing.

No one has ever challenged the potential of the SL to be a giant military-industrial complex, RFC has made that point many times, we all have.

But RFC has also made the point many, many times that the SL is "doomed", its "collapse is inevitable" etc, since CoS more than ten years ago.

In other words its never going to get the chance to become a military-industrial complex, because someone is going to shoot it in the head several times with a flechette gun while its still sleeping very soon.

I wonder how you can read the books and keep missing the obvious.

But to suggest that in only a few month's and they'll be militarily outbuilding the GA, the AE and Beowulf combined?

What prohibited substances are you using? ;) ;)

Again I wonder how you could've read the pearls, since RFC has repeatedly stated the SL has only a half dozen or so shipyards that can build SD's [its possible there might be 7-9 including some SDF's], while depending on what pearl even that wasn't on a continuous annual basis.

His current thinking does appear to involve annual production, but only around 46-7 for the whole BF, when Haven commissioned around 300 last year at Bolthole and the SEM and Grayson commissioned another ~200 for 11 times as many as the whole league, which won't be allowed to gear up; again RFC has stated the SL doesn't have 5 years to even begin building let alone designing a SDP, which obviously goes for upgrading shipyards to military work, which does not take "only a few month's".

Show me the textev not this constant childish wishful thinking.

Clearly RFC isn't going to portray a SL renaissance in the next book the way you keep insisting.

Shipyards are built only if they're going to used.

The huge impact the withdrawal of the MMM to the SL ought to indicate to you that relatively few SL systems build and operate all that many freighters, ie their space infrastructure isn't geared toward much shipbuilding of any kind, being 'satisfied economies' as RFC has put it; NTM the difficulties of shifting to such specialized work as naval warships.

If you've never 'grown' armor before, don't know how, never tried etc, let alone built shield generators or naval engines even before getting into weapons, how is all that to be accomplished in a few month's?

Especially given the lethargy we continue to see throughout the SL and especially in Old Chicago; there is nothing to support your daydreams of the SL somehow avoiding the avalanche its created for itself.

Dream away but don't keep wasting our time here ignoring the facts of the honor-verse, please.

If a quarter [possibly representing a third of the member systems] of the Executive Council voted against the mandarins' wishes, its likely many that do build freighters and warships side with Beowulf already, reducing your potential builders even further.

Its pathetic to keep pushing this, let's move on, please.


Well Lyonheart, by all means, just keep moving on.

So let me get this straight, it's childish to talk about how the League could possibly be saved and tactics they might employ because it offends your personal sensibilities and the rightness of the Honorverse because, well, obviously, RFC has already used the "doomed" word.

Well, Lyonheart, it's called imagination. I suspect the entire Honorverse sprang from that quality and I see no reason to restrain it just because it's wasting your time. If you don't want to waste it, then don't read it and go post somewhere else.

And honestly, what is the fun in figuring out how the Alliance is going to smash the League and how doomed it is. It's like having fun pushing chicks into a river. Where does that get interesting?

I know that RFC isn't going to write anything like a League victory or probably even survival. It is obvious that the books are heading direction X.

But what is the challenge in arguing the obvious. The real challenge isn't figuring out how the Alliance is going to win. It's simple, send in SD's with MDM's and blow up everything in sight. Yeah that is really fun to talk about.

No, the challenge isn't figuring out how badly the Alliance is going to paste everything it runs into, it's about figuring out how the League can survive. What course do they need to take, how can you possibly face MDM ships with Ghost Rider and Keyhole with the technology the SLN currently has.

Sure I can come up with any number of reasons why the SLN is doomed. That's easy. Now coming up with a way it can survive, that's hard. You actually have to work your brain cells on that one, think a bit beyond the Pearls and the "Doom" word and see how it could happen.

I don't know, maybe it's my Girl Scout training, not to let the million reasons why something can't be done stop you, just find the one way it can be done and do it.

Now, I've read a number of the Pearls but I haven't read all of them. But you know, I have a working brain and I have imagination and those both work awfully well so I can actually form opinions on what I do know. And I don't intend to stop because some Neanderthal with too much testosterone tells me to stop because I'm "embarrassing", "pathetic" and "childish". In my experience those words are most often used by those who are lacking in vocabulary and in the ability to think of something better to say.

If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Big whooping deal. Have at least the simple courtesy to tell me why I'm wrong without all the kindergarten pissing contest commentary. Get over yourself, grow an imagination and if you don't like what I have to post, don't read it.
Last edited by lyonheart on Wed May 21, 2014 2:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Hyperspace Combat and the Solarian Leauge Navy
Post by SYED   » Wed May 21, 2014 2:30 am

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Posts: 1345
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Do we know how extensive most terminni defences are?
Say Visigoth has mostly ships and some platforms, say the andies send the most podnoughts as possible, could their missile systems be superior enough to destry the oposition, especially if they send a ships with sensors in first to gther ther targeting solutions.

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