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Just how big is Frontier Fleet?

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Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by J6P   » Mon May 19, 2014 2:31 am

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Beep beep beep. Back up.

Manticore has 3 planets with a very large merchant marine that operates mostly in the verge where conditions are NOT normalized.

SL has several thousand planets comprised of local SDF's in charge of their own protection with LAC's and a handful of DD's for the vast majority of them.

FF on the other hand is nebulously in charge of the protectorates. How many protectorates are you invisioning? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands?

In either case we know that
A) FF nodal forces are comprised of essentially at most an understrength squadron of... you name it.
B) Seeing several squadrons at a FF nodal point is a very rare occurance
C) Most systems outside said nodal point rarely see a FF unit.

How many planets per nodal point? 15? 20? All we can really go is the "partial map".

Add in many points where the implicit FF threat is not themselves but the 2000 SD's behind them. I personally see the SLN/FF as very top/bottom heavy with relatively few units in the middle in comparison. This would align with the previous statement. Passive aggressive. SLN is the Orca Whale. Top ocean predator.

Manticore on the other hand has to project power. DD's/CL's do not project power well. Yes, Manticore is a nice sized fish in a very big pond. But it is still a VERY big pond. CA's, BC's project power. Therefore RMN has much higher middle unit totals. Manticore is also not as corrupt. Corruption in the SLN inflated the SD build totals. Upthread you ignored this portion of my post. SLN has enough conventional SD's for a conventional 10 sided war against the next 10 navies! That is insane! Talk about TOP loaded.

Couple thousand light units in the DD/CL range. 500ish CA/BC combined.

Bottom line kicker:

See how many light units came with Fillaretta compared to being "light" on light units with Crandall? Filaretta was done "right by the book for the SLN". Unit total is massively in the SD's favor. Where do those light units come from? FF. FF can't be very big in comparison to the number of SD hulls.
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by n7axw   » Mon May 19, 2014 2:43 pm

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J6P wrote:Beep beep beep. Back up.

Manticore has 3 planets with a very large merchant marine that operates mostly in the verge where conditions are NOT normalized.

SL has several thousand planets comprised of local SDF's in charge of their own protection with LAC's and a handful of DD's for the vast majority of them.

FF on the other hand is nebulously in charge of the protectorates. How many protectorates are you invisioning? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands?

In either case we know that
A) FF nodal forces are comprised of essentially at most an understrength squadron of... you name it.
B) Seeing several squadrons at a FF nodal point is a very rare occurance
C) Most systems outside said nodal point rarely see a FF unit.

How many planets per nodal point? 15? 20? All we can really go is the "partial map".

Add in many points where the implicit FF threat is not themselves but the 2000 SD's behind them. I personally see the SLN/FF as very top/bottom heavy with relatively few units in the middle in comparison. This would align with the previous statement. Passive aggressive. SLN is the Orca Whale. Top ocean predator.

Manticore on the other hand has to project power. DD's/CL's do not project power well. Yes, Manticore is a nice sized fish in a very big pond. But it is still a VERY big pond. CA's, BC's project power. Therefore RMN has much higher middle unit totals. Manticore is also not as corrupt. Corruption in the SLN inflated the SD build totals. Upthread you ignored this portion of my post. SLN has enough conventional SD's for a conventional 10 sided war against the next 10 navies! That is insane! Talk about TOP loaded.

Couple thousand light units in the DD/CL range. 500ish CA/BC combined.

Bottom line kicker:

See how many light units came with Fillaretta compared to being "light" on light units with Crandall? Filaretta was done "right by the book for the SLN". Unit total is massively in the SD's favor. Where do those light units come from? FF. FF can't be very big in comparison to the number of SD hulls.

As IRecall the text ev, FF has way more hulls than BF because it has the job of policing SL space.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by namelessfly   » Mon May 19, 2014 3:04 pm


How many of the ships that are in FF order of battle have been sold off to transtellers or SDFs?
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by HungryKing   » Tue May 20, 2014 12:14 am

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This comes up every so often. I have some parameters, though I will note that some are soft, or possibly meaningless.
We know that FF is larger than BF in active hull count. We also know that BF is actually bigger (not just in BF has bloated staffs, while FF seems to sometimes have commodores in positions whose authority would seem to call for an actual flag officer [although the SLN does seem to view commodores as flotilla admirals, rather than fleet captains], but that it has more people in it, though the source is not clear if this is restricted to officers). We also know that FF has internal tiers, though they are far more fluid than Battle Fleet, Rozack was presented before the BF/FF split was made so explicit, but I think in the current language he would be described as an outsider with a background who could have joined BF (with the caveat that his promotion opertunities would be minor), who instead chose to join FF, made a name for himself as a fell deeds man, and was recognized as an equal by the First Families of Frontier Fleet.

We know that the SLN has a reputation for being a member of, along with the RMN, the 'BC Nutters Lodge'. We know that FF is in large part, though not totally, the source of this reputation. In other words, by some measure BF has slightly more BCs than it should, according to most other major navies, and FF has thousands of them. This may also mean that they have proportionally few CAs. Given that it is noted that BF has half sized screens, I suspect that the ratio is a matter BCs to every other sub waller, though it might also be a matter of BC to CA.

We know that FF has lots of destroyers, or rather we know that they have hordes of light warships, but the ratio of DDs to CLs is significantly nonoptimally high in favor of DDs, particularly in the protectorates. BF might also prefer DDs to CLs given their force posture, though I've not checked the availible numbers.
We know that if you add up the Central Reserve and FF you get something with a simular ratio to BF. BCs are noted to be very rare in the central reserve.

We also know that the 1820s and 30s RMN modernization and reorganization followed solarian doctrine for the most part, this might mean SLN doctrine, or the average of the SLN and the major SDFs (which is my personal guess), or some general document published by some official league think tank. Though the plan was noted to have an over sized commerce protection portion. I'd note that it had appearantly much more optimal cruising unit to destroyer ratio, though this meant the RMN was still building FGs. The proposals, as far as I can tell called for two fully active BatRons, and one batron cycling through yard hands. I think the RMN would have had about 100 to 150 BCs at this point, though how many would be active, I'm not certain. I'd note that RMN, before they fully joined the BC nutters, still had more BCs than BBs/DNs, even including the unfinished Ad Astras.
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by Sharp Claw   » Tue May 20, 2014 3:22 am

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:) A lot smaller than it used to be and every time it battles the Manties is gets smaller and smaller and smaller.

its not so much a question of how many ships they have as it is of how many they are willing to lose.
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by J6P   » Tue May 20, 2014 5:10 am

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HungryKing wrote:We know that FF is larger than BF in active hull count.


We know that the SLN has a reputation for being a member of, along with the RMN, the 'BC Nutters Lodge'.

Um. Where on earth are these quotes? Been looking. Have not found. Especially the last one.

Good excuse to read :)
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by lyonheart   » Tue May 20, 2014 6:37 am

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Hi Guys,

I'm surprised this keeps coming up but most of the comments are newbies, and we can all forget what we know from time to time. ;)

First we need to review the textev, especially the early stuff where we learn that the peeps had built a navy up to a quarter of the size of the SLN.

From the 1904 fleet comparison chart [in the TSVW appendix] the PRHN had 2106 warships, including 460 SD/DN's; from some of the comments in the early books that total may have actually been closer to ~1900 before RFC beefed it up for his various purposes [1945 would have been only 20% larger than the RMN].

Of course according to some, a 'quarter' could mean anything roughly between 22.5-27.5%, ie as only a ballpark reference.

Still its a starting point that the SLN in RFC's mind then had around 8424 active warships in 1904 when the war started.

I have also suggested in past posts here and at the bar that the active BF was indeed closer to 1840 in 1904 than the 2000+ active not counting 300+ in the refit yards that Rajampet refers to early in MoH [Dec 1921] but the numbers could indicate the rate of increase in 17 years, or about 30 per year, representing 2/3 of BF's annual commissioning SD's [a third goes directly into the reserve] for 46-7 annually [ie 5 battle squadrons plus 15%] or a policy change that delayed 'retirement' or 'transfer to the reserve' of similar numbers of BF SD's since BF admirals can command squadrons with no one aboard to accrue the time needed for their career etc, or some combination.

Coming back to 1840 SD's leaves 6584 active for FF back in 1904, since we have had no guidance, I have often proposed the various ship class lobbies within the FF, being far removed from actual galaxy conditions and requirements, would seek rough number parity, for something around ~1596 of each class despite the different costs of each class so the respective ship lobbies are mostly satisfied with their share of the FF ship construction budget, which is never big enough, of course, largely thanks to BF hogging the vast majority of it.

Past threads at the bar and here have involved working theories revolving around construction costs being roughly M$5000/ton [apparently a figure evidently determined from some of the pearls before I joined the bar], at least back at the beginning of the first Havenite war, to give some idea of the relative costs involved, thus FF BC's cost approximately 11-12 times as much as FF DD's, about 3 times that of a FF CA and 9-10 times that of a FF CL; the bigger ship lobbies again getting the lion's share of the construction budget.

Naturally there ought to be more lighter units than heavier in the FF, but we have the delightful pearl also mentioned in later textev IIRC, that FF alone out massed the whole RMN in 1904, including all the SD/DN's; and as some will recall the 1905 chart includes tonnage which in the RMN's case totals 2318.6 Million tons, which you can't reach if there aren't that many BC's, CA's, etc.

Indeed using the 4 rough quarters of ~1600 each, and the RMN class averages from 1905, its impossible; the total's about 1945 million tons, barely 5/6 of the RMN's tonnage; which assumed the RMN could afford to model its classes closely on the nominal best navy in the galaxy, ie the SLN, which is not exactly confirmed by HoS. ;)

Adding the extra 20% brings FF up to ~7900 in 1905 [which only matches the RMN's tonnage], and ~9740 total warships for the SLN before the reserve [which is rather new in the textev] and reduces the 1905 PRHN to 21.62% of the active SLN, which many would consider close enough.

The latter textev, post AAC, uses figures above 8000 FF active ships, which is current with the pearl, and again could be from new construction since 1905 of just over 82-89 warships annually [the lower figure's is just the 20% increase to 7900], while the higher would still give BF at least 3 times the construction tonnage budget, or again delayed retirement or some combination of both might answer.

From CoS we learned there were then 1784 in the SL, with out the 'several hundred' protectorates, however many that is, for something over 3 active FF warships per SL system, since the FF is the "neighborhood cop and enforcer".

Given refits at 15%, ships in transit to or from their respective stations, single ships could be the norm, though having pairs of ships or divisions shifting through a number of systems, as Dubroskaya's BC squadron was is probably preferred.

There is also the problem of ship class inflation; in SoS, SFtS until SoF etc, the largest force Thurgood had was a division of heavy cruisers, but his flagship and main force became BC's in SoF so as to be more impressive, though CA's would have far greater reasons to flee Tenth Fleet, but the FF BC's have been deeply diminished relative to the RMN's BC's despite the Gladiator CA's appearance in TSotS back in 2003.

The recent books have given the FF CA's the fewest ships in the various TF's, TG's FF contingents, but we don't know if all the BC's numbered were strictly from FF {ie part of BF], or demanded by BF because they see greater prestige in having more BC escorts etc, or that FF was able to argue successfully they needed the CA's to stay where they were, especially when taking so many BC's away from their respective sectors.

So for the above reasons I conclude FF has well over 8000 warships of roughly equal numbers of all 4 types, whose losses to the GA so far are only around 2.5% far less than BF's 25%, though I expect that to change rather soon when the GA visits all the FF bases in the not too distant future.

If there are only around 50 FF bases beyond the core, ie less than 40 LY's radius for each, though there might be another ~50 FF stations on the perimeter or boundary of the verge; then only a couple dozen or more TF's with just a pair of SDP's etc could easily deal with all of them rather quickly in a few month's, possibly faster given all the wormholes the RMN now controls.


PS: Then there's the question of what happened at Beowulf, any wish suggest how it went?
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by HungryKing   » Tue May 20, 2014 11:04 am

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@ J6P It is the RMN who are called BC nuts, and it is mentioned somewhere that the SLN has a similar view on BCs being the primary space control platform and also has lots of them, and also has the romantic view of BCs (thought this is probably FF only). So they are members by implication.
@ Lyonheart, the actual quote, which is HAE, is that the PRH's war machine was less than a quarter of size of the League Navy, and appears to be a peak strength value, i.e. before SVW. We are not informed what metric White Haven is using, it might be total active hull count, it might be a measure of the wall, count or mass, it might be a measure of capital ships, it might include Havenite fixed defenses, we just don't know. But this does mean that the ratio, whatever metric is being used, is probably between 20% and 24%.

As I mentioned FF is very rich in BCs, so much so that it was believed that lobbing FF's BCs at Manticore would overwhelm them, given that the same apparently would not have worked with SDs, that or Rampajet was unwilling to do so, suggests that there are at more BCs in FF, than there are SDs and BCs in BF, given that we also know that there are thousands of BCs in FF, the bad minimum number of FF BCs is 2400, and is probably around 2800, with an upper bound probably at 3000 (yes this means that FF may well be 1/3 BC), and as I pointed out FF also has massive numbers DDs. The RMN had a 3:5 CL:DD ratio in 1905, and the PN 4:7, FF likely has something in the range of 1:2, and note that I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt with regards to the ratio. I think that FF, as a whole is probably light on CA, though it is possible they might have about as many CAs as CLs. So using your number of ~7500 FF, though as I note the metric might be one of mass, (though with SLN SDs being lighter than PN SD this might cancel out), lets use 1/3 of FF is BC, and a 2:1:1 DD:CL:CA ratio. this makes it:
2500 BCs
1250 CAs
1250 CLs
2500 DDs

As for Thurgood having BCs, you do remember that they had requested reinforcements, and that Byng was assigned by the CNO, it would not surprise me to discover that, in addition to the very rapid dispatch of Byng, who did not actually replace Thurgood as Sector detachment commander and was decision of the CNO, that a bureaucracy like the SLN would also have sent the requested units (Byng was sent ASAP, Rajeni may have forgotten to cancel the request, that or since Byng was not sent out on a permanent basis, the request was also processed). For all we know those BCs were sent by CO FF after Byng left as a way to give the CNO the finger over his choice of Byng, discretely.
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by lyonheart   » Tue May 20, 2014 1:19 pm

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Hello HungryKing,

Thank you for the excellent post!

Thanks for the HAE reference, my books weren't that accessible at the moment.

Please permit me to make some small disagreements with some assumptions and or conclusions.

Regarding the relative size of the PRHN, my corrected figure of 9740 total active warships including 1840 for BF was 21.6%, nearly the middle of your estimate between 20-24%, keeping to just ships not system defenses because we have zilch for both the peep's and the SL.

I'm willing to believe BC's have been favored, but the jury is still out as to how many are actually FF.

Your numbers are quite possible, though I think 7500 is low given the recent textev of 8000+, so add several hundred more heavy and light cruisers [~500@?], and you might consider the standard 15% refit ratio in terms of how many squadrons on station that potentially provides for something like ~2475 BC's [2104 or 263 potentially full squadrons], ~1760 CA's [187 potentially full squadrons], 1760 CL's, and ~2475 DD's totaling ~8470 hyper warships [in 900 theoretically full squadrons].

Regarding Thurgood's BC flagship, it may be as you suggest; that fresh BC's arrived enabling him to shift his flag, but we don't have any textev for that; besides given he's a Commodore and the remaining BC squadron was commanded by a Rear Admiral Nelson IIRC, grabbing one or even a division to be his flagship etc is very unlikely.

We may see if RFC ever returns to these characters, which I'd like very much.

Thanks for a thoughtful helpful post.


HungryKing wrote:@ J6P It is the RMN who are called BC nuts, and it is mentioned somewhere that the SLN has a similar view on BCs being the primary space control platform and also has lots of them, and also has the romantic view of BCs (thought this is probably FF only). So they are members by implication.
@ Lyonheart, the actual quote, which is HAE, is that the PRH's war machine was less than a quarter of size of the League Navy, and appears to be a peak strength value, i.e. before SVW. We are not informed what metric White Haven is using, it might be total active hull count, it might be a measure of the wall, count or mass, it might be a measure of capital ships, it might include Havenite fixed defenses, we just don't know. But this does mean that the ratio, whatever metric is being used, is probably between 20% and 24%.

As I mentioned FF is very rich in BCs, so much so that it was believed that lobbing FF's BCs at Manticore would overwhelm them, given that the same apparently would not have worked with SDs, that or Rampajet was unwilling to do so, suggests that there are at more BCs in FF, than there are SDs and BCs in BF, given that we also know that there are thousands of BCs in FF, the bad minimum number of FF BCs is 2400, and is probably around 2800, with an upper bound probably at 3000 (yes this means that FF may well be 1/3 BC), and as I pointed out FF also has massive numbers DDs. The RMN had a 3:5 CL:DD ratio in 1905, and the PN 4:7, FF likely has something in the range of 1:2, and note that I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt with regards to the ratio. I think that FF, as a whole is probably light on CA, though it is possible they might have about as many CAs as CLs. So using your number of ~7500 FF, though as I note the metric might be one of mass, (though with SLN SDs being lighter than PN SD this might cancel out), lets use 1/3 of FF is BC, and a 2:1:1 DD:CL:CA ratio. this makes it:
2500 BCs
1250 CAs
1250 CLs
2500 DDs

As for Thurgood having BCs, you do remember that they had requested reinforcements, and that Byng was assigned by the CNO, it would not surprise me to discover that, in addition to the very rapid dispatch of Byng, who did not actually replace Thurgood as Sector detachment commander and was decision of the CNO, that a bureaucracy like the SLN would also have sent the requested units (Byng was sent ASAP, Rajeni may have forgotten to cancel the request, that or since Byng was not sent out on a permanent basis, the request was also processed). For all we know those BCs were sent by CO FF after Byng left as a way to give the CNO the finger over his choice of Byng, discretely.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Just how big is Frontier Fleet?
Post by SWM   » Tue May 20, 2014 1:27 pm

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The reference to the Havenite fleet being less than a quarter of the League's might be referring solely to Battle Fleet, and not including Frontier Fleet at all.
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