kzt wrote:Garth 2 wrote:doesn't seem like a short or long term solution. Not only is difficult to locate and attack ships in hyper space both sides vessels are optimised for n-space engagements and the SEM ships probably have the following advantages:
* larger gun decks (i.e. more guns)
* all Grasers load out
* more powerful Grasers (i.e. energy through put)
* more accurate Grasers (better sensors etc.)
* longer range Grasers (there must have been some improvements in this field)
* actively involved in a shooting war for the past several years and very well trained in convey tactics
Though an SEM ship would get hurt in a h-space, energy range engagement its very probable that the attackers would not be going home at all.
No, the SLN ships are notable much more loaded with energy weapons than the RMN. It's also not unlikely that they are better at using them then a comparable RMN ship, as people tend to practice the things they are good at. It's unclear what the heck a RHN SD looks like other then the pod bay.
Well I think this depends on the type of SD. Later classes of pre-podlaying SD's of the RMN and RHN almost certainly did have larger more powerful energy weapons batteries than SLN SD's. These vessels were built with years of experience of combat, were housed in larger more advanced vessels and were designed for exactly the same general combat environment as SLN SD's.
Podlaying SD's changed all of that. When SD's became capable of launching hundreds of missiles in a single salvo as compared to dozens, it fundamentally changed the basis of space combat.
SD's, DN's, even BB's are incredibly tough and are capable of shrugging off the kinds of salvo's possible using only internal launch tubes. pre-podlaying SD's also were designed in the days when SDM's were the best missile weaponry available. This allowed Capital ships the ability to cross through an enemy's missile engagement envelope to reach energy weapons range without necessarily incurring crippling damage in the process. SD's or this generation were designed to close to energy weapons range and let their heavy Grasers and Lasers decide the battle.
It is for this kind of combat that SLN SD's and pre-pod GA SD's were designed for.
However pod-laying changes all of that. It probably took some time for it to fully sink in but from this point onward it wasn't the Grasers of the fleet that mattered it was the vessel's ability to launch and control a "wall of missiles". MDM's also vastly extended the engagement range which meant that the distance an SD had to survive to bring it's energy weapons to bear became suicidally vast.
What this suggests is that newer SD's built as pod-layers probably do have energy weapons batteries but they are a secondary weapons system with have little chance of actually every being used against their intended targets, other capital ships.
This will have an impact on design. There are still uses for Gasers in a modern SD but the main target of these grasers will be LAC's, not other capital ships. What's needed against LAC's are not the huge SD killers but a larger number of smaller Grasers to be used for LAC defense.
You also aren't going to need to dedicate as much space and resources to these weapons as everything you use to support a Graser mount could also be used for additional CM or point defense laser clusters which are arguably a far more valuable use of space.
Manticorian Podlayers will probably still boast a reduced battery of very powerful Grasers, just in case, however it needs to be remembered that this is now a
secondary weapons system at best. In other words, the energy batteries of podlaying SD's is likely to be far less powerful overall than the batteries mounted in late non-podlaying designs and which will bring them much closer to parity with the energy weapons capabilities of SLN SD's.
In fact I think that it's highly likely that the energy batteries of RHN pod-layers are far more focused on LAC defense than their RMN counterparts. In order to attempt to keep up with the RMN or at least close the gap, RHN SD's are pod-laying specialists which carry very little that is not directly related to their ability to launch and controle MDM's in large quantities or defend against them. Further the primary RMN defense against LAC's are RMN LAC's however RHN LAC's are sufficiently advance to reliably stop RMN LAC incursions so RHN Capital Ships are more likely to have to mount a LAC defense. As such I would estimate that the Graser batteries on a RHN SD are composed of lighter Grasers more geared toward LAC engagments than to taking on other Capital Ships at close range.
What all of this means is that it is in energy weapon combat that SLN vessels have their best chance to take on GA vessels on something resembling equivalent terms.