n7axw wrote:This is just a guess. But I suspect that a Scientist class SD is probably the equivalent of an older Sphinx class. By the beginning of the first war with Haven, the Gryphons were the cutting edge for Manticore. We know that Technodyne was selling tech to Haven to keep Peeps within shouting distance of RMN. They never do catch Manties, so one wonders just how advanced pre-Buttercup Solly Tech actually was. Of course, they would have been selling Haven the export version had the transactions been completely above board. But they weren't completely legal given the embargo to which the Sollies assented to keep their junction fees from going through the roof. What that might mean is that those tech transfers would have included tech considerably better than normal League policy would have allowed, but still not on a par with Manticore's latest.
One comment about Stealth. Manty LACs are very capable. Against Solly sensors, Shrikes can probably get close enough to Solly BCs to hand the BCs their heads.
The Scientist Class is closer to a King William class SD or Majestic DN than a Sphinx.
Mass for mass, it is a match for a Bellerphon, Without the Manticorian Technologies.
From MoH:
The Scientists were 6.8 million-ton units with thirty-two missile tubes, twenty-four lasers, and twenty-six grasers in each broadside. That was a heavier—or, at least, more numerous—energy broadside than any modern Manticoran or Grayson superdreadnought would have mounted. On the other hand, they had only sixteen counter-missile tubes and thirty-two point defense stations in each broadside, whereas Artemis, although technically only a battlecruiser, had thirty-two CM tubes and thirty much heavier and much more capable point defense clusters. Even the Saganami-Cs had twenty tubes and twenty-four clusters in each broadside, and given the fact that Michelle Henke had absolutely no intention of straying into energy range of her opponents, that imbalance was just likely to prove fatal for Admiral Sandra Crandall.
So it has a lot of lasers and grasers, but their size is closer to what the RMN mounted in it's Relaint BCs in 1900 than what it mounted in it's Capitol ships. In addition, the PDs in the Scientists are the eequivalent to those in Sag-Cs (or worse).
Bellerophon's specs
Bellerophon-class dreadnought
Mass: 6,985,250 tons
Dimensions: 1293 × 187 × 175 m
Acceleration: 420.1 G (4.12 kps²)
80% Accel: 336.1 G (3.296 kps²)
Broadside: 33M, 15L, 18G, 24CM, 24PD
Chase: 7M, 2L, 3G, 8CM, 8PD
Number Built: 38
Service Life: 1900–1921.
Remember, the Bellerophon is considered 2/3rds of a Gryphon (and the last of the Sphinx class were almost identical to the Gryphons). Throw in the formed in place armor, larger lasers, grasers, and PDs and Manticore's advanced sensors and ECM, and a ~1900 Bellerophon is the hands down winner in a 1 on 1 with a Scientist.
The surviving Victories, Sphinx and Gryphons will have a hay-day tangling with Sollie Scientists.