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Nano tech and EoC Assassins

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Nano tech and EoC Assassins
Post by Alistair   » Sat May 03, 2014 3:16 am

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There has been some previous conversations both in the books and here about the wisdom of Charis taking out inconvenient people.

And on the whole for moral and practical reasons I support the de facto ban that Charis has on targeted killing of troublesome people.

One of the reasons that Charis doesn't say kill off the countess of Sway or her confessor is that it could cause more problems if it was even suspected that the Empress or Emperor was involved.

But thinking about the nano tech could it be possible for the nano tech to devise a cancer or another "naturally accuring" illness that kills off the target within a few months relatively humanely and to those out side the inner circle naturally?

If Nahman/Owl could deploy a cancer that was custom designed for a person it might give the inner circle another tool in the current war.

But if they could get such a tool should they use it?

after all they are the "good guys"
Re: Nano tech and EoC Assassins
Post by Randomiser   » Sat May 03, 2014 4:04 am

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Alistair wrote:There has been some previous conversations both in the books and here about the wisdom of Charis taking out inconvenient people.

And on the whole for moral and practical reasons I support the de facto ban that Charis has on targeted killing of troublesome people.

One of the reasons that Charis doesn't say kill off the countess of Sway or her confessor is that it could cause more problems if it was even suspected that the Empress or Emperor was involved.

But thinking about the nano tech could it be possible for the nano tech to devise a cancer or another "naturally accuring" illness that kills off the target within a few months relatively humanely and to those out side the inner circle naturally?

If Nahman/Owl could deploy a cancer that was custom designed for a person it might give the inner circle another tool in the current war.

But if they could get such a tool should they use it?

after all they are the "good guys"

1 sounds like a lot of effort for dubious return

2 RFC isn't going to go there, cf the discussion of the Final War in Cauldron of Ghosts

3 The real and much simpler solution to all such problems is that when people are convicted of treason their lands, titles and fortunes should be forfeit to the crown so that their heirs inherit squat and aren't in a position to trouble the Empire much. It also focusses the remaining nobles' minds somewhat. I can't think why it wasn't done before, it certainly should be next time.
Re: Nano tech and EoC Assassins
Post by BrightSoul   » Sat May 03, 2014 1:06 pm

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There's always various poisons that simulate heart failure or stroke if you really want to cross that line, especially in the case of persons such as Swale. They are in your nation and Merlin can get in and out of almost anywhere. Simply use the old drip poison down a thread onto the lips of the victim. potent enough venom doesn't take much and the natural sleep response would have the target licking their lips and ingesting it.
Re: Nano tech and EoC Assassins
Post by DrakBibliophile   » Sat May 03, 2014 4:42 pm


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Quote From Midst Toil and Tribulation

"I don’t think you have to worry about that, Merlin," Nahrmahn told him quietly. "On the other hand, I have to admit it got easier for me to justify ordering assassinations as I got … more practice at it." He twitched a shrug. "I still think it was actually a less bloody way of dealing with problems, but it does have a tendency to make you stop thinking about your targets as anything except targets".

End Quote

Of course, when sending out assassins Nahrmahn had to worry about "what if they get caught and talk".

Using the methods that you're talking about is "too easy". Any of the Inner Circle could, in theory, order such an assassination and Merlin or Nimue wouldn't have to do anything. Just use the remotes to poison your target.

As Nahrmahn admitted, the person ordering the assassination would stop thinking of the target as "people".

The easier it gets to order an assassination, IMO the reasons for the assassination likely get less important.

"You" start with assassinating people you strongly believe are traitors but sooner or later you order assassinations in order to purchase land for a lesser amount.

Of course, another reason for avoiding assassinations is that the death of the victim doesn't "work out like you planned".

IE you kill an important general but a better general takes his place.

No, IMO there are very good reasons for avoiding assassinations.

The idea that it's OK because the death looks natural doesn't make it a "Good Idea".

BrightSoul wrote:There's always various poisons that simulate heart failure or stroke if you really want to cross that line, especially in the case of persons such as Swale. They are in your nation and Merlin can get in and out of almost anywhere. Simply use the old drip poison down a thread onto the lips of the victim. potent enough venom doesn't take much and the natural sleep response would have the target licking their lips and ingesting it.
Paul Howard (Alias Drak Bibliophile)
Sometimes The Dragon Wins! [Polite Dragon Smile]
Re: Nano tech and EoC Assassins
Post by BrightSoul   » Sun May 04, 2014 7:51 pm

Rear Admiral

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Perhaps I was misunderstood. My primary point was if you are going to employ assassination why use nanotech? Natural toxins and Merlin's abilities would remove the need for anything as complex as nanotech.
Re: Nano tech and EoC Assassins
Post by DrakBibliophile   » Sun May 04, 2014 8:30 pm


Posts: 2311
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Location: East Central Illinois

Good Point.

Of course, with the remote units, the natural toxins could be applied without Merlin or Nimue entering the person's home.

BrightSoul wrote:Perhaps I was misunderstood. My primary point was if you are going to employ assassination why use nanotech? Natural toxins and Merlin's abilities would remove the need for anything as complex as nanotech.
Paul Howard (Alias Drak Bibliophile)
Sometimes The Dragon Wins! [Polite Dragon Smile]
Re: Nano tech and EoC Assassins
Post by Alistair   » Mon May 05, 2014 1:35 am

Rear Admiral

Posts: 1281
Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:48 am

I tend to agree that this is a line not worth crossing BUT if Charis did cross the line it does have some extra tools via the snarks etc

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