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The Honorverse Forum Wish List

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The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by roseandheather   » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:46 pm


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So, we all have things we really would like to see happen in upcoming books. Aside from watching the GA grind the MAlign under its collective boot heel, that is - I think that one's pretty much a given. :D

So, what would you like to see in upcoming Honorverse novels/anthologies? The reappearance of a particular favorite character? Interaction between two characters who haven't met before? Characters you want to see die a messy and painful death? Any or all of the above?

(Quick note: please don't use this thread to complain about things you haven't liked about recent books, in the vein of "the books were better when..." This isn't a thread for complaining, it's a thread for wishing. There are other places to complain if you feel the urge to do so.)

So, here goes:

1. Warner Caslet makes a reappearance. Preferably a spectacular one.

2. Augustus Khumalo and Estelle Matsuko wake up and smell the blooming love. (And thereupon I will mention romance no more for the rest of the thread.)

3. Sonja and Shannon meet, become instant BFFs and proceed to revolutionize technology everywhere with gay abandon. While being awesome and adorable.

4. Abigail Hearns gets her own command, and proceeds to win battles in the grand tradition of Honor's early days.

5. Eloise finds, if not happiness, at least closure and some sense of peace regarding The Event of Which We Do Not Speak, preferably with help from always-her-BFF Tom Theisman.

6. Lester Tourville gets to show what he can do against someone who's not Manticoran this time.

7. Havenite officers start turning up as loaners in the Grayson and Manticoran navies, and vice versa.

8. Jennifer Bellefeuille gets another chance to shine. Perhaps by teaming her up with Michelle Henke... sorry, let me wipe that drool up really quick...

9. Miss Midshipwoman Mayhew gets a chance to be just as awesome on her middie cruise as Misses Midshipwomen Harrington and Hearns were on theirs.


I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by Hutch   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:18 am

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roseandheather wrote:So, we all have things we really would like to see happen in upcoming books. Aside from watching the GA grind the MAlign under its collective boot heel, that is - I think that one's pretty much a given. :D

So, what would you like to see in upcoming Honorverse novels/anthologies? The reappearance of a particular favorite character? Interaction between two characters who haven't met before? Characters you want to see die a messy and painful death? Any or all of the above?

We've done this thread before, I think (and we'll probably do it again several times more until the next book comes out), but I don't think I've seen a list quite as complete as that, rose.

So my comments and maybe a few Wishes of my own:

So, here goes:

1. Warner Caslet makes a reappearance. Preferably a spectacular one.

With you 100% there. And I suspect with the next book to see a lot of old friends get in on the action.

2. Augustus Khumalo and Estelle Matsuko wake up and smell the blooming love. (And thereupon I will mention romance no more for the rest of the thread.)
:roll: 8-) :D Well, I think we on this fantasy...

3. Sonja and Shannon meet, become instant BFFs and proceed to revolutionize technology everywhere with gay abandon. While being awesome and adorable.
"gay" abandon? Slip of the tongue there, rose? ;) Seriously, I think the MWW has hinted that S&S will get along quite nicely, thank you (how nicely, MWW sayeth not)

4. Abigail Hearns gets her own command, and proceeds to win battles in the grand tradition of Honor's early days.
Maybe some years (and a couple of books down the road), but she's just to junior for that kind of advancement, IMHO.

5. Eloise finds, if not happiness, at least closure and some sense of peace regarding The Event of Which We Do Not Speak, preferably with help from always-her-BFF Tom Theisman.
It would be nice, but I think in making peace with Manticore she has made something of a closure, IMHO.

. Lester Tourville gets to show what he can do against someone who's not Manticoran this time.

Oh yeah. Big Time.

7. Havenite officers start turning up as loaners in the Grayson and Manticoran navies, and vice versa.
Could be, but the first dynamics will be various units working together--i.e., a Havenite SD squadron with a Manty CLAC Squadron on a combined mission (could include liaison officers). May be better set as a short story.

8. Jennifer Bellefeuille gets another chance to shine. Perhaps by teaming her up with Michelle Henke... sorry, let me wipe that drool up really quick...

There you go again... ;). But like Warner, I expect collapsing the SL and searching for the MAlignment will mean less talk and more action in the next book, and I'd like to see more of Ms. Bellefeuille myself.

9. Miss Midshipwoman Mayhew gets a chance to be just as awesome on her middie cruise as Misses Midshipwomen Harrington and Hearns were on theirs.
I smell a short story sometime in the future...

Well, if you'll team him up with one of my favorite 'hard luck' Admirals, I'll go along with that. Hmmmm..Allen Higgins and Geneviene does that grab you, rose?

A couple of mine for future wishes:

* Between Beowulf and Manty work, the Drs. Harrington are able to help both Emily walk and Nimitz 'speak' again.

* Admiral Pyun (from ART) is ordered by Commissioner Floyd to attack the Manties. Pyun declines and introduces the Governor to "Mr. Pulser", and proceeds to take over management of the quadrant.

* We see just how much the relationship between Raoul and the treecats has..developed as he begins to grow.

That's all I have for now.
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by Howard T. Map-addict   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:50 am

Howard T. Map-addict
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I'd like to see some Haven warships fighting against
Sollie warships. Let the Peeps have some fun!


roseandheather wrote:So, we all have things we really would like to see happen in upcoming books. Aside from watching the GA grind the MAlign under its collective boot heel, that is - I think that one's pretty much a given. :D

So, what would you like to see in upcoming Honorverse novels/anthologies? The reappearance of a particular favorite character? Interaction between two characters who haven't met before? Characters you want to see die a messy and painful death? Any or all of the above?
[snip - htm]
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by namelessfly   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:14 pm


4. Abigail Hearns gets her own command, and proceeds to win battles in the grand tradition of Honor's early days.

This would be my choice.

After her performance at Saltash Abby is inarguably on the fast track to command

I for see a scenario similar to SVW and MISS MIDSHIPWOMAN HARRINGTON in which her squadron of Rollands get suckered into a battle with SLN BCs or SDs that have upgraded their EW and gotten clever. After her Captain and XO are killed, she has defacto command of the squadron and pulls them out of a death ride.

Followed by a shower scene.
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by namelessfly   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:17 pm


3. Sonja and Shannon meet, become instant BFFs and proceed to revolutionize technology everywhere with gay abandon. While being awesome and adorable.
"gay" abandon? Slip of the tongue there, rose? Seriously, I think the MWW has hinted that S&S will get along quite nicely, thank you (how nicely, MWW sayeth not)

Can I watch?
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by roseandheather   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:11 pm


Posts: 2056
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:39 pm
Location: Republic of Haven

namelessfly wrote:3. Sonja and Shannon meet, become instant BFFs and proceed to revolutionize technology everywhere with gay abandon. While being awesome and adorable.
"gay" abandon? Slip of the tongue there, rose? Seriously, I think the MWW has hinted that S&S will get along quite nicely, thank you (how nicely, MWW sayeth not)

Can I watch?

Only if you leave room at the window for me too. :lol:

namelessfly wrote:

Followed by a shower scene.

....aaaand there it is. :roll: :mrgreen:

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by cthia   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:53 pm

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 14951
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I have lots of wishes. But just in case RFC is feeling, Christmasy, I'll just ask for one thing.

When it comes time for Mesa to pay the piper, I want Honor right there...playing the fiddle!

Edit: changed 'flute' to 'fiddle'. See Mara & friends, even I mess up American idioms! :P

Last edited by cthia on Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by csilkenat   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:19 pm

Lieutenant (Junior Grade)

Posts: 29
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1. Hemphill-Foraker singularity. Or, in the words of a poster that I am not currently able to find "watch the universe collapse in a singularity of lesbian nerd love."
2. Give the Solarian League a taste of their own medicine and drop ever SD that can be spared into orbitals around earth.
3. Give Honor one last giant fleet battle, preferably above Mesa and kill her off. In a suitably heroic fashion of course. (yes, I know that this is going to get me hated but I can just not see Honor going quietly off into retirement)
4. The beginnings of truly bringing the Talbott quadrant into the Manticoran Empire.
5. A more lasting edifice than the current alliance formed to provide a place for all factions to negotiate. Not to end war but to provide a neutral ground simply to talk.

edit. Apparently it is already fannon that the two of them are going to be lovers no matter what RFC does with the characters.
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by roseandheather   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:00 pm


Posts: 2056
Joined: Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:39 pm
Location: Republic of Haven

csilkenat wrote:1. Hemphill-Foraker singularity. Or, in the words of a poster that I am not currently able to find "watch the universe collapse in a singularity of lesbian nerd love."

That poster would be me, and you're very welcome! :mrgreen: (Also I am so right there with you.)

csilkenat wrote:2. Give the Solarian League a taste of their own medicine and drop ever SD that can be spared into orbitals around earth.

That.... would be incredibly satisfying. :twisted:

csilkenat wrote:3. Give Honor one last giant fleet battle, preferably above Mesa and kill her off. In a suitably heroic fashion of course. (yes, I know that this is going to get me hated but I can just not see Honor going quietly off into retirement)

I'm kind of actually with you on this one. I mean, I don't want Honor to die - at least not any time soon! - but you're right, I can't see her going quietly into retirement, either. She needs a blaze of glory. After all, she's basically the modern Edward Saganami or Ellen D'Orville, and D'Orville had a very long (for pre-prolong) and productive life before she went out in her blaze of glory...

csilkenat wrote:4. The beginnings of truly bringing the Talbott quadrant into the Manticoran Empire.

Accompanied by Dame Estelle kicking diplomatic arse all over the Empire! Good God yes please!!!

csilkenat wrote:5. A more lasting edifice than the current alliance formed to provide a place for all factions to negotiate. Not to end war but to provide a neutral ground simply to talk.

I think this is a bloody fantastic idea. Not that I have my doubts about the endurance of the Grand Alliance, but a neutral planet/system/space station that belongs to none of the participating nations when issues (because there will be issues in the future, even between star nations that are on the best of terms) arise and need to be settled.

csilkenat wrote:edit. Apparently it is already fannon that the two of them are going to be lovers no matter what RFC does with the characters.

Er... that may also be my fault. :oops: :mrgreen:

In all seriousness, though, I think it's a wonderful idea, and not for the reasons everyone's going to pin on me. (I doubt RFC is going to come poking around this particular thread, but if he does, here's my thinking.)

For one thing, there's been a bit of lamenting about the lack of prominent, openly gay characters, and while I'm totally on board with his decision not to do it simply as a case of tokenism (and as someone who is most definitely not straight, I think I have a bit more insight into the matter than the usual), Shannon and Sonja would be the perfect opportunity to give us a lesbian couple center stage.

They're both established characters, they have a tremendous amount in common, they're going to be working together for an extended period of time in very close and intense circumstances, and neither of them are on record as to sexual orientation. Their relationship would be a natural outgrowth of the story, not awkwardly jammed in to fill a "social correctness quota" - which I have seen done, and which is never any less painful to witness. And one of the main themes of the Honorverse is what people can accomplish for the sake of love. Take Eloise and Javier, for instance - if they hadn't felt about each other the way they did, the future of the Republic would have been very different. They accomplished something extraordinary in the name of love - who's to say Shannon and Sonja couldn't do the same?

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that, aside from my other pet pairing, they make more sense with each other than any other prospective relationship in the Honorverse, and believe me, I have at least a dozen I could write essays on about why they're suited for each other. So yes - I stand behind the idea of Shannon and Sonja together romantically, because they do make sense and because I think something even more wonderful than just a loving relationship could come out of it.

*sheepishly climbs off soapbox*

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: The Honorverse Forum Wish List
Post by Amaroq   » Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:19 pm

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namelessfly wrote:
I for see a scenario similar to SVW and MISS MIDSHIPWOMAN HARRINGTON in which her squadron of Rollands get suckered into a battle with SLN BCs or SDs that have upgraded their EW and gotten clever. After her Captain and XO are killed, she has defacto command of the squadron and pulls them out of a death ride.

Followed by a shower scene.

I like how the last line was so suavely slipped in there. Lol.
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