cthia wrote:Rose,
What on Earth err Manticore are you going to do if the movie tarnishes the personality of one or more of your babies? Or if chemistry reacts between two unwanted characters?
Cry a lot. But hopefully with RFC involved the personalities won't be tarnished
too much. *crosses fingers*
As to the other... with the exception of "Javier and Eloise with anyone but each other" and "Augustus and Estelle with anyone but each other", I don't
have unwanted characters as far as chemistry goes. Oh, the possibilities!!
cthia wrote:By the way. Thanks for your advice.
(Good luck with the in-laws! Here's some advice: nod, smile, give your opinion when asked, and otherwise keep your mouth shut and do whatever Gemma wants. Your job is to show up at the altar, look very impressed by the dress, and say the appropriate words. This is passed on not-quite-verbatim from my dad, who twenty-five years on seems to have had a bit of success with the whole 'marriage' thing.

Does Gemma have a twin? Almost exactly what she said. With a little "show your teeth a lot. Make sure you subtly comment on my mums attire."
How do you subtly comment?
Almost a week left. They are out shopping now. They hardly brought anything with them from England, but are going to take the entire mall back. In one big huge export!
Not a twin, but perhaps a much younger sister.

No wonder you're marrying her. She sounds like an eminently sensible and intelligent person. All the more reason to stay out of her way and let her handle things!
I've found you can't go wrong with, "You look lovely tonight, X." (But you might make a discreet enquiry to Gemma as to whether or not "ma'am" is acceptable...) If in doubt, have her tell you what to say.
Ah, shopping. When I was younger, my mom and I had to bring an extra suitcase on vacations just to fit everything we bought... and we were shopping in moderation!!