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Silverlode and serfs

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by MWadwell   » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:26 am

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n7axw wrote:
dwileye13 wrote:Serfs are available right now for immigration to Siddermark in the Northern (very depopulated) Provinces. That pool consists of the Harchong Army in the Border States.

The Offer for those serfs/soldiers is to come and have land and opportunity. It should be published on the broadsheets.
"Come and surrender your weapon, swear loyalty to the Republic and gain land and eventual Citizenship"

Siddermark would gain the people to repopulate the Northern Provinces, the IHA would lose soldiers & weapons. Freedom would be a powerful attraction.

Charis will not need an influx of serfs, Silverload should slowly develop the mining of precious metals and use those riches to fund war materials, provide investment capital and loans/aid for political gain.

I think this sounds a lot more practical than trying for mass immigration to Silverlode. There is a pretty steep cultural divide between Siddamark and Harchong, though. Managed well this can enrich both groups. Botched up, it could end up with a quite a bit of social unrest.


I agree, but there are a couple of problems....

The first is that some of these soldiers are already married, and even those that aren't will have some family back in Harchong. Getting these men to leave all that behind is going to be difficult.

The next is, that at the moment the Harchong serfs are strong believers in the Church. It is going to take some very bad behaviour from Clyntahn and a loss or two before any Harchongese are going to be willing to switch sides.

The last is, that the army is all male. While the fighting is going to produce a unbalanced male-female ratio, I don't know if Harchong defectors are going to make it unbalanced the other way.....

All in all, the idea has merit - but there are a couple of things that needs to happen before it becomes reality....

Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by n7axw   » Tue Apr 08, 2014 1:26 am

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Hi Peter,

I'm still trying to visualize your proposal to bring large numbers of people to Silverlode. Ok, there should be mining jobs available, probably not in the numbers needed for your project, but still jobs. Next, perhaps you could put people to work terraforming. That would have the advantage of providing as many jobs as you are willing to use the gold and silver to pay for. That works for the short to intermediate term.

But then what? Let's assume you completely terraform the island. What do you have? You still have all those folk stuck on an island with geography similar to Norway. Beautiful, I am sure, but not enough farm ground to feed the population, or for that matter to even come close. (There is a reason that such a healthy percentage of 19th century Norway's population ended up in U.S., by the way.)

I will grant that food can be imported, particularly with steam being introduced to Safehold. But that only works if you have a lot of other economic activity going on. In pre-electric societies, agriculture is the mainstay until there is a surplus of labor to man factories, the military, etc. That is a slow process. In fact the U.S. still had a majority of its people on the land well into the 20th century, long after she became a world class industrial power.

But Silverlode won't be able to do that. With as many people as you are talking about, you'd need the industrialization process pretty much right away. That takes markets, capital (l suspect well beyond the available gold), skilled labor. And we are talking about Harchongese serfs accustomed to subsistance farming.

In short, I still don't see how the idea is practical. Rather than being something that evolves naturally, what we are talking about here is a huge experiment in social engineering; one that would have the potential of going tragically wrong.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by DennisLee   » Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:26 am

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I don't think it is just Silverlode. Charis empire (and soon Sidermark) is rapidly industrializing. Where is that work force going to come from?
Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by lyonheart   » Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:59 am

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Hi Mwadwell,

First, Liverpool is 5000 km from the US/NYC, and 1.2 million immigrants was more than 1% of the the US population at the time, a remarkable figure of acceptance for any country at any time.

Secondly, while terraforming or consecrating Silverlode Island is a noble worthy goal, I thought all my references to terraforming or consecrating the Barren Lands along with Greentree and Westbreak Islands made it clear that was the homeland I expect for the liberated serfs NTM protected by the ICN.

This was primarily to get the annual immigrant numbers up considerably, while simultaneously and serendipitously avoiding all the various cultural or societal conflicts some have brought up. ;)

From the textev, the serfs are bought, worked and abused, families split etc; more akin to standard definitions of chattel slavery than any nonsense about fealty oaths regarding belonging to the land or owning it etc, for which there is absolutely no supporting textev in the Safehold series, so take up that definition argument with RFC.

I look forward to his response, either way. ;)

Getting as many out as soon as possible, especially young mothers and female children which are traditionally less valued, to reduce future generational increase, is a point I forgot to mention, so kudos again to PeterZ for that addition.

The 80-120 mile distance to Greentree and Westbreak islands means they are only 1-2 days away from Howard to the current ports etc, and could absorb millions of new colonists for quite some time, perhaps preparing the way for the 'great venture' of fully terraforming all the Barren Lands for the former serfs.

Are there going to be headaches with education and crime?

Of course, but there are also going to be magnificent accomplishments that are going to make the former serfs, their children, and grandchildren proud enough to pop their buttons every time they tell their story, because no one in generations has conquered or terraformed a continent, even a small one; even if it aggregates some 3-4 or 5-6 million square miles with the other islands worth the trouble with the current tech.

That pride will be crucial in building their national identity, that inner glow that will challenge everyone in the eye not to recognise their achievement.

This will take decades, possibly a couple of centuries to fully accomplish the 'consecration', even with tech improvements possible after the war in targeted herbicides and fertilizers, NTM far larger quantities, due to better identification and research thanks to the Imperial College, but it will happen.

Regarding the numbers of immigrants possible, even sailing ships ought to make one-way trips in 6-7 days from Northern Harchong, for round trips in about ~3 5days for up to 20 round trips a year.

Granted ships need annual refits, but for such short voyages 1-2000 passengers seem possible, and the number of Charisian galleon was only 22 short of 2/3 of all Safehold Oceanic galleons (4162) according to RFC's "Raw Meat For The Speculators" post almost 2 years ago (April 12, 2012): ie 2753 versus 1409 for the rest of Safehold, not including all the galleons added from Chisholm, Emerald, Zebediah, Corisande, and Tarot when they joined the EoC, nor the dozens if not hundreds built since the war started as replacements, NTM the Charisian galleons were already 38.8% larger; averaging over 1300 tons versus the non Charisian less than 937 tons displacement, which is why Charis had 73+% of the ocean going tonnage [4.9 MT] way back then.

While the initial steam and sail KH-VII design was a battleship, freighter versions without the armor or guns are likely, a sustained speed of 15-16 mph means trips from Northern Harchong, for example, could take only 4-5 days or so for 20+ round trips each per year with several thousand passengers each time, so a 100,000 immigrant ex-serfs per such steam freighter/passenger ship per year seems possible.

I'm quite sure such freighters or passenger liners would cost far less than high endurance armored cruisers at ~500K@ C-marks, and does anyone doubt Cayleb and Sharleyan or Archbishop Maikel and the CoC would buy dozens if not hundreds for so holy a purpose?

Regarding Silverlode, I expect there are plenty of current empire citizens who are willing to get paid terraforming the island, as well as making a fortune for their families for centuries at the same time, so I have no worries there, except when there is too much competition to feed the miners etc. ;)


MWadwell wrote:
PeterZ wrote:The US saw a peak of 1.2 million immigrants in 1907. The vast majority of them came from Europe. That's quite a bit of travel across the Atlantic. Charis could set up passage to Tarot and then to Silverlode. That is quite a bit shorter than crossing the Atlantic. I suspect coasters could make that trip. Passage from the Harchong for delivery to Siddermark is part of the price.

The population of Harchong is 194 million. If 120 million are in North Harchong and 40% of the population are under 30 years old, that implies about 24 million women in peak child bearing age. If Charis bribes the Harchong aristos to allow 8-10 million single Harchongese and another 2-5 million married women and their families, that's 12-15 million women. The total number of immigrants would be around 20-25 million with men and children. That's 2.5 million a year for 10 years and 1.5 million for 15-16 years.

After 10 years or so young Harchong men will have serious problems getting a wife. That will put even more stress on Harchong society.

The pool of available transports in 1907 are in the order or a magnitude (or more) greater then the pool of the available Chraisian ships. Not to mention the technological difference (steel steamers verse wooden sailing ships).

So Charis would be lucky to be able to transfer 100 000 a year - let alone 2.5 million.

Liverpool to New York is approximately 2500 km. From the bottom tip of South Harchong to Charis (via the Harthian Sea and the Sea of Justice is approximately 11000 km. Or over 4 times further.

So, to summarise, you think that a smaller merchant fleet, transporting over 4 times the distance, is going to be able to transfer the same number of people..... :lol:

Now let's look at the cultural side of things. You are proposing dropping 20-25 million people into a country with a population of 100 million. The social consequences of this would be disasterous!

How do you think America would cope, if it suddenly had over 70 million Mexiacans dropped into it? The lack of social integration would result in multiple subcultures existing, and end up with constant cultural warfare..... (Think of entire counties where your ethnic group cannot be seen in, and now think about it existing across the entire nation....)

Sorry, I think this entire idea is very bad, as well as unrealistic.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by PeterZ   » Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:13 am

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I do not recall that Silverlode was described as uniformally mountainous. Rather the island might well look like Charis and Margret's Land. The spine of the island is mountainous with sloped plains leading to the beach. Nothing in my recollection suggests that Silverlode, once terraformed, cannot support a population similar to Charis.

If it turns out that Silverlode is indeed more mountainous than either Charis or Margret's Land, that suggests other ores in those mountains than just Gold and Silver. Remember that Safehold is denser than Earth and therefore richer in metals. Mountains means the metal is easier to access.

Just how many immigrants will make the trip I'll address further down this post.


Of course RFC will write the story as he sees fit. I happen to think that the Inquisition is on its last legs, but of course I may be wrong. Regardless, based on that belief, I think that the warmer, fuzzier CoGA in the midst of a transformation will countenance the immigration of large numbers of people to consecrate more of Safehold.

Consecrate has such a holy sound to it, no? How can the Chruch in the throes of reform refuse a secular ruler's desire to finance the consecration of large portions of God's creation? They simply can't.

Lyonheart's comments regarding the Barren Lands strengthens the argument. I believe that consecrating and populating the Barren Lands will indeed draw the lion's share of freed serfs and slaves. One suspects that there are raw materials deposits available there.

I still believe that the first priority is to bring immigrants to Silverlode and then Charis proper. The second priority would be to send immigrants to Siddermark. How many going to Charis does depend just how much infrastructure can be built to support the process. So the total amount of potential immigrants brought in would indeed be much smaller than my earlier musings. Regardless of just how many, increasing the population of Charis quickly is the best way to increase productivity to fully take advantage of the greater amount of currency that will be in circulation.


Your point is well taken. Charis has a massive potential influx of gold and silver. That is the purest fuel for inflation. Cayleb either has to slowly increase circulation or quickly increase the population that can be most productive to avoid nasty bouts of inflation. Taking labor from the least productive societies and transferring that labor to the most productive societies strikes me as the best way to jump start Safehold's economy.

I would also like to emphasize that by buying immigrants, Cayleb will be infusing a massive amount gold and silver throughout Safehold. The great magnates who control the serfs and own the slaves will get their bribes, the barge owners and workers will get paid, the food vendors all along the transport route will sell more food and all sorts of support folks that i can't even envision will see greater demand for their goods and services. The money will flow everywhere and cause stress everywhere. Those nations that can adapt will prosper and those that can't will flounder. But in any case industrializaion moves forward more quickly.


Yours is the most potent argument against doing this. Even so, I believe that even with your concerns circumstances will result in more people finding greater opportunity as people will be valued more and more. Yes, ne'er-do-wells will kidnap people to sell. I doubt Charisian agents will pay for unwilling people. If a serf refuses to accept the freedom and land Charis offers, he can return home. If a freeman is taken, he has the option of returning home or taking Cahris' offer. I suspect that such instances mean the selling agent would no longer be on the approved list to do business with.

I agree these are bandages and abuses will be rampant. Yet, how much worse if at all are the potential abuses for this project that is currently suffered by Harchong serfs and Desnari slaves? You are right, the idea of slavery can only be defeated by a moral argument in a muscle powered economy. There are economic arguments against it in a powered industrial economy. Facilitating the transformation into such an powered economy is the best way to ensure serfdom and slavery dies quickly.

To summarize

Silverlode's wealth will be Safehold's greatest opportunity as well as a great potential threat. Pumping that wealth into the economies of Safehold will force the types of changes that Inner Circle wants. Increasing productivity will mitigate the worst of the threats that wealth represents. Massive immigration to more productive societies will allow more of the Silverlode wealth to be put in play. Using that wealth to finance the immigration would be the best way to ensure wide distribution of the Silverlode welath infustion. In all, I believe Lyonheart's plan has merrit but I would alter his focus a tad.
Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by Boronian   » Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:50 pm

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eldrwyrm wrote:Two points, one of which has already been brought up. A serf is not a slave. Serfs are people bound to the land and oaths of fealty to their lord, but they are not property which can be bought and sold.

There are differences between slaves and serfs, that is correct. Being a serf usually was a better fate than being a slave. The serf could appeal for justice to his lord and he had old customary rights not like slaves.

But the Russian serf was not bound to his land and he was property of his lord thus he could be sold, given away as a present or lost in a bet.
I know there are many different kind of slaves and serfs but the people here usually talk about the Russian serfs. I at least have this impression.
Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by phillies   » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:27 pm


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I am indeed considering Russian Serfs as seen in Gogol's novel. They were indeed salable.

However, I have an alternative solution, if Charis wins and has the money. Buy the serfs and their estate. Pay the nobles well. Leave the serfs in place. Edcucate them in place about being farmers, craftsmen, etc., which they already are. Give them a reasonable Freedman's bonus over the next decade, and note that they now own many of the productive resources, so the money is flowing to them. They already know their current jobs.

Boronian wrote:
eldrwyrm wrote:Two points, one of which has already been brought up. A serf is not a slave. Serfs are people bound to the land and oaths of fealty to their lord, but they are not property which can be bought and sold.

There are differences between slaves and serfs, that is correct. Being a serf usually was a better fate than being a slave. The serf could appeal for justice to his lord and he had old customary rights not like slaves.

But the Russian serf was not bound to his land and he was property of his lord thus he could be sold, given away as a present or lost in a bet.
I know there are many different kind of slaves and serfs but the people here usually talk about the Russian serfs. I at least have this impression.
Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by MWadwell   » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:26 pm

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G'Day Lyonheart,

I've stated before that I find this idea unrealistic, and I still believe that.

Let's look at this again:

You're advocating the immigration of 25 million serfs over 10 years - or approximately 2% of Charis's population per year. And yet this is double the US's figure - which you have stated as "a remarkable figure".

And you've yet to explain how Charis is to avoid the problems of cultural assimilation, or even where these new citizens will live (as the Silverlode Island isn't yet terraformed), how they will be fed (as a lot of food is required to supplement Siddarmark's lost food production), or even how they will be paid for (as the gold and silver is still under the ground).

Similarly, you've yet to explain how the migrants will get from Greentree and Westbreak islands to Silverlode Island (or indeed, any of the Empire of Charis's islands)- and the idea that they can be sailed over 10 000 miles from Westbreak Island to Charis in less than 6 months is ridiculous. (For example, it took the First Fleet 250 days to sail the 11 000 miles from England to Australia).

Bearing in mind that each ship is going to be able to carry ~500 passengers, you are advocating using a LOT of Charis's merchant marine to do this. (For example, the "Clyde", a 1800 ton transport ship could only carry between 600 and 700 indian indentured servants to British colonies - so a smaller ship (like the average 1300 ton Charisian galleon) is going to be able to carry ~500).

In fact, let's consider exactly how many ships this will require. The journey is (say) 250 days. It will take them ~30 days to load and unload at each end. Assuming that the return journey is empty (and so no lost time loading and unloading the return cargo), a round trip will take 310 days. So you should be able to fit in 1.2 trips a year from Westbreak Island to Charis. Each ship carries 500 passengers, and so will carry 600 passengers per year. And so, to transport 2 million people per year from Westbreak Island to Charis will take 3 333 galleons - or over 600 more then the entire Charisian merchant marine!!!!

So while your idea sounds like a great idea, once you have a look at the cold, hard facts, it is revealed to be utterly impractical.


lyonheart wrote:Hi Mwadwell,

First, Liverpool is 5000 km from the US/NYC, and 1.2 million immigrants was more than 1% of the the US population at the time, a remarkable figure of acceptance for any country at any time.

Secondly, while terraforming or consecrating Silverlode Island is a noble worthy goal, I thought all my references to terraforming or consecrating the Barren Lands along with Greentree and Westbreak Islands made it clear that was the homeland I expect for the liberated serfs NTM protected by the ICN.

This was primarily to get the annual immigrant numbers up considerably, while simultaneously and serendipitously avoiding all the various cultural or societal conflicts some have brought up. ;)

From the textev, the serfs are bought, worked and abused, families split etc; more akin to standard definitions of chattel slavery than any nonsense about fealty oaths regarding belonging to the land or owning it etc, for which there is absolutely no supporting textev in the Safehold series, so take up that definition argument with RFC.

I look forward to his response, either way. ;)

Getting as many out as soon as possible, especially young mothers and female children which are traditionally less valued, to reduce future generational increase, is a point I forgot to mention, so kudos again to PeterZ for that addition.

The 80-120 mile distance to Greentree and Westbreak islands means they are only 1-2 days away from Howard to the current ports etc, and could absorb millions of new colonists for quite some time, perhaps preparing the way for the 'great venture' of fully terraforming all the Barren Lands for the former serfs.

Are there going to be headaches with education and crime?

Of course, but there are also going to be magnificent accomplishments that are going to make the former serfs, their children, and grandchildren proud enough to pop their buttons every time they tell their story, because no one in generations has conquered or terraformed a continent, even a small one; even if it aggregates some 3-4 or 5-6 million square miles with the other islands worth the trouble with the current tech.

That pride will be crucial in building their national identity, that inner glow that will challenge everyone in the eye not to recognise their achievement.

This will take decades, possibly a couple of centuries to fully accomplish the 'consecration', even with tech improvements possible after the war in targeted herbicides and fertilizers, NTM far larger quantities, due to better identification and research thanks to the Imperial College, but it will happen.

Regarding the numbers of immigrants possible, even sailing ships ought to make one-way trips in 6-7 days from Northern Harchong, for round trips in about ~3 5days for up to 20 round trips a year.

Granted ships need annual refits, but for such short voyages 1-2000 passengers seem possible, and the number of Charisian galleon was only 22 short of 2/3 of all Safehold Oceanic galleons (4162) according to RFC's "Raw Meat For The Speculators" post almost 2 years ago (April 12, 2012): ie 2753 versus 1409 for the rest of Safehold, not including all the galleons added from Chisholm, Emerald, Zebediah, Corisande, and Tarot when they joined the EoC, nor the dozens if not hundreds built since the war started as replacements, NTM the Charisian galleons were already 38.8% larger; averaging over 1300 tons versus the non Charisian less than 937 tons displacement, which is why Charis had 73+% of the ocean going tonnage [4.9 MT] way back then.

While the initial steam and sail KH-VII design was a battleship, freighter versions without the armor or guns are likely, a sustained speed of 15-16 mph means trips from Northern Harchong, for example, could take only 4-5 days or so for 20+ round trips each per year with several thousand passengers each time, so a 100,000 immigrant ex-serfs per such steam freighter/passenger ship per year seems possible.

I'm quite sure such freighters or passenger liners would cost far less than high endurance armored cruisers at ~500K@ C-marks, and does anyone doubt Cayleb and Sharleyan or Archbishop Maikel and the CoC would buy dozens if not hundreds for so holy a purpose?

Regarding Silverlode, I expect there are plenty of current empire citizens who are willing to get paid terraforming the island, as well as making a fortune for their families for centuries at the same time, so I have no worries there, except when there is too much competition to feed the miners etc. ;)

Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by PeterZ   » Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:00 am

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I wonder Lyonheart, if Cayleb will build troopships if there is a negotiated peace with the CoGA? Build the ships to move lots of troops quickly but use them during the peace/cease fire to move immigrants. How many troops might a 15,000 ton steamship transport? 2,000-3,000 perhaps. Take the immigrants from the ports of North Harchong to Port Salthar and/or the Barren Lands. Desnari slaves from Desnair the City to Charis or Margaret's Land.

How many troop ships would the ICN like to have access to? 10, 20 perhaps more? Would it make sense to move immigrants during peace time? I think it would.
Re: Silverlode and serfs
Post by lyonheart   » Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:53 am

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Hi Mwadwell,

I'm sorry, but where did you get the impression I meant to ever move so many to Silverlode or Charis?

I never gave any such figure, so your 25 million is quite a puzzle to me, let alone the rest of your argument.

Perhaps you're confusing me with PeterZ, which I'll take as a compliment, despite how often we've disagreed on threads here. ;)

There may be secondary migration movement, but I have no intention that it be subsidized like the primary exodus.

As I stated last time, I expect the empire's own population to provide all the Silverlode colonists needed.

Among other things they can get there much more quickly, ie within 5days after its announced.

By the way, since Silverlode is more than half the size of Australia, ie its probably somewhere between 1.6-2 million square miles, while the mountainous region is only 70% larger than Texas, or just 457,000 square miles or only about a quarter of that territory.

I do expect Charis to have an 'open door', but the fact that there are already towns on Greentree Island and the Barren Lands themselves [on the online map] indicate the work of consecration has already begun, so expanding it once the war is over shouldn't be too difficult, especially with steam powered machinery to help, and if a third of the increasingly obsolete Charisian sailing ships are used for sailing freed serfs to their new homes, starting with Greentree, Westbreak and the consecrated portion of the Barren Lands, plus the ICN's steam transport ships plus dozens if not a couple hundred new built ones ordered for this crusade over the early post war years that take up the burden as the sailing ships are retired, which incidentally helps lower the price for other purchasers, then potentially 20-30 or more million ex-serfs could be delivered to their promised land(s) annually.

again, I don't expect all serfs to be bought, rather when only around 50% are left in-country, the demand for labor should improve their condition naturally.

Given how often slaves have been considered economic burdens on their societies, there will be many masters willing to sell, the primary target is Harchong, especially the northern Harchong, with the more than the rest NTM where the treatment seems the worst, and achieving societal surprise the most critical.

Reuniting the turned GHoGatA soldiers with their families would obviously be the first priority, who could easily be offered to homestead abandoned farmland in Siddarmark or the soon-to-be vacated Border States, Temple Lands etc.

Aside: Among the societal impacts to consider during the early post war era will be the millions of TL's fleeing west from Siddarmark [up to 60 million?], and the non serf populations of the Border States (~20M), Dohlar (18M), and the eastern temple lands (9M), for 107M without trying to figure how many Silkians would leave, and how many serfs would also prefer to refuse their freedom if given by heretics, etc.

Given the middle class nature of the Siddarmark refugees, as well as many of the Border States, Dohlar etc; assimilating them into Harchong or the temple lands might be very awkward as they'll expect to be treated like full citizens very quickly, which will be fun to watch. ;)

Sodar, and Delferahk are obviously the lowest priority, though many may bought there soon anyway.

I hope this helps further explain where I think such a plan could go.

Your additional ideas will be appreciated.


[quote="MWadwell"]G'Day Lyonheart,

I've stated before that I find this idea unrealistic, and I still believe that.

Let's look at this again:

You're advocating the immigration of 25 million serfs over 10 years - or approximately 2% of Charis's population per year. And yet this is [b]double[/b] the US's figure - which [i]you[/i] have stated as "a remarkable figure".

And you've yet to explain how Charis is to avoid the problems of cultural assimilation, or even where these new citizens will live (as the Silverlode Island [i]isn't yet terraformed[/i]), how they will be fed (as a lot of food is required to supplement Siddarmark's lost food production), or even how they will be paid for (as the gold and silver is [i]still under the ground[/i]).

Similarly, you've yet to explain how the migrants will get from Greentree and Westbreak islands to Silverlode Island (or indeed, [i]any[/i] of the Empire of Charis's islands)- and the idea that they can be sailed over 10 000 miles from Westbreak Island to Charis in less than 6 months is ridiculous. (For example, it took the First Fleet 250 days to sail the 11 000 miles from England to Australia).

Bearing in mind that each ship is going to be able to carry ~500 passengers, you are advocating using a LOT of Charis's merchant marine to do this. (For example, the "Clyde", a 1800 ton transport ship could only carry between 600 and 700 indian indentured servants to British colonies [url][/url] - so a smaller ship (like the average 1300 ton Charisian galleon) is going to be able to carry ~500).

In fact, let's consider exactly how many ships this will require. The journey is (say) 250 days. It will take them ~30 days to load and unload at each end. Assuming that the return journey is empty (and so no lost time loading and unloading the return cargo), a round trip will take 310 days. So you should be able to fit in 1.2 trips a year from Westbreak Island to Charis. Each ship carries 500 passengers, and so will carry 600 passengers per year. And so, to transport 2 million people per year from Westbreak Island to Charis will take 3 333 galleons - or over 600 [i]more[/i] then the entire Charisian merchant marine!!!!

So while your idea sounds like a great idea, once you have a look at the cold, hard facts, it is revealed to be utterly impractical.


[quote="lyonheart"]Hi Mwadwell,

First, Liverpool is 5000 km from the US/NYC, and 1.2 million immigrants was more than 1% of the the US population at the time, a remarkable figure of acceptance for any country at any time.

Secondly, while terraforming or consecrating Silverlode Island is a noble worthy goal, I thought all my references to terraforming or consecrating the Barren Lands along with Greentree and Westbreak Islands made it clear that was the homeland I expect for the liberated serfs NTM protected by the ICN.

This was primarily to get the annual immigrant numbers up considerably, while simultaneously and serendipitously avoiding all the various cultural or societal conflicts some have brought up. ;)

From the textev, the serfs are bought, worked and abused, families split etc; more akin to standard definitions of chattel slavery than any nonsense about fealty oaths regarding belonging to the land or owning it etc, for which there is absolutely no supporting textev in the Safehold series, so take up that definition argument with RFC.

I look forward to his response, either way. ;)

Getting as many out as soon as possible, especially young mothers and female children which are traditionally less valued, to reduce future generational increase, is a point I forgot to mention, so kudos again to PeterZ for that addition.

The 80-120 mile distance to Greentree and Westbreak islands means they are only 1-2 days away from Howard to the current ports etc, and could absorb millions of new colonists for quite some time, perhaps preparing the way for the 'great venture' of fully terraforming all the Barren Lands for the former serfs.

Are there going to be headaches with education and crime?

Of course, but there are also going to be magnificent accomplishments that are going to make the former serfs, their children, and grandchildren proud enough to pop their buttons every time they tell their story, because no one in generations has conquered or terraformed a continent, even a small one; even if it aggregates some 3-4 or 5-6 million square miles with the other islands worth the trouble with the current tech.

That pride will be crucial in building their national identity, that inner glow that will challenge everyone in the eye not to recognise their achievement.

This will take decades, possibly a couple of centuries to fully accomplish the 'consecration', even with tech improvements possible after the war in targeted herbicides and fertilizers, NTM far larger quantities, due to better identification and research thanks to the Imperial College, but it will happen.

Regarding the numbers of immigrants possible, even sailing ships ought to make one-way trips in 6-7 days from Northern Harchong, for round trips in about ~3 5days for up to 20 round trips a year.

Granted ships need annual refits, but for such short voyages 1-2000 passengers seem possible, and the number of Charisian galleon was only 22 short of 2/3 of all Safehold Oceanic galleons (4162) according to RFC's "Raw Meat For The Speculators" post almost 2 years ago (April 12, 2012): ie 2753 versus 1409 for the rest of Safehold, not including all the galleons added from Chisholm, Emerald, Zebediah, Corisande, and Tarot when they joined the EoC, nor the dozens if not hundreds built since the war started as replacements, NTM the Charisian galleons were already 38.8% larger; averaging over 1300 tons versus the non Charisian less than 937 tons displacement, which is why Charis had 73+% of the ocean going tonnage [4.9 MT] way back then.

While the initial steam and sail KH-VII design was a battleship, freighter versions without the armor or guns are likely, a sustained speed of 15-16 mph means trips from Northern Harchong, for example, could take only 4-5 days or so for 20+ round trips each per year with several thousand passengers each time, so a 100,000 immigrant ex-serfs per such steam freighter/passenger ship per year seems possible.

I'm quite sure such freighters or passenger liners would cost far less than high endurance armored cruisers at ~500K@ C-marks, and does anyone doubt Cayleb and Sharleyan or Archbishop Maikel and the CoC would buy dozens if not hundreds for so holy a purpose?

Regarding Silverlode, I expect there are plenty of current empire citizens who are willing to get paid terraforming the island, as well as making a fortune for their families for centuries at the same time, so I have no worries there, except when there is too much competition to feed the miners etc. ;)

Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!

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