Quite right and kudos for some excellent points.
The safety features came only after painful experience and were unlikely to have been mentioned in the general descriptions.
A couple of nits, first what the Rakurai got were written descriptions of the principles of how steam engines work, not any plans or diagrams, so the pitfalls you mention are more than likely, if not inevitable.
The Go4's first steam engine experiments are as others have suggested probably going to be small, low pressure (only slightly greater than atmospheric pressure) low power (I've suggested they may only be around half a dragon power)
packhunter wrote:Charis has an entire feild of study devoted to presure at their university. They have developed a basic understanding of the science involved. Even so and with OWL checking on the parts that first industrial sized Steam engine had the potential to explode. Charis has had no such problems as of yet because the people responsable have the foreknowledge necesary to avoid catastrophy.
Know imagine the church tech gurus look at these steam engine plans. Figure its to complex so they try to do something simpler. Ok but what happens when they forget to add things like presure release valves. Or don't know how strong to make particular parts that are under presure because they don't have any knowledge about what kind of bad things can go wrong. How many people are going to die when these things explode?
If anyone's been keeping up with the 1632 universe there was a secene where some sabotures basically put a bomb in a steam engines fire box. THey figured it was going to go bomb and seriously mess things up. Unfortunatly they were still in the danger close area when all that presurized steam was released. They died Horribaly as did several hundred others. More would have died if they'd rushed into that accident cite to help if an up-timer conversant with steam accidents hadn't stoped them.
So now back to Safehold how many massive industrial style accidents are going to happen in Clynthian's drive to aquire a steam engine? Now compare that to the lack of any accidents amoungst the Charisians. People are going to be woundering on what God really approves. Or on who Shan Wei is offering a helping hand too.