eldrwyrm wrote:Bruno Behrends wrote:I like it that Nimue is back in the story.
I also like the way Merlin is more and more being weighed down by the awful things he has to do. That makes the character more believable and opens up possibilities for story development.
I think that it is appropriate for Merlin to carry a certain weight of guilt, and I appreciate and applaud the decision not "weigh Nimue down" with his own issues. However, reading that scene at the end of MTaT just made me want to say, "F***ing man up. Yes it sucked. Yes, you had to do it. Yes, they were non-military targets. If you hadn't done it, half of your army would be suffering the punishment of Schuler by next spring. Now, go get it stuck in somewhere and quit your whining."
Maybe I've been reading too much John Ringo.