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The Secret to over 100 lbs weight loss | |
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Posts: 1522
First, this is not an add selling the reader something. Second, this is small account of myself going from 300 lbs to 185 lbs. The first is an approximate weight to my actual current weight. My purpose is not to denigrate anyone but help and inspire others. I have no actual pictures of when I weighed 300 lbs because frankly I was ashamed of how I looked and refused to have pictures taken of myself. My closet picture was work picture id photo's.
Nobody made me fat except myself. I was in a bad relationship and how I handled the stress was to eat improperly. Junk food was my friend whenever bad things occurred. Part of the condition of being fat was a victim mindset. I eat to make myself feel better but I would then eventually feel bad because I was gaining weight. About a year and half ago to two years ago, I woke up all alone and tried to tie my shoes. Needless to say, I hardly could tie my shoes because of weight. That same week...I saw article on the Internet about weight loss. The summary of the article was that eating less calories a person will lose weight. This prospective doctoral student in nutrition lost 37 lbs in 6 months by eating nothing but junk food. He had up to 5 meals a day that equaled 2000 calories a day. His good cholesterol went up and his bad cholesterol went down. A person should eat at least 1500 to 2000 calories a day. The reason is not to upset a person's metabolism. At a 1000 calories, the body believes it's in starvation mode and the body responds by storing all calories as fat because of a lack of food. So, please try to eat at least 1500 calories a day. When I started, all I did was carry around a notebook and record what and how much I ate for a week. Then I went and computed how many calories per day was I eating. I was averaging 3000 calories per day. Oopps! So, I started to cut my calories but I hardly lost any weight. Then about 2 to 3 weeks in, I started losing weight, At the same time, I started giving up alcohol, sodas, and coffee. During the day, I would carry a 3-quart water bottle. The goal was to drink 2 to 3 3-quart bottles of water. The water is like oil to the body. All my creaks in my body started to disappear. Now, be careful because one day I drank about 6 quarts of water that and I felt like I was dehydrated. I got sick and threw up. I believe I had water poisoning. Translated, I drank too much water (enough of the warning). After about 3 to 6 months of eating about 2000 calories per day, I weight about 245 lbs. After a year, my weight had settled to 200-210 lbs. My weight varied on what I was eating and when I weighed myself. The second phase of diet plan began to take shape. I had been altering my dietary habits and decided that I needed some individual personal changes. Why did I not like myself? Oh Lord, that was one big topic that personally extremely pain-full but in the long run was the most gratifying. I had a host of bad habits that needed to be corrected. The biggest self-improvement was adopting my own personal code of honor. I came back into a relationship with God. Along with a spiritual reawakening, I had auto accident that should have killed me but I totaled my vehicle but I walked away with only skin abrasion on my left arm in the sign of a cross. During the accident, I remember floating above my body watching the accident after I plowed into trailer that a dump truck was pulling for the Texas highway department. The clouds stared spinning so fast that it formed a tunnel or gateway that was made of light. I can't explain it other than the atoms or photons were moving so fast that it produced a light at the end which was gateway. Time does not exist like it does here on Earth. I remember less than 1 percent of the conversation but I felt a pain that had been in my soul for 30 years leave me. It was a spiritual intervention caused by myself because I had lost the will to live. I could not get past this pain in my soul. I would start to get ahead in life and subconsciously I would sabotage my life. When I came back, I awoke in the car and people were startled because they been banging my window. I had my head against the side of the window. They thought I was dead due to the condition of the vehicle. I remember the Texas Department of Safety officer interviewing me about what happened. He looked me into my eyes and knew and I mean knew what had occurred. (For all the Atheists, you can not prove or disprove that God is in or part of the Universe. I had experience that profoundly changed me and if you don't agree please keep to yourself because it happened to me and it made me a better person.) I consciously chose to walk in the light and choose to do right. I had a job that basically required me to lie(I knew I was lying.) It was a tech support job for a telephone company. I quietly started looking for a better job and found it within a couple of weeks. (Please don't quit one job until a person finds another job.)(At this point, I'm going to stop because something in me needs to be written down but I don't how or what to write currently.) |
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Re: The Secret to over 100 lbs weight loss | |
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Posts: 689
First of all, congratulations on getting yourself out of a bad spot. "How" you did it is perhaps less important than the fact that you took action and followed through, but regardless, congratulations.
For people who may be in a similar situation (even if less extreme), perhaps the best way to reduce weight and improve your health without too much effort is to simply reduce the amount of simple starches and carbohydrates in your diet. White bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and so on is not your friend. You don't have to quit cold turkey (and from a practical point of view, it would be almost impossible anyway), but reduce the size of your servings at meals, and take careful notes on what you really are eating (I got a huge surprise wham I took notes, since the small "snacks" between meals turned out to be huge offenders). As a guest you can decline extra servings or ask your host for only a small scoop of potatoes (for example), and at a restaurant you can simply stop after eating a spoonful of the starches. Couple this with some moderate exercise (a walk around the neighbourhood with your family is a good start) and you are well on your way! |
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WOW!! WOW!!! WOW!!! | |
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HB of CJ
Posts: 707
Congratulations and thank you. I am an old coot and about 50 pounds over weight. Your short story is a real treat....thank you. In my case, the same old reasons ...eating too much bad stuff and not enough good stuff and not exercising at all.
Well....corrective SX solved most of the non exercise excuses and since the first of the year 2014 the diet and exercise program are on track. Lost only 4 pounds in January, but it is a good start. You need to write a book. HB of CJ (old coot) |
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Re: WOW!! WOW!!! WOW!!! | |
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Posts: 1522
First of all, kudos too you for taking control of life. My answer is to control my life, my stress, and personal spiritual/physical development. I can only control myself and no else. It makes so much easier on me not to worry about things that are outside of my control. I want to congratulate you on the weight loss and exercise. Second, I hope you continue this path and maybe just document your experiences as you walk this road because the results are glorious and exciting. My one regret is not documenting the day to day walk. It would be cool to watch the development and change physically, mentally and spiritually in my life. Have smaller goals of ten pounds at a time. It's path we take to get to our goal(s) that make life worth living.
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Re: The Secret to over 100 lbs weight loss | |
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Posts: 2634
Congratulations on the weight loss, and the healthier you you have become. I know weight loss isnt easy, especially with all the 'diets' and pills that are supposed to help, but only make things worse, being shoved in your face by the media and companies. I thing I always try to remember to help me keep a straight face in front of those adovocating a wonder diet is: GIGO (Garbage in, garbage out).
As you found, all you need to do is not eat exclusive diets, merely reduce overall intake of food. however, dont do what the doctoral student did. its a short term weight loss, but the potential for worse medical conditions later on in life, or even shortly after you start losing weight, due to nutritional imbalances in your food intake. Speaking as someone who has multiple family members who are RN's, and a Midwife mum who has to warn most of her clients about dieting after birth, this can seriously screw you over. `
![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ its not paranoia if its justified... ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
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Re: The Secret to over 100 lbs weight loss | |
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Posts: 1522
I was at work on Sunday Night and noticed someone that was friend casually here at work. We said each said "Hi!" and made small talk before returning to our work areas or workstations. So, I'm working and thinking about life. Out of the blue, I get hit with a message to talk to this guy about weight loss and exercise. This emotional message just hit me like a ton of bricks because I'm a little embarrassed about talking to someone about exercise and weight loss. I used to so sensitive about my weight and appearance; as a result, I'm very hesitant about discussing weight issues because of this holy spirit message I went and talked to him. So, I flat out told him that I was given an emotional type of message that he must exercise and change his dietary habits now to avoid problems down the road. This guy is one of the rising "stars" within the company. My job could be gone in seconds if he was unhappy. Luckily for me, he had just started an exercise program and admitted that he was having a hard time changing his food habits. In my prayer and meditation sessions, I asked God to use me to help other people in their spiritual journey. In conclusion, I think I was being tested whether or not to help another human being regardless of the circumstances and consequences to myself and family.
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Re: The Secret to over 100 lbs weight loss | |
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Posts: 1522
The last of the belly fat must go. My ab's are like steel but I still have a healthy amount of body fat covering my mid-section.
So, my attempt to rectify this problem is many fold. I am going to record my initial blood sugar level, my ph balance, and my weight. First, I am going to get rid of my soda/diet soda habit and go without candy bars for 3 weeks. Hopefully, this will lower the blood sugar while continuing a healthy diet. For 3 weeks every morning I will record my blood sugar. Second, I am going to measure my ph balance and see if I can raise my alkalinity level. I plan to buy litmus paper and record everyday my alkaline level in the body through my saliva. As a result, every morning and every night I will drink a 16 oz glass that contains 8 oz of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 8 oz of ionized water. My breakfast shall be oatmeal with cinnamon every morning. Along with a good all vitamin supplement, vitamin c, vitamin d, and ginseng supplement. The purpose of this diet is to see if reducing the blood sugar and raising the ph level of the body really helps to lose weight and increase my energy level. Be aware, I might have to extend this diet/test to 6 weeks to see if this works. Second, I intend to try to eat high alkaline foods and use high alkaline recipes in my diet during this test. |
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Re: The Secret to over 100 lbs weight loss | |
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Lord Skimper
Posts: 1736
How tall are you?
Just don't ask what is in the protein bars. |
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Re: The Secret to over 100 lbs weight loss | |
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Posts: 1522
5'11" weight 187 lbs
I'm trying to lose my gut!
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Re: The Secret to over 100 lbs weight loss | |
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Posts: 1522
Well, what a weeks time can make in life and family. Here I was sitting and complaining that my sister was always sleeping and not looking for a real job. She had quit working out and even quit walking the dog. My sister is obese. About a week ago I found out that my sister was in the hospital and her kidney was failing. Fast Forward 5 days, my sister gets out of the hospital after having been given 15 bags of saline! The very next day, she goes out and buys junk food to eat. The truth is I was hoping that this was a life changing event or an early warning to change her ways in living life. If I attempt to impose my viewpoint and ways about exercising and eating habits, it will fall on death ears with my sister.
My hope is that my sister will come into an epiphany and use this incident as a life changing event. However, I fear that she will not or is unable to change, let go, or forgive what has happened to her in past that this event(s) has created this behavior because she has really been soul damaged. I wish I knew what the event(s) or experience(s) were. In my experience, no healing may begin of a person without addressing the event(s) or situations that created the behavior. Translation: Traumatic events create scars on the soul of person. We develop sometimes bad behaviors in order to cope with life. Sad in Texas! A brothers love! |
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