Most of the presentation is hard for me to swallow because it goes against what I learned in school. However, I always believed Man did not originate on the Earth. My pet theory was Humans originated on Mars and somehow we left the planet due to war, environmental/climate change, or solar system type of disaster. The reason for my belief that Humans came from somewhere else is that I can not see us coming from monkeys or gorillas without more evolutionary links. *Note for all readers, I just can see the proof that we came from Monkeys or Apes but it doesn't mean that it did not happen. For us to be engineered makes more sense than the current evolutionary model.
The biggest reason I listened to his arguments about 13th planet that was struck by a rogue planetary body. The theory explains why Earth is the only planet to have plate tectonics and some other unique planetary features and/or conditions within our solar system. The Sumerians took the time to write down what happened. The reason I willing to listen that throughout the ages, man has documented Alien interactions in history and cultures of the world. It's in our art from pre historic times to our present. The problem I see it as no one knows the whole story. Their might be good reasons for us not to know and then again governments or individuals within the government might just be empire building so to speak.
The problem with these type of questions are if maybe is partially correct then it unlocks Pandora's box. People then start saying it's a Conspiracy theory so they can go back to their lives. As a result, most people do not want to believe in these types of ideas because their whole world paradigms are changed or violated. I just know that this type of information scares me if some of the information is true. Also, I have premise that society and technology are cyclical rather than linear due to variety of factors. I added links to point towards credential professionals that worked in the defense industry!