EdThomas wrote:To which members of the Inquisition does S n C's proclamatiion concerning the fate of captured Inquisitors appply? If it only applies to priests serving with military units any truce should see a large number of the bastards still serving Mother Church. If it applies to all members of the Inquisition, any truce terms should include turning over all members of the Inquisition to the EOC and it's allies for execution.
Decided to answer my own question
Excerpted from Staynair's proclamation - full quote is below "Inquisitors— not simply intendants, not simply Schuelerites, but those in the direct and personal service of the Grand Inquisitor— shall receive precisely what the Writ promises them."
So unless C n S want to say "well, we didn't really mean that" it would appear that not only will the Inquisition's influence be diminished, the Inquisition will cease to exist. At Sarkyn, Merlin seemed to set the precedent for including non-clerics who do the grunt work for the Inquisition as subject to the proclamation.
HFAF p 349 – 350 my bolding
Mikael Staynair after consultation with Cayleb and Sharleyan
“But— but, my children!— the Inquisition has shown itself to be the enemy of all mankind. Whatever it may once have been, it has fallen into the grasp of men like Zhaspahr Clyntahn who have distorted and twisted it into something which it may never be possible to cleanse again. Its members have become not servants of God but His enemies. God gave all men free will, the ability to choose, and they have chosen to serve the Dark, instead.
“So be it. ‘As he sows, so shall he reap, and the mercy he denies to others shall be denied to him in his turn.’ There will be no torture, but neither will there be mercy. From this day forth, Inquisitors— not simply intendants, not simply Schuelerites, but those in the direct and personal service of the Grand Inquisitor— shall receive precisely what the Writ promises them. As they have chosen to deny mercy to others, it will be denied to them. Soldiers and sailors may be allowed to surrender and receive the humane, honorable treatment to which their actions have entitled them; Inquisitors will not. Let the word go forth, my children. Let there be no ambiguity, no misunderstanding. Those who wish to renounce the distorted and twisted policies and commands of Zhaspahr Clyntahn are free to do so. They may still face trial and punishment for acts they have already committed, but they will be granted that trial. And for those who do not wish to renounce their allegiance to Zhaspahr Clyntahn, who continue to willingly lend themselves to his acts of murder and terrorism and torture, there will be a different policy. The only trial they will receive is to determine whether or not they truly are servants of the Inquisition, and if they are so found to be, there will be only one sentence, and that sentence will be executed upon them immediately and without appeal, just as surely as, in the fullness of time and God’s good grace, it will be executed upon Zhaspahr Clyntahn himself.”