jmseeley wrote:
I just don't see straight up conquest as the most effective way to kill the Church. The cost is just too high. Far better to fatally weaken it and let it die a natural death or to mutate beyond all recognition. It takes longer, but it's no less complete. In losing the war, the Church loses the one thing it can't do without - the universal belief that the Church is Gods instrument in the world and therefore He won't let it lose.
Yup, defeat the AoG and prove the CoGA's impotence to enforce any of its policies beyond the borders of the Temple Lands. This might be accomplished by controling the Gulf of Dohlar and securing access through the Salthar-Silk Town Canal. If Charis controls the Gulf and can resupply its bases there through the Canal, the CoGA cannot project any force wirth mentioning from Haven to Howard.
If the CoGA cannot compel its subject nations to follow CoGA policy, how long will those nations continue to listen to the CoGA? Not long at all. That's the weapon Clyntahn fears the most. If Charis can persuade the rest of Safehold that ignoring the CoGA carries no immediate physical consequences, the CoGA is doomed as the transnational authority of Safehold.