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Case Zulu!!!

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Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by Thirdbase   » Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:50 pm


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waddles for desert wrote:Can I compare my apple to my Apple?

Only if they are the apples of your I.
runsforcelery wrote:
Thirdbase wrote:I think that was the next novel.

Allow me to demonstrate my concision, brevity, and economy of phrase:

"Smart alec!" ;p
Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by tjallen   » Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:09 am


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Interesting. But while reading the novels I always assumed "Case Zulu", meaning "invasion imminent", was a reference to the Battle of Rorke's Drift.
Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by Peregryn46   » Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:10 pm


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I am not 100% certain but the reference to Case Zulu in OBS is that it is never sent in drills no matter how serious, not that it is never used in other context
Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by Uroboros   » Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:27 pm

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Peregryn46 wrote:I am not 100% certain but the reference to Case Zulu in OBS is that it is never sent in drills no matter how serious, not that it is never used in other context

Never used by the Navy, not the Marines. They are two separate and distinct organizations, and face different operational realities. Considering that Manticore controls all of the real estate in it's home system, the Royal Marines would probably not need a signal for a Naval style Case Zulu, freeing it up for other uses.

If they had shared territory, like in Saltash, I could imagine such a signal being useful.

Also, this is a really old thread.
Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by HungryKing   » Sat Feb 01, 2014 3:44 pm

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I'll note that the actual codeword used by the marines was Pandora (these people have military support weapons), they then delcared that Case Zulu was now in effect, which is probably a very clear Marine shorthand for move to a particular Wartime engaugement ruleset, the one used when the Home System has been invaded, i.e. kill anything that looks remotely like threat and ask question of the corpses.
Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by Greentea   » Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:59 pm


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dscott8 wrote:In On Basilisk Station, when Honor sends word back to Manticore that the Peeps are coming, it's noted that "Case Zulu" is never, ever used for any other purpose than to announce an imminent invasion. Yet, in The Shadow of Saganami, when Hexapuma's Marine company goes to take out Norbrandt's hidden bunker, "Case Zulu" is used to annouce that the enemy has modern heavy weapons and the action shifts from a police function to a military assault. What's up with that? Sloppy com discipline, or is this a Marines versus Navy procedural thing?

It reminds me of my own Army com training, where they told us to use "say again" instead of "repeat", because the latter could be misheard as "retreat" and screw up a perfectly good strategy. The RMN appears to use "repeat" and "Say again" interchangably, but maybe their com quality is a lot clearer.

Actually, Case Zulu seems to mean "attack imminent." In OBS, it was used to alert the RMN that Haven was planning to attack Basilisk, so Basilisk needed to be reinforced in order to repel the attack. In Shadows of Saganami, Zulu was used to alert the Marines to the fact that Nordbrandt had heavy weapons, so shift positions and expect a battle against an entrenched foe not a police raid. In both cases, it was used to alert people to expect a battle in a situation where one was not initially expected.
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Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by SWM   » Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:59 pm

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And I'll note that this thread is two years old. Some of the people who started it haven't been seen in quite a while. :)
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Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by Brom O'Berin   » Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:14 pm

Brom O'Berin
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Heh, just to stir things up a bit more ...

"Case Zulu" was also used in EoH, Ch 36 - by Reynaud of Basilisk Astro Control Service, at which time the "naval" anti-smuggling inspection support teams/pinnaces are being manned by RMMC personnel, and Reynaud has a RMMC officer with him in Astro Control as he passes the order.

Second, it would be a really bad idea to present it as just differences in Navy vs Marine terminology. While the two may have separate training facilities, the great majority of their operations are jointly integrated, to a far greater degree than anything existing today. The new automation may reduce the RMMC numbers aboard RMN combatants, but where "ship's company" includes RMMC personnel, they are still fully integrated into every battle condition manning bill.

HungryKing wrote:I'll note that the actual codeword used by the marines was Pandora (these people have military support weapons), they then declared that Case Zulu was now in effect, which is probably a very clear Marine shorthand for move to a particular Wartime engagement ruleset, the one used when the Home System has been invaded, i.e. kill anything that looks remotely like threat and ask question of the corpses.
Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by KNick   » Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:18 pm


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SWM wrote:And I'll note that this thread is two years old. Some of the people who started it haven't been seen in quite a while. :)

I will be surprised if this doesn't happen more often as the new members dig back through previous topics. Some will find the answers ambiguous or not understand them fully and bring them forward to seek clarification. Others might have a new spin on an old topic that didn't get covered the first time around. Just part of the price of having so many new posters. (It's a good thing (I think)).

Try to take a fisherman's fish and you will be tomorrows bait!!!
Re: Case Zulu!!!
Post by MaxxQ   » Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:53 pm


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Holy necropost, Batman!! :mrgreen:

23 months. Is that a record?

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