Firstly embrace the Climate Change philosophy even if you don't believe in it. This will drive the development of new energy technologies. An example may be hydrogen fuel celled cars using hydrogen produced from electricity generated by nuclear, solar, wind, or all three. The oil and gas reserves in the western world would be quite sufficient to supply feedstocks for chemical factories, and for lubricants. Let OPEC go back to camel breeding, and the Saudi "Royal Family" revert four generations to nomadic life.
This certainly works as a long term solution. Especially since the Saudi's have been very foolish about spending their oil money. They haven't been investing in building their economy at all. They have just been building palaces for the royals and an unsustainable welfare state for every one else. Take away the oil money and their whole house of cards collapses.
The problem is that the oil replacement technology is decades away from commercial reality. A short term solution would be to go for fracking in a big way. It's already having a massive impact on world oil prices and could result in oil independence for the western world NOW. It can be done with minimal environmental impact if it is done correctly. Regulations need to catch up with the technology, right now the discussion seems to be between the no regulation is working just fine don't break it crowd vs the it's oil drilling ban it crowd. There is a middle ground which no one seems to be discussing which is reasonable regulation. Most drillers seem to be doing a pretty good job of self regulating probably because they don't want to wind up liable for the expense of a superfund cleanup. Which may be a good way of addressing the minority of drillers who are not being conscious of the environment, just amend the superfund laws to make sure there are no loopholes that fracking companies can slip through and you may have a simple regulatory solution.
Secondly develop a biological weapon that destroys poppy plants. When the Afghanis have to spend all their time on subsistence farming they won't have any energy left to export terrorism. Medical poppies are legally grown under strict government supervision in isolated places like Tasmania, so that should be able to continue. Later on do a number on the coca plants to eliminate cocaine. That would leave marijuana and designer drugs, but I don't have a problem with drugs as such, just the large scale production of the big two, and the subsequent money that is used for harm.
I'm not in favor of this one. Biological weapons have a habit of mutating and attacking hosts other than the intended one. So what may start as an attack on poppies may wind up completely different.