While I agree that President Obama has gone nuts with drone attacks, the analogy about drones in Pakistan is pure idiocy that ignores the factual context.
Those drone strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan are a direct consequence of the 9-11 attacks. Al Quida committed the attacks. The Taliban that "ruled" Afghanistan hosted and protected Al Quida. The Taliban had been aided and abetted by the Pakistani intelligence service and were essentially Pakistan's puppet regime. It was very reasonable for the US to view the 9-11 attacks as an attack by not just Agpfghanistan but Pakistan.
If I had been POTUS I would have responded to 9-11 by launching an overwhelming strike against Pakistan's nuclear forces and military then aided India in destroying the County. While I would have attempted to arrest or kill Bin Laden, I would have been per suing a military strategy of retribution rather than nation building in Afghanistan. I would have destroyed the irrigation and transportation infrastructure that allows the country to feed itself and export opium. I would have done this with the intention of killing a large percentage of the population to ensure that Afghanistan never sponsored an attack on the US ever again.
Bush was POTUS rather than myself so he attempted to bring Afghanistan into the 20th century. Less obvious was a very successful effort to nurture a secular democracy in Pakistan as an alternative to a military dictatorship or Islamic theocracy. Civilizing Afghanistan was futile but it provided a convenient killing ground for Islamicist which enabled progress in Pakistan. The drone operations in Pakistan were very discrete.
President Obama has destroyed all of the progress that Bush made in Pakistan. While killing Bin Laden was a laudable goal, the lack of discretion and rather flagrant violation of Pakistani sovereignty was idiotic. Obama systematically destroyed the credibility of Pakistani moderates ensuring that Islamic militants would become influential. We now have an evolving Islamicist regime in control of a significant nuclear arsenal.
Obama's support for the Arab Spring essentially destroyed any hope for moderation in the Islamic world. The Egyptians have rebelled against the Muslim brotherhood, but they have become hostile to the US for promoting this theocracy in their country.
Obama's seemingly intentional effort to alienate all US allies makes the support for Obama by the self styled internationalist inteligista rather comical. He was your favored President, so enjoy the results.
Daryl wrote:Interesting topic - How the world views the USA?
The world is a large diverse place. I'm sure that many people in Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, and Afghanistan view the USA as the Great Satan.
I could be wrong (ask the wife) but my impression is that the educated, free, developed world views the USA fondly as a powerful, unsophisticated, well intentioned entity that is often derided but can't be ignored. A schoolyard analogy is the big footballer guy who intervenes in disputes with the best intentions, but often exacerbates schoolyard conflicts.
Talking to friends across the globe, we worry about how strongly you embrace religion publically, your massive arsenal, your belief that you always wear the white hat, your death penalty, your armed citizenry, and your strange disregard of other nations' sovereign rights. You seem to think that wearing the white hat allows you to fly armed drones in Pakistan killing their citizens (imagine if Belgium [say] was to station armed drones in Mexico and go into the USA killing people - unhappy much), and in recent decades you have invaded more countries than all other countries combined (too many to list here).
Yet there is much to like about your country in all its simplistic brash style. Most western people have met USA citizens, and liked them personally. I was watching a documentary on your wildlife tonight (bears and such), and your countryside looks stunningly beautiful. We do value your stance against the dictatorships of the world, and appreciate the sacrifices of your armed forces in keeping those in check.
The sophistication angle is easily illustrated. Compare a Chev to a Porsche, or even a US Ford to a UK Ford and the difference is obvious. Where every car elsewhere has independent rear suspension, and people don't even remember what a pushrod engine is, it is no wonder that Detroit is in trouble. Compare McDonalds and KFC to Cordon Bleu?
Yet the USA culture of fast food and reality TV has been successfully exported to millions, so it must have value. Sure, but the Europeans and others note that the acceptance is at the lower end of their socioeconomic totem pole, which devalues their opinion of the USA overall.
Please don't become isolationistic, as we would miss you in all your jingoistic brashness.