http://www.nwhikers.net/forums/posting.php?mode=smilies[/url] There are some real gems in there...
Where does the material for said missiles come from? Where is that material processed? So, all major parts will be made in orbit. Is it possible that many of the very high tech missile head parts are made dirt side? Maybe. Wouldn't count on it. By the time you factor in transportation costs of moving said materials dirt side and back up... The kicker here is that the majority of their R&D is done in orbit. If even R&D is done in orbit then I would lay a VERY large bet that all parts are made in orbit as well. Transporting 1 100 ton missile worth of materials both DOWN and UP, is a LOT of human worker transport cycles for energy burned.
Lord Skimper wrote:OK weapons then, how about making modular mdm's.
Like an artillery gun or a big battleship gun how about making a missile that has a warhead with modular as many drive units attached as one may wish to mount and use. Similar to Land or Naval artillery with bags of powered propellant. 1 bag up close 3 for long range...
Also why can't planet side factories make missiles? Or ship parts?