They still don't quite have it down as it still requires a hole through the roof in multiple spots, not exactly something one wishes to contemplate, but not necessarily the end of the world either. Now if they create a major wire that clipped into their end clips creating a main power feed harness that would extend upwards to the roof peak and then duck the wires under instead at the end of each row, then we would be talking. Take it out the edge of the roof and into the attic etc... So, steep roofs only currently. Still better than nothing.
$30,000 for around ?kW... Generally, in solar guys this means around 2kW-4kW max. Um yea... but quite of bit of that will be labor. Do it yourself probably drops it down to around $15,000 assuming they will even let you buy them without an "approved" contractor. Last time I tried to buy the "good" solar panels(not shingles) they told me NO. I gave them the finger at Pratt Electric and moved on.
See, now this is why I enter forums like this. Just because I have looked in the past doesn't mean time doesn't march on leaving my old research in the dust.
Anyways these are hands down vastly superior to solar panels.
I have to wonder how long they last in the sun though... That thin film still has to take the UV day after day after day... I note DOW etc "conveniently" forget to mention this "minor" fact.

PPS. What is sad is due to all of our moron regulations and labor union thugism, even DOW can't afford to manufacture them here in the USA or W. Europe. Instead we "assemble" them here. How pathetic is that? All the real high tech fabs are in China. War will be short and ugly with us on the losing end. Big time. No manufacturing due to our populations selling the hangman rope combined with less manpower. Only ICBM nukes will keep us relevant. No one will wake up till get they get smacked so hard they have to admit they were all a bunch of greedy selfish fools. That goes for the workers and CEO's alike.
Spacekiwi wrote:the ones that have apparently been around since 2011?
Apparently they take less time to install, but im unable to find a price comparison at the moment, or the effective energy output comparison. still, its a start towards invisible power generators. the fact they are not sticking out of the roof will probably encourage more people to buy them, as they wont affect pereceptions of the houses asthetics anymore.Relax wrote:
Yup, all of the do as I say, not as I do crowd.
My favorite joke, is that if greenies were truly wanting to be green they would be doing everything in their power to push people towards heat pump systems by severely cutting regulations regarding their installation(union HVAC reqs, and union well drillers). Cuts your heating bill in half at a minimum. Closer to 75%. Now you down in Aussie land, would get less use from a Heat pump system unless you lived in/near the snowy mountains. The rest of humanity who mostly live in cooler climates would benefit greatly. Ah, but ignorance is bliss to the say as I do, so I can get your vote, not as I do crowd.
Still waiting on solar shingles. Until then, solar is a joke as they really are not serious about making it applicable as an energy solution. Effectively Paying for "2" roofs is untenable financially.