Transmission electron microscopes use magnetic fields as lenses, as opposed to a lens made of glass. They're powerful enough to focus a stream of electrons fine enough to have the photons transmitted show crystal structures - up to 1 million times magnification, assuming you do the sample prep properly, which is a PITA when you're working with aluminum-alumina interfaces like I was for two years (Alumina is one of the hardest ceramics, it's only a little less hard than diamond. Aluminum is soft. The bond between them is extremely durable. Imagine grinding a bonded sample to a few microns without destroying the aluminum....bleah. The microscope was fun. Sample prep, not so much)
They don't use light...because they use electrons rather than photons, they interact with electromagnetic forces, rather than the electromagnetic spectrum and thus are amenable to being focused much finer than any light-based source (barring gravitic lenses, which we can't make in our world). The same principle is why disc drives blew away optical drives back in the early 2000s. You can do 1s and 0s down nearly to atomic levels when you use magnetic polarity to store data instead of trying to aim photons at a substrate and burn 1s and 0s into it.
So yeah, to me, because I'm familiar with both technologies, I got on a tangent because EM spectrum caused me to think of actual electromagnetic methods of storing data. By the bye, an electron microscope is a partially active sensor. You shine the electron beam on a target and either the reflection (SEM) or transmitted portion (TEM) shines on your equivalent of photographic film and shows you stuff you didn't know about really tiny things, instead of things really far away.
And yes, I don't know much about how RADAR works beyond the idea that there is a radio wave emitter and a radio wave receiver and the receiver focuses on the reflections of the radio waves. Which is pretty much exactly how a human with a flashlight works. Or a bat using echolocation with sound. Conceptually it's all the same and the low level tech details really don't matter for the purposes of this discussion.
A telescope, by contrast, emits nothing except the light it collects out the end the eye (or sensor that turns it into a screen image if using something other than visible light and a purely optical method). I don't think most people perceive the part of the telescope you look into as an "emitter" in the same sense as a flashlight. So yeah, it is a passive sensor. Like I said in the first post. Sorry, we'll have to disagree on that one.
Regarding the term Resolving Power. Sorry, not in common usage. I'm sure it is a more precise term, useful when most of your sensors can be degraded by having a crappy screen or crappy software after the data is collected and you have to troubleshoot the problem.
Look, I know a lot of precise jargon for various IT problems, and some for various materials science concepts (eg...wax is identical in structure to plastic, for most of the same reasons as radar and x-rays are composed of the same physical one case photons at different wavelengths, in the other carbon chains of different length but identical chemical properties). I don't use those terms with people who don't do that kind of work, because they look at you blankly. Most people are happy thinking of wax and hard plastic as totally different things, and for all practical purposes, for most folks it is true.
To those of us mere humans who are used to thinking of stuff in terms of black boxes that do useful things for us, if the screen shows better information, we don't give a damn whether it is higher resolution or resolving power or both that accomplished it. What we experience is that if we shine a light on something, our camera takes a better picture. I'm sorry if calling that effect the word I know (Resolution) rather than the correct technical term (Resolving Power) bothered you so much.
Nobody can know everything. What I posted holds up damn well at the black box level. I'm afraid my 2 years of physics and a laser lab focused on holographic photography 25 years ago is my only exposure to optics theory. I know reflection from refraction, and a hell of a lot about how semiconductors and conductors work, can tell you how shaking a radiation source can cause a crystal structure to resonate and how to build a lab to do that kind of work ( ... ectroscopy) from scratch out of materials mostly found in the hardware store. (That's the only serious work I did with anything involving light. The "light source" is a chunk of radioactive material. You shake it with an oscillating motor. You put your sample between the source and a proportional counter, which I also know how to build out of household materials...our lab was on a budget...hook up the proportional counter to a primitive computer and there you are. Biggest problem is damping vibration. That's where I learned to pour concrete and the virtues of simple mass on damping vibration....)
But no, I can't tell you how modern military radars work beyond assuming they have an emitter and a sensor, and postulating that not EVERY military sensor is going to have an emitter, thus some senors will be purely passive.
I'll point out, however, before we went down this rathole, that my first post that started it was in fact correct on the usage of active vs passive and what they mean in terms anybody can understand. I'm still not clear why you keep calling me an idiot and completely wrong in a variety of different ways. I'm more ignorant than you on the finer points of Radar I guess, but I'd appreciate more civil language.
So to sum up.
To 99% of humans who have encountered the word, a Telescope is an optical passive sensor used by a human. It displays far away objects on a "screen" a human can see that is about the size of a quarter without in any way emitting light that can be detected baring something like the lens reflecting accidently. The fact that you seem to think Telescope also means various forms of radio telescopes, radar, lidar, etc etc does not make the rest of us ignorant and wrong. Indeed, non-optical telescopes usually have a qualifier (eg, Radio Telescope) which still indicates a passive sensor, but specifies that it is not the optical kind most folks are familiar with. This is not a technical forum. Please don't bash people for common usage.
To I suspect the majority of us, "better resolution" means "we can discern details better". How that is done isn't important enough to require another term. Again, this is nothing to get excited about. Terms like "dweeb" don't add to the conversation.
Finally, the original discussion a that started all of this was about the terms you are no longer disputing (active, passive, semi-active). Since MT agreed with me and elaborated on it, and you responded by saying both of us were wrong, without explanation and later said of course those terms mean what we said they mean....
What the hell was that about anyway? Could have saved a couple somewhat irate responses if you'd just not posted it at all, since the end result was the same.
I must be missing something you think is very important if you keep responding with insulting postings, so if I'm pissing you off, assume it's unintentional. I'm actually honestly puzzled at this point. I mean I get that we don't seem to care how the devices work at a low level, but what does it matter if the behavior is the same to the sensor tech?