Yes, Bahzell and Brandark weren't exactly met with hostile, pitchfork waving crowds on their first visit, so I'm not sure why he'd have much of an issue now. Even if he hadn't been instrumental in the largest re-arrangement of wealth and trade that Norfressa has likely ever seen with the canal project, largely very beneficial to the Empire, I simply can't imagine ANY city that hosted a full Chapter of the Order of Tomanak being hostile to one of His champions. Especially Belhaden, where the God himself put in an appearance. Members of that chapter would be even more... enthusiastic about their newest Champion than you'd likely expect, and that attitude would be apparent to the rest of the city. It's not like they're a cloistered order.
If there's going to be anti-hradani issues, I'd imagine they'd only be still festering in border towns that had a history of real losses against them. Major cities like Belhaden would be beneficiaries of the new canal and trade alignment between the Hradani, Sothoii, Dwarves, and Empire, and money has a way of soothing all sorts of attitudes.
Plus I'm sure we'll see that the Iron Axe gets a pretty steady stream of august visitors. We already know Wencit is a regular patron.
If there's any 'parallel universe' plot device used, I'd guess it'll be the opposite of Sword Brother: Kenhodan is the Norfressan universe version of Ken from Sword Brother, not the same guy from the US Army that was inadvertently drawn by Wencit's spell. It may not even be referenced at all. I'm not sure if Himself considered Sword Brother canon - I'd assumed it was just the Mad Wizard indulging his desire to write about modern armor taking on a Demon.