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HFQ Official Snippet #13

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by tootall   » Fri Dec 12, 2014 4:26 pm

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Kufat wrote
"It was a figure of speech, Your Highness. I doubt a PICA could explode...."

I think RFC might be conducting experiments to determine whether his readers' heads can explode.

Wish I'd thought of that one. Good shot.

Given that we have one of these "head exploders" now - I hope for more.
Thus far we have not gotten a lot of solid new info. Partial info and expansions of what we already know, yes, but - for example, we have not really seen what BGV is up to, nor do we really know what Aviah knows.
So, for me, the "head exploders" are really fun.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by EdThomas   » Fri Dec 12, 2014 5:13 pm

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Muchas Gracias por los "snippets", Don David y Feliz Navidad. The forum looks to be a lively place over the next week or so with the little mysteries you've given us.. I'm sure we'll provide you with many chuckles.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by n7axw   » Fri Dec 12, 2014 5:34 pm

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JeffEngel wrote:Pfft. He's removed context specifically to tease us. It doesn't even rule out that it's a nightmare of Thirsk's - troubled by his own disaffection with the cause, knowing that anyone close to him who does not share that may be the knife in his back - or his family's - if he lets it show.

Anyway, back to this snippet - I have perfect confidence in Aivah's ability to accept well-evidenced truth, however shocking or unfamiliar. And I have perfect confidence in her ability to assess Sandaria's ability to accept it, and that she would not have put Sandaria in a situation in which a potential security leak would have to be plugged by killing her closest friend.

It's big. It's sudden. It's not coming with the comfort of revelation from a trusted friend or with a gradual acclimation wonder-by-wonder over time.

Ultimately, Aivah and Sandaria oppose the Church because it is monstrous. That it's a lie too is almost incidental. They're not finding out anything here that makes it any less monstrous, and they are finding out - with their own eyes - just how much of a lie it is and the basics of how it could be manufactured.

It's possible Sandaria may need a spiritual retreat to process this, and it's possible that the Cave is going to have to be the site for it. But we've got our own estimates of Aivah's judgment and integrity backing up the expectation that Sandaria will make it through. That should be good enough.

Hi JeffEngel,

I whole heartedly agree with this post. But in the interest of keeping our cards on the table, we really don't know at this point how Nynian is responding to all of this...

I still think it would be helpful for Father Paityr to make the trip to the cave.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by phillies   » Fri Dec 12, 2014 5:44 pm


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With respect to the new snippet, there is an ellipsis in the middle. Naturally our author would never do anything to confuse us, for example neglecting to mention 700 pages of text being omitted. Naturally, I profoundly hope the book is not short like, say, 900 pages.

Having written several novels myself, I realize the author's thoughts on needing to write 900 pages might be a bit different that the readership's.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by ChaChaCharms   » Fri Dec 12, 2014 5:59 pm

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Perhaps the Thirsk being shot was simply an experiment. He wanted to test the effectiveness of a bulletproof vest. He always seemed to be a leader who would not put his men into battle with equipment he himself had not tested.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by DrakBibliophile   » Sat Dec 13, 2014 12:00 am


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Thirsk wakes up in a cold sweat saying "What a nightmare". :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

runsforcelery wrote:
Well, if you think it's a good idea . . . . :twisted:


Ahlvyn Khapahr looked Thirsk in the eye.

“I’m very sorry about this, My Lord,” he said quietly. “I’ve always deeply respected you.”

Thirsk looked back at him . . . and Khapahr squeezed the trigger.

The heavy bullet hammered the earl out of his chair in a crack of thunder.

Paul Howard (Alias Drak Bibliophile)
Sometimes The Dragon Wins! [Polite Dragon Smile]
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by laz   » Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:24 am

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ChaChaCharms wrote:Perhaps the Thirsk being shot was simply an experiment. He wanted to test the effectiveness of a bulletproof vest. He always seemed to be a leader who would not put his men into battle with equipment he himself had not tested.

Every reader wants Thirsk to survive. BUT what would be the effect to the story line/COG navy if he dies? what political fallout would there be? if any?

After the hector assassination attempt there was a good deal of discourse on WHY he had to survive in lama...

Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by Tanstaafl   » Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:06 am


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JeffEngel wrote:<snip>

Anyway, back to this snippet - ... <snip>...

It's possible Sandaria may need a spiritual retreat to process this, and it's possible that the Cave is going to have to be the site for it. But we've got our own estimates of Aivah's judgment and integrity backing up the expectation that Sandaria will make it through. That should be good enough.

I have advocated before to extend the cave with an orphanage (‘Boys Town’ anyone?) or a ‘Raffles Hotel, Luna city’. Having it as a retreat for initiates to the inner circle who need some time and space to get used to the new reality is a good starting point.

The twenty years between this war and the return is a nice period to raise a cadre of 24th century people to have as teachers and soldiers. And having a place to vet new recruits without having to kill them if they can’t accept ‘the writ is a lie’ in a few hours makes it much easier to expand the inner circle.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by JeffEngel   » Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:56 am


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Tanstaafl wrote:
JeffEngel wrote:<snip>

Anyway, back to this snippet - ... <snip>...

It's possible Sandaria may need a spiritual retreat to process this, and it's possible that the Cave is going to have to be the site for it. But we've got our own estimates of Aivah's judgment and integrity backing up the expectation that Sandaria will make it through. That should be good enough.

I have advocated before to extend the cave with an orphanage (‘Boys Town’ anyone?) or a ‘Raffles Hotel, Luna city’. Having it as a retreat for initiates to the inner circle who need some time and space to get used to the new reality is a good starting point.

The twenty years between this war and the return is a nice period to raise a cadre of 24th century people to have as teachers and soldiers. And having a place to vet new recruits without having to kill them if they can’t accept ‘the writ is a lie’ in a few hours makes it much easier to expand the inner circle.

Indeed. The place really would then be a seijin training camp - oh, you wouldn't have PICA's spilling out of it, but mere mortals with concealed Federation technology and a lot of familiarity using it would still amount to seijins.

The spiritual retreat part would get a lot of help from being co-located with the place where people are training and learning - it's something to do while you wrap your head around this, and it would help in the wrapping itself. I bet that St. Zherneau's has worked somewhat like this for some time, but with the work that can be done in the Cave and the magnificent privacy, it could work better there.
Re: HFQ Official Snippet #13
Post by jgnfld   » Sat Dec 13, 2014 10:46 am

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It may be a direct quote from the book, but that doesn't mean a thing, really. In fact, it might well be the very best way to extract Thirsk.

runsforcelery wrote:
Well, if you think it's a good idea . . . . :twisted:


Ahlvyn Khapahr looked Thirsk in the eye.

“I’m very sorry about this, My Lord,” he said quietly. “I’ve always deeply respected you.”

Thirsk looked back at him . . . and Khapahr squeezed the trigger.

The heavy bullet hammered the earl out of his chair in a crack of thunder.


Nice ending for Thirsk. I don't believe for a minute that is how he will die. But it is interesting one way he could be killed.

Ummm . . . this is a direct quote from the book, Chief-CWH.

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