PeterZ wrote:Don,
I suspect the lack of tribes is a function of the disintegration of Safehold humanity's belief of a common genesis. Man was truly created equal on Safehold. The Testemonies prove this. What follows are chapter after chapter in their history of Safeholdians emphasizing their differences rather than reveling in their common Divine genesis.
I suspect clannishness as an adaptation of how to prioritize who to help in difficult times. Given limited resources, help family first and strangers after securing the family's prospects.
Tribalism would have been helpful in integration humanity into larger groups. That stage would come in as groups of clans collected to share resources. Creation had already established larger social structures that allowed for sharing resources. There would be no need for tribes baring the complete disintegration of all society.
On Terra clans united into tribes or ethnic groups which in turn evolved into nations. On Safehold nations seen to have evolved from enclaves. Clans are extended families on both Terra and Safehold, more important where survival is more precarious... Given the existence of nations, I wouldn't expect to see tribes unless nations were to disintegration of nations.
I think we are agreeing this time.