Very good points indeed!
I am shocked I didn't think of this solution sooner.
Keeping them generally unnamed obviously inflates their numbers, but let's remember to ask does the Go4 know Ahbraim etc or Nimue even exist yet?
The news of Nimue should still be on its way to Zion, and who would tell them about Ahbraim and his many friends?
Yet there's been time for Trynair and Magwair's own spy sources to tell them about Dialydd Mab, and one or both to mention it to Rhobair, with perhaps a bootleg copy of his letter; besides they all know by now that someone is murdering vicar's who've been in Clyntahn's back pocket for decades, so they might be speculating about the many others Dialydd mentioned.
The terrible thing for Clyntahn and his inquisitors is when that becomes the default excuse or explanation: "Oh, a seijin did it" doesn't help them very much.
When OWL begins to pick up common people telling them what they truly thought they saw or feel is the only possible answer [to things like who puts up the broadsheets etc]- "because no one else could have done it" etc, the inner circle will know things are beginning to break wide open.
Revelations like that would definitely make such a Go4 meeting worth reading!
Kakai wrote:PeterZ wrote:Come now, Lyonheart, all those objections are easily addressed. Its obvious. Merlin got help from seijin Ahbram or seijin Dialydd.
No one realized it at the time, but that must have been what happened.
Now this is a good explanation for the masses. The seijin network's existence has been established some two-three years back in-universe, wasn't it? This should give some food for thought to all the Safeholdian conspiracy theorist. Seijin seems to be travelling too quickly? It wasn't him, it was another seijin. Job done looks like too much for one person to accomplish? He just called his seijin friends to help.