n7axw wrote:
Actually the accuracy of rockets sucked until much later when tech advanced to the point when guidance systems could be installed which was why the Russians developed their katashas as area denial weapons.
true but only to a limited extent
the AIRCRAFT rockets weren't "guided" as they would be in later decades, but they were accurate enough to hit trains, individual tanks etc if the pilot was skilled.
They were not like Katyushas.
Not every pilot had enough skill though to be precise and local conditions could interfere.
When an aircraft launched a rocket, the combined speed of the aircraft and rocket (around 1,200mph), plus the pilot being able to aim the launch vehicle, then fire the rockets in pairs to "walk fire" the weapons onto a target, gave a vastly better accuracy than any bomber could achieve in that era, except an expert in "skip" or dive bombing.
They could also use their guns against the target or flak defences
Again try to remember, a lot of the German and their European allies logistics went on canals, roads and trains, making them funnelled into paths that were easier to find something worth attacking, and cause less mass murder, than area bombing.
the Germans couldn't put "flak traps " up everywhere, that's impossible, they had to be concentrated in vital areas.
Flak traps to stop fighter/bombers are vulnerable to area weapon attacks themselves, especially at night when light flak wasn't very useful (days before radar guided weapons except for large guns in certain areas, Germans were lot further behind in that tech)
Light flak in such circumstances cannot be put in heavy defences except in a few places, so they were very vulnerable to being attacked themselves
