Michae wrote:Would it be possible to "commerce raid" Charis as this point? I was under the impression that Charis had the only viable navy left and trying to challenge it would be bordering on suicidal,which is why certain Harchong advisors attempted to divert Zhyou-Zhwo on to a different track as declaring open war on Charis and their allies would have resulted in their swift and total defeat. Wouldn't commerce raiding them at sea have the same result?
DMcCunney wrote:snip
Dohlor is working on steam powered warships, but are still limited to hybrid designs using steam powered wooden framed vessels. The don't currently have the foundry capacity to do anything else. (Attaining that capacity is an intermediate term Dohloran objective, but you don't conjure high capacity steel foundries from thin air.)
Harchong and Desnair are even farther behind. Harchong has no navy. Desnair sort of does, but none of it is steam powered. I'd call it years before Desnair has the capacity to produce steam powered warships of the hybrid design, and a lot longer for iron framed and hulled models. It will be even longer for Harchong. Even when Desnair does, I don't see it having anything that would make the ICN even break a sweat.
Duke Delthak built a steam automotive factory in Gorath as part of the railroad in Dohlar back in 901-902. That argues for Dohlar having all the labor saving power tools of the then current generation technology. So, Dohlar has turbine powered compressors and all sorts of smaller steam engines for moving heavy equipment/pieces around a factory floor.
Sure they had an accident with a steam powered warship. I suspect that was a plot device used to misdirect the reader from the quality of the steam tech of the engines they used. Steam automotives are driven by double expansion engines. Those types of engines are fine for powering coastal defense vessels such as the Cities and Rivers. Dohlar doesn't need much more than that so long as they are on good terms with Charis. And that accident happened some time in 907-9? By the end of TFT, Dohlar has had another 7-8 years to improve their design.
Desnair has developed prior generation double expansion designs into reliable automotive for their railroads. By 910-912 they are trying to design steam powered warships. Give them the same type of learning curve as Dohlar, and Desnair should be experimenting with prototypes by the end of TFT. Both Dohlar and Desnair are building railroads so they have the ability to build armor plate in quantity.
Assuming the "risk fleet" strategy Harchong is considering, Desnair can design and build a coastal defense fleet for Harchong. They can build those ships for Harchong, but will they? Does Hachong want to provide Harchong with tools that can threaten them? If they do build those ships for Harchong, they will face a serious quandary. Will they adopt more of the mass production techniques necessary to the required quantity of warships? If they do, they disrupt their society. If they don't, they can't build enough ships for themselves AND for Harchong.
Volume will be necessary because Dohlar will be building warships too. The RDN will be competing in the same waters as Desnair and Harchong. Dohlar isn't building a risk fleet, but a true coastal defense navy that could dominate the Gulf of Dohlar over any other navy besides the ICN. Worse yet, the RDN will have better technology than anything Desnair can develop on their own. That increases the incentive to increase productive capacity of their heavy industry. Which increases the incentives to accept changes in their social matrix.
That also increases the incentive for Desnair and Harchong to find a way to launch Siddermark into an aggressive war against Dohlar. Encouraging Glacierheart and Thesmar to secede and seek Dohlar and Charisian aid is a good place to start. With Siddermark attacking Dohlar and Harchong and Desnair providing assistance, Charis will be stretched thin to help the UP, East Harchong and Silkiah.
Toss in the Visitation of Schueler which will paralyze the Temple Lands and Siddermark will have another bloody war within their borders.