n7axw wrote:
St Paul writes in Romans two that the laws of God are written on the human heart...which is exactly what you are saying.
I agree
Just to be clear - I believe that there should be a universal standard. I want there to be a universal standard, because not having one is really really discouraging.
The biggest argument for being 'good' to one another actually comes from the philosophy of ethical egoism.
For those of you who do not know - ethical egoism is where everyone is out for themselves.
The idea comes from Cooperation Complexity Theory where a group that cooperates (for whatever reason) does better than a group that does not.
Then you have to apply the idea of society, as there is no way to have a large group of self interested people without having some sort of social control. The 'more fair' (for lack of a better word without using another 4 pages) the social controls are the more buy in occurs from the group. The more buy in the larger the cooperating pool which then generates success.
So really the argument for a Ethical or Moral theory that respects basic human rights and self determination is an economic one, and that argument is Universal, and the requirements to get to that economic model are well defined.
Based on this - we can then say that Good is the thing that gives the most to the greatest number of persons who are participating in a collective cooperative venture (otherwise known as society).
With the exception of some of those in power in CoGA (Clynthan) most of the Temple Loyalists (even the ones fighting) disagree with the idea that the actions of the EoC are 'Good'
This is where the hearts and minds campaign comes in. However, it is unlikely given the starting points of both sets of leadership for the two sides that a negotiated settlement is possible. if a coup occurred in the CoGA that would be a different story...
In any event - I believe there is a standard for Good, Ethical, Right and Moral Conduct that everyone should be held accountable to. But - I do not believe that they know intrinsically. These ideals have to be taught.