anwi wrote:Obviously, if all the people on Chihiro's list are confirmed dead and gone, he can be sure.
Possible but not likely. The fewer left on the list, the more work with less return you get. Like cancer, at some point watchful waiting is less injurious than continuing treatment.
anwi wrote:And I'm not so sure he's paranoid, perhaps he just grabbed for the power when he could get away with it.
The snippet sort of suggests Chihiro was planning this before Alexandria.
I would assume that Chihiro invested in the OBS to use as his (decisive) weapon against all renegates, and he squarely sat in the one command Center that can survive even a near miss of that system
So, from Chihiro's POV, he might not need so much more tech - except of what his group needs for convenience and personal security.
Like drones, or strategic bombers, Chihiro sitting in his C&C under the temple can obliterate any threat he can see... but of course guerrillas look like the civilians; that's the point. So his tech needs extend outside his own requirements.
That said, the climate control of the Temple (which was built post-nuke) almost screams that the Temple was Chihiro's base. Unlike the Fallen, he could fight his war from divine comfort.
As to what Chihiro stashed in the Temple, there's another issue. He can't be sure that no one goes gallivanting around in the Temple's basement, perhaps even demolishing any doors or walls in search for the Archangel's hoard of goldover the centuries.
Huh? No primitive is going to get through a battle steel door or an electronic lock. At minimum you need someone with seijin tools and Fallen advice. And if someone with enough tech knowledge to breach the vault has reached the OBS controls, which we are fairly sure are down there, the Plan is no more or less screwed if they find industrial modules as well.
What is worrying me is that the nature of the War may have led Chihiro to take precautions against Fallen and agents thereof that would work equally well against PICAs and agents thereof.
So, in line with his interpretation of the Safehold mission...
I'm not sure I have a good handle on what Chihiro's mission plan even was. So much of his actions post-nuke seem driven by the needs of the War.
Now, the really interesting question is whether Schueler was eye-to-eye with Chihiro on that score or if Schueler tucked away this control-center without Chihiro's knowledge...
So terribly much depends on what Schueler was really up to. With so many of the Archangels gone, his ability and motivation to play a double game goes way up. And because of the divergence between Schueler-of-the-Book and Schueler-of-the-Key, we know that *someone* played a double game *sometime*....