Hank Plantagenet wrote:My point in describing Lt Commander Alban's plan as a "tyranny" is not to say that she will have to use evil means to force people to carry out her plans. She will not need the lash or the punishment of Scheuler to force people to work once the Rubicon of emissions into space is crossed. Once baseball games are sent over the radio, once television transmitters broadcast re-runs of I Love Lucy from the archives, once the dilithium crystals in the warp engines of Enterprise-class starships in orbit are fired up, there is no more option to hide. They no longer have the choice to do nothing and hide, because those emissions are radiating from the planet. The only choice would be to get with Alban's program, or wait for extinction.
What makes you think that Merlin will introduce electricity and radio before revealing The Truth? And is not Langhorne's decision to not even tell people about the danger an even greater tyranny that should be stopped?
In any case, Langhorne's plan of stopping all innovation for all time was already doomed. Within another few hundred years, Safehold would probably be developing electricity on its own, without any knowledge that they were potentially exposing themselves to extinction. Safehold would have walked right into the Gbaba, just like the Federation did. That was Shan-Wei's entire point--Langhorne's plan would eventually and inevitably fail, and without the knowledge of the Gbaba, Safehold would be doomed. Merlin is just making sure that Safehold knows the danger and can be prepared for it. I can't see how that can be called tyranny, especially when it is intended to end an even greater tyranny of imposed ignorance which would doom the planet.
In LAMA, Seijin Nimue noted that at the time of Operation Ark, the Federation military was "...over two point seven billion active-duty human beings, ninety percent of them combat personnel...", and the Federation lost. Safehold is nowhere near to being capable of fielding a military of that size, let alone build the needed warships.
Merlin is gambling that he can develop the needed technology to defeat the Gbaba, find enough resources and manufactures to build it, and train enough pre- Industrial Revolution level of people to man the fleet before the emissions caused by this program bring the Gbaba horde to level yet another human planet.
Merlin isn't planning to send Safehold against the Gbaba in the next generation. Merlin has hundreds of years to build up the population, settle new colonies, develop Federation technology, and create new weapons to defeat the Gbaba. They won't go against the Gbaba until they are certain they can defeat them. They have plenty of time.