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Cold Shiver on my Neck - Will I live to see the enD?

This fascinating series is a combination of historical seafaring, swashbuckling adventure, and high technological science-fiction. Join us in a discussion!
Cold Shiver on my Neck - Will I live to see the enD?
Post by Charybdis   » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:13 pm

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I fully understand that no author can satisfy his fans as they tend to be slightly fanatical which means unreasonable at times. So given that our master, RFC, is a SUCCESSFUL author and family man and baseball fan and other things, he thus has many irons in the fire. For me, I am happy that his greatest task is being a husband and father and hope that never changes as that is a duty laid upon anyone who undertakes getting hitched.

Now having said all of this, I am contemplating my own, hopefully not too close, mortality and the Safehold oeuvre. From HFQ Snippet #1, we have the prognosis of Late summer / fall 2015 for HFQ and I believe that there is still at least another volume in the Church War segment and figuring another year puts us to same time 2016. Now, I BELIEVE that it has been postulated that there may be a 3-4 volume arc for the Safehold Terran Federation to get from waterpower to space power. Beyond that I have no clue except to expect another similar number to handle the Gbaba?

Given that I am close in age to our illustrious author, I am sincerely hoping that both of us can last into the mid 2020s and beyond BUT there is a fly in this ointment! We are not just talking about Safehold, no no no, RFC has to take care of Multiverse, the Mesan-Solarian-Whatever bad guys in the Honorverse, ride herd on the Manticorian prequels, another Empire of Man with John Ringo and whatever else I am missing in his literary quiver.

In order to accomplish this, I guess he needs his entire family to stay in perfect health so that he can turn out his prodigious output unfazed by external events. Gee that sounds so easy - NOT!

Of course I may just be in a slightly depressed mood with the death or Robin Williams. RiP! Major talents like him and RFC come rarely and as the greedy guy I am, I want to see the satisfying end of this done by RFC, not somebody doing it from his notes.

Yeah, I know, there are no guarantees except taxes and that other one. Stay healthy and happy Mr Weber, that is a real hope of mine!

Whew, I feel much better having gotten this off of my chest - fire away me hearties!

What say you, my peers?
Re: Cold Shiver on my Neck - Will I live to see the enD?
Post by 6L6   » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:29 pm


Posts: 165
Joined: Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:37 pm
Location: Sourthern Md. USA

Is there any progress on the Honor movie?
Re: Cold Shiver on my Neck - Will I live to see the enD?
Post by Undercover Fat Kid   » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:36 pm

Undercover Fat Kid

Posts: 207
Joined: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:20 pm

If Mr. Weber shows the poor taste to let a minor ailment like, oh, cancer, for example interrupt his writing, I will just be inconsolable.

I've never really gotten over Robert Jordan's untimely passing, far less the subsequent rape of The Wheel of Time perpetrated by that Sanderson item. I know I'm being unfair to Sanderson; he was stuck trying to follow a master and found himself completely out of his depth.

Nevertheless. Please, for pete's sake, take care of yourself RFC.

Death is as a feather,
Duty is as a mountain
This life is a dream
From which we all
Must wake
Re: Cold Shiver on my Neck - Will I live to see the enD?
Post by DrakBibliophile   » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:45 pm


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Actually, I thought Sanderson did a good job of finishing Wheel of Time. :)

Undercover Fat Kid wrote:If Mr. Weber shows the poor taste to let a minor ailment like, oh, cancer, for example interrupt his writing, I will just be inconsolable.

I've never really gotten over Robert Jordan's untimely passing, far less the subsequent rape of The Wheel of Time perpetrated by that Sanderson item. I know I'm being unfair to Sanderson; he was stuck trying to follow a master and found himself completely out of his depth.

Nevertheless. Please, for pete's sake, take care of yourself RFC.

Paul Howard (Alias Drak Bibliophile)
Sometimes The Dragon Wins! [Polite Dragon Smile]
Re: Cold Shiver on my Neck - Will I live to see the enD?
Post by Undercover Fat Kid   » Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:01 pm

Undercover Fat Kid

Posts: 207
Joined: Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:20 pm

His first book in the series was terrible. You just can't in good faith adopt a contemporary writing style and try to pass it off to readers looking for the comforting, familiar, precise style they've come to love from one of their favorites. The later books got a little closer to RJ's style, but the last book of the series I felt like I was reading a manuscript, not a completed novel. It felt rushed and incomplete.

I still bought it. It's sitting next to its fellows on one of the bookshelves in my room, biding its time and waiting for my son's 18th birthday, and his "get out" party so that it can join what will be my library.

In fairness I did say I couldn't really be fair to Sanderson.

DrakBibliophile wrote:Actually, I thought Sanderson did a good job of finishing Wheel of Time. :)

Undercover Fat Kid wrote:If Mr. Weber shows the poor taste to let a minor ailment like, oh, cancer, for example interrupt his writing, I will just be inconsolable.

I've never really gotten over Robert Jordan's untimely passing, far less the subsequent rape of The Wheel of Time perpetrated by that Sanderson item. I know I'm being unfair to Sanderson; he was stuck trying to follow a master and found himself completely out of his depth.

Nevertheless. Please, for pete's sake, take care of yourself RFC.

Death is as a feather,
Duty is as a mountain
This life is a dream
From which we all
Must wake

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