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What will the next book be about

Fans of Colin Maclntyre and the great starship Dahak should take a minute to stop in here for discussions about one of David's best-loved series.
Re: What will the next book be about
Post by MIchael_Ireland   » Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:19 am


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I hope/suspect the next book would be a war of liberation? Basically to free the Achuultan (sp?) culture from the grip of their computer overlords.

To this end the great weapon the good guys have is the female Achuultan and Brashiel's free nest/family. They can be used to infiltrate the Nest Killer's empire to gather information etc. The living female and Brashiels's Nest is proof of the lies being brain-washed into the Nest Killer civilisation by the computer overlords.

Colin basically needs to create an Achuultan civil war, to free the Achulltan, so that their genocidial crusades/purges are stopped once and for all.

Like World War II in europe, initially the enemy was germany but the real enemy to decency and civilisation wasn't really the germans (par se), it was specifically the evil culture and doctrine of the controlling nazi's!

So if Colin working with Dahak and Brashiel can win a war of propaganda first, the Nest Killer empire might collapse from the inside out?

A war of liberation (like Heirs of Empire) and not just a space opera novel would make a much more interesting story.

Re: What will the next book be about
Post by MosesBClan   » Mon Sep 07, 2009 2:29 am

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i agree with kalad919.

i can see david writing about fighting the Ai controlled achuultani, and having their original Nest killers show. that would be fascinating. i also want to see how my friends in this universe are doing, and how they will use their time.
Re: What will the next book be about
Post by Rod   » Thu Sep 10, 2009 1:27 pm

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Just so long as there is one. I'll be happy!!
Re: What will the next book be about
Post by MosesBClan   » Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:12 pm

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Rod wrote:Just so long as there is one. I'll be happy!!

lol. if/when there is, wont we all!
Re: What will the next book be about
Post by Skia   » Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:16 pm

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MosesBClan wrote:lol. if/when there is, wont we all!

Sometimes I think that Mr. Weber has way too much items on the oven, but then I can't really think of anything that I'd want him to drop.
Re: What will the next book be about
Post by Seth   » Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:25 am


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The next book will probably be with new narhani ships and 5th imperium warships.
Re: What will the next book be about
Post by laazarus   » Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:22 pm


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My dream scenario would be 2(minimum) new books:

The kids homecoming and integration into the power-broker circle of the empire. A war with the Achultani...fight em, liberate em, start a civil war/revolt against "Battle Comp".

The "heirs" (aka the kids and their inner circle) taking power and finding the original "nest-killers" and the war that ensues with the Narhani and Achuultani as allies against em.
Re: What will the next book be about
Post by TomV   » Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:42 pm


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I would prefer the next book to take place 50-75 years into the future after Heirs. Colin, even with implants, is getting old and based on the growth of the fleet spelled out in Heirs, Colin would have at least 1000-2000 primary combatant planetoids and a large support fleet build. Earth and Birhat are impregnable and Mother/Stepmother are operational. So he goes hunting for the central computer. Remember, the surviving bad guys would need ~200 years (as I remember) to get back. To make things interesting, one of the survivors is a command ship, it has a trick up its sleeve, and the central computer is warned ahead of time. Desperate battles with massive fleets again, but this time, the Empire eventually wins. Assume a computer vs computer (Dahak vs CentralComputer) fight to seal the deal. Maybe Dahak taking over and stuck in place far from the Empire for a tearful ending.
Re: What will the next book be about
Post by Michael Everett   » Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:04 pm

Michael Everett

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Ummm, I don't wish to be the resident defeatist, but unless Weber hands this series over to another author, we are very unlikely to see one for a long time. After all, he is currently focusing on the Honorverse and the Safehold series.

Having said that, have you noticed that there seem to be a great many implied culteral similarities between the Achuultani in the Dahak series and the Gbaba in the safehold series. Does the term dry run ring bells with anyone?

Awaiting comments while pondering the parallels between Dahak and Merlin Athrawes...

I can't write anywhere near as well as Weber
But I try nonetheless, And even do my own artwork.

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Re: What will the next book be about
Post by Paks   » Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:10 pm

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If i remember correctly, several years ago on Usenet, David stated that he was at that time working on another book for this series, but it was more of a prequel, and that it wasn't panning out the way he wanted. It was going to be set in the time period of the War of the Roses and when the Mutineer's thought they had been discovered, etc.

I very much doubt that it's actually going to get done, as it's been such a long period of time (almost 10 years now) since this series had first started and he has so many active series going that everyone likes. This series, Bahzell series, Honor Series, Honor Offshoot Series, Safehold Series, and you start to get the picture.

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