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Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures

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Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by pokermind   » Tue Dec 17, 2013 7:39 am

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We've had lots of discussion on US politicians and presidents what about other world leaders? China and Russia perhaps? For instance Che Guevara is lionized in South America an an opponent of US imperialism, but remembered as the one who murdered prisoners in Havana with a baseball bat. Look at difference in perceptions of the recently past away Nelson Mandela in Free Range RIP Nelson Mandela thread.

Last edited by pokermind on Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Thoughts on other than world leaders and political figu
Post by Annachie   » Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:03 am

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Hope this works.

World leader most likely to play Gollum:
You are so going to die. :p ~~~~ runsforcelery
still not dead. :)
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Spacekiwi   » Tue Dec 17, 2013 4:59 pm


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Not really sure on what i can say about our prime minister at the moment, as for the last few months our papers have been spending all the political space on the trials and tribulations of Aucklands Mayor Len Browns follies, and Torontos Mayor's follies. You would probably also need an Australian to give a reasonably unbiased view on his performance, as you either like one half of his policies or the other it seems, even if you are the opposition here.

its not paranoia if its justified... :D
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by biochem   » Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:52 am

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Vladimir Putin

Extremely competent in a very scary way. Leading one of the most powerful countries in the world, he has access to a great deal of power and isn't afraid to use it in what he believes is his countries best interest. He appears to be extremely patriotic and appears to genuinely believe that Russia would be best served by having himself in office indefinitely. He seems to prefer absolute power for himself but doesn't seem to be building a dynasty to pass it on. Since he seems intent on crippling any significant power other than himself, when he dies or is otherwise incapacitated there is likely to be a succession crisis, which could be "fun" for the rest of the world considering the nuclear weapons etc that Russia possesses.

He has successfully engineered the valuable Ukraine back into the position of puppet state. If I lived in a bordering country I would be very nervous. Furthermore, as he consolidates power domestically, he is increasingly taking aggressive stances internationally. For those of you who think that Bush was bad, just wait a few years and look at Putin.
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Tenshinai   » Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:01 pm


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The Reinfeldt government here, well, have you seen the British series "Yes minister"?
Imagine a government half made up from Humphreys, and the other half of idiots, except Humphrey was probably more honest, and you get the general idea of what i have had to endure the last 7 years.

They even lost the last election but due to stronger block politics lately and the opposition also being a minority, they managed to stay in government.

Anything that goes right, is thanks to them, anything that goes wrong is because of preceeding governments or things outside their control.
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Michael Riddell   » Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:21 pm

Michael Riddell
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Well speaking from a UK perspective, our lot in Westminster aren't exactly anything to shout about. Not many of them have experience of living in the "Real World" as they've gone straight from university (studying politics) to party researcher or aid then being "parachuted" into a nice safe party seat. :cry:

Our current Prime Minister:

Typical Conservative Party member profile.

The current leader of the Opposition:

Has backing of the trades unions, but isn't "working class".

The pair of them in action:

Make of them what you will.... :?:

Gonnae no DAE that!


Just gonnae NO!
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by namelessfly   » Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:09 pm


The Danish Prime Minister that Obama was flirting with during the Mandela funeral was kind of hot. She is definitely on the liberal side of the fence from me but I am unaware of anything about her character or behavior that would warrant my animosity.
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Daryl   » Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:25 am

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Not many statesmen or stateswomen out there. Angela Merkle has just won a third term in Germany, and she seems to be competent.
Australia has had a run of politicians for some years, with decisions being run past focus groups and opinion polls, plus all public speeches and comments cleared by their spin doctors. In the past 50 years we had one conservative (Menzies), and three progressive (Whitlam, Hawke and Keating) who had some fire and principles. Many hated them but at least they stood for something. Our current PM is an odious little creep (I met him a few times before I retired).
The Kiwi PM is invisible, and the international press put him down as unknown when a group of leaders is photographed. Cameron in the UK seems to be a bland politician. Putin is highly competent, but does not appear to be someone you would trust or like. The nutter in North Korea is both incompetent and nasty.
The US had an unfortunate run with puppet rulers set up in the cold war, with most being incompetent and nasty. I had a laugh last year when the Afghanistan President was upset that he was unfortunately kept out of the loop on a drug bust, and a close relative was caught with a ton of heroin, wonder why?
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Spacekiwi   » Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:57 am


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I think thats not just the Pm though, but the whole country. when our country is on the bottom end of the world, quite small, and doesnt have many people, its easy to forget about us.

Daryl wrote:Not many statesmen or stateswomen out there. Angela Merkle has just won a third term in Germany, and she seems to be competent.
Australia has had a run of politicians for some years, with decisions being run past focus groups and opinion polls, plus all public speeches and comments cleared by their spin doctors. In the past 50 years we had one conservative (Menzies), and three progressive (Whitlam, Hawke and Keating) who had some fire and principles. Many hated them but at least they stood for something. Our current PM is an odious little creep (I met him a few times before I retired).
The Kiwi PM is invisible, and the international press put him down as unknown when a group of leaders is photographed. Cameron in the UK seems to be a bland politician. Putin is highly competent, but does not appear to be someone you would trust or like. The nutter in North Korea is both incompetent and nasty.
The US had an unfortunate run with puppet rulers set up in the cold war, with most being incompetent and nasty. I had a laugh last year when the Afghanistan President was upset that he was unfortunately kept out of the loop on a drug bust, and a close relative was caught with a ton of heroin, wonder why?

its not paranoia if its justified... :D
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Michael Riddell   » Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:04 am

Michael Riddell
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Hmmm, interesting - nameless hasn't said anything pungent about the UK mob. ;)

I'm interested to hear what the US makes of Cameron and Miliband.

On a further note, we in Scotland also have our own Parliament, so we get another load of Politicians to call our own.

Basic description of Scottish Parliament:

Alex Salmond, current First Minister, leader of the Scottish National Party:

Johann Lamont, leader of the Scottish branch of the Labour Party (largest opposition party):

Ruth Davidson, leader of Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party:

and Willie Rennie, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, former governing coalition party with Scottish Labour:

The most recent First Ministers Questions:

Salmond doing what he's good at, putting the boot into Lamont:

BTW, there are subtitles available if anyone finds the accents hard to follow!! ;)

Mike. :)
Gonnae no DAE that!


Just gonnae NO!

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