gcomeau wrote:TFLYTSNBN wrote:I will concede that in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, Bush "misoverestimated" the status of Iraq's WMD.
As in, he didn't have them. The only thing they found which the US right wing tried to later use to justify it was decades old inoperable and degraded leftovers from the Iraq/Iran war, long degraded. Not any kind of current active program or stockpiles.Saddam was eager to encourage the error to deter Iran. Bush had correctly identified North Korea, Iran and Iraq as the Axis of Evil that were likely to go nuclear. South Korea and Japan were unwilling to enable the US to take out North Korea. An invasion of Iran is not feasible except from Iraq. Saddam violated enough UN sanctions to justify the invasion.
Not according to the UN they didn't.While Iraq's WMD was still dormant, Saddam was obviously prepared to reconstitute the program once sanctions were lifted. Iraq had retained hundreds of tons of Uranium,
No they had not "retained" hundreds of tons of uranium. That uranium was there from after the 1991 Gulf war, under guard by UN inspectors the entire time. It wasn't in Iraqi control or possession. It just happened to still be geographically located inside their borders.high detonation velocity explosives, and prototypes of gas centrifuges. He still had the people with the knowledge.
After Saddam was found hiding in a latrine pit, Daffy Gaddafi surrendered Libyan WMD. This included gas centrifuges that exposed the A Q Kahn nuclear weapons bizarre. Kahn had been selling to Iraq as well as Libya and Iran. We now know that Turkey was supplying electronic controls for Irans gas centrifuges. This is how the Israelis learned how to hack the system with the SEXTANT virus.
Of course everyone was changing "BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED,"
Because he did. And they did. He presented false evidence of an active WMD program that did not exist to justify an invasion that destabilized the entire region to this day.
I know explosive experts who were having to defuse IEDs that Incorporated chemical projectiles. The only factor that prevented them from being effective was that they were sophisticated binary weapons. There were many thousands of rounds stockpile d with conventional rounds to conceal them.
The Uranium was under Iraqi control after Iraq expelled the inspectors.
Your intransigence on this issue is astonishing but it confirms my point that the US needs to abandon efforts to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation. America should simply stand aside and allow the more unstable dictators acquire nuclear weapons while adopting a neo-isolationist policy that will ensure that they are someone else's problem. America should also encourage South Korea (my bad), Japan and Taiwan to aquire nukes so that they can be a threat to Russia and China. Withdrawing from NATO will force Europe to fend for itself. Let Russia cope with a nuclear armed Germany and Sweden. Now that Greece and Turkey are almost shooting at each other, that is another potential nuclear stand off. A Franco-German nuclear war would be the ultimate irony.