The US suffers from extreme hubris to believe that its laws should have sway in another sovereign country. I am amazed that the UK government hasn't had the balls to tell them to piss off. As the acts happened in the UK it was certainly the UK government's call if it was a crime or not, not the US's. As a ridiculous example I was personally quite offended to see those swaggering thugs carrying automatic weapons in the streets of Michigan. Now if I was to convince my government that it was a crime against humanity, and to demand their extradition for trial here, how far would I get?
Regarding the WMD matter. The US knew that Saddam did have some, because in a previous role Rumsfeld had authorised the transfer of them there to aid in the battle against Iran. However over time most had either been expended against the Kurds and others, or had deteriorated to uselessness. As the UN inspectors found, at that time Iraq had no effective WMD, and the few nerve gases that they had had would only have been effective in internal skirmishes. No threat to the world, as was tried to be sold to the UN.
Then your final point completes the trifecta. How dare the US claim that they are owed taxes on profits made in other countries, and that those countries can't be recompensed for the infrastructure used by those US companies. As you say, only the US takes that stance, and only they can get away with it, being the biggest bully in the schoolyard.
That you proffered those three defences implies that you believe those defences are reasonable. As you have proven on here to normally be a sensible and highly intelligent person, that implies that the US will continue to ride rough shod over everyone else.
doug941 wrote:Daryl wrote:Rereading what I had written, I was a bit clumsy.
Firstly I didn't mean any insult to the US, sorry. Secondly I used the example of unobtainium to make a different point than the obvious.
The point I was really trying to make was the disregarding of sovereignty. Not actually trying to steal resources, although that has happened.
I could list many instances where the US has just plain ignored the rights of other countries. Even with BinLaden, while I agree that he got what he deserved, riding roughshod over Pakistan's rights was illegal. Killing that Iranian general with a drone strike, imagine if they had taken out a senior US General the next day in response? Both Iraq and Afghanistan complain continuously about US presence and actions.
Rendering the citizens of other countries, charging Assange for journalist activities on UK soil.
Invading Iraq for WMD, when it was obvious that they had none, but North Korea did have (as does the US). US corporations who pay no tax in the countries where they make their profits. Could list dozens more.
Several points. Possession of US classified materials is a crime under US law no matter where you might happen to be standing. The decision of extradite or not to extradite is for the Foreign Office 10 Downing etc to make, but it is NOT theirs to decide on if it was a crime.
Second, your statement about WMD, which was completely in error. Saddam DID have WMD and used WMD. After invading in 2003, approx 5,000 weapons were recovered, many still containing nerve gas. The only question that had to be answered was what did he do with the weapons he had.
Last point. Of all of the First and Second World countries, only the US taxes corporations on income made outside of the home country. Companies based in say, the UK, don't pay UK taxes on income earned in Italy. An American company would be charged taxes if it was to sell candy bars and soft drinks on the Moon.