I am completely legal. I am a non-native American. My ancestors were not under the jurisdiction of US law. You are so wrong its not even funny. You are not American nor are you a resident, so should be forgiven your ignorance. So, consider your ignorance comments forgiven.
I am an immigrant who broke no laws in gaining my residency and later my citizenship.
As for the jobs illegals perform, a great deal of those jobs are in construction. During the buildout from the housing boom, building sites were heavily represented by Hispanics with very little English. Yes, most were indeed illegal. How many Americans would have worked construction during the housing boom? Quite a few.
Kitchen workers in restaurants are largely illegal. Americans will work there too. I could go on, but don't want to waste either of our time. I would recommend you actually research your opinions of a foreign country in which you neither belong to nor in which you reside.
hanuman wrote:Peter, Peter, Peter, you do realize that all non-Native Americans are the descendants of illegal immigrants, right?
Anyways, to respond to your point, the facts are that the majority of illegal immigrants are working jobs that Americans do not want, and that the agricultural sector in several States will collapse should their illegal labourers be removed. How does any of that contribute to a lowering of the median income? Please explain your reasoning.