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Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?

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Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by Tenshinai   » Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:47 pm


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pokermind wrote:I disagree the problem is the Idea (in the heads of both political parties and their leaders) that there will always be a credit card to use that has seeped into government. Eventually they will hit the limit, and it's time to pay back the money.

Oh yes.

pokermind wrote:There was a fourth, cut government to the bone and pay back the debt, but with all the added debt and the pain this would cause I don't see this happening any time soon.

Nah, it would simply make it an instant bankruptcy.

pokermind wrote:Then there are three options:

Well there IS a current 4th option, the one used by Bush jr, let the next president try to deal with his mess.

pokermind wrote:3) Steal the money to pay back the debt, IE go to war.

President shrubbery tried that, didn´t work out very well.
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by ksandgren   » Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:14 pm

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Tenshinai wrote:
President shrubbery tried that, didn´t work out very well.

Actually, for Cheney and his buddies in the Defense industry (what Eisenhower called the "Military Industrial Complex")it worked quite well at increasing their sales and profits. For the nation, no. It pushed us to the 2008 financial collapse. All the debt that the Tea Party decries as Obama overspending can be traced directly to the Bush years. He started with the last nearly balanced budget. Between his unnecessary and costly wars without positive result for any of the US or Iraq or Afghanistan and his "deregulation" of the Financial Industries as well as tax cuts unlimited without spending cuts, more than 75% of the debt that everyone is complaining about is directly tied to the last Republican president. (and I was a lifelong Republican until that farce of a government came up for reelection in 2004 when I voted for a third party candidate because both parties stunk.)
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by Tenshinai   » Fri Apr 11, 2014 5:59 pm


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ksandgren wrote:Actually, for Cheney and his buddies in the Defense industry (what Eisenhower called the "Military Industrial Complex")it worked quite well at increasing their sales and profits.

Oh i know. But, if you dig a bit into what Shrubbery&co was planning to do in Iraq after it was "liberated" in 2003, they were definitely going for a hardcore highway robbery there.

BBC world even reported on the plan, but that report was never aired again, how very odd.

Haliburton was meant to rebuild the whole oil industry, out of the goodness of their gracious hearts of course, while USA rebuilt Iraq and "obviously" got the tariffs on the oil exports.
They expected the majority of the oil industry to be unharmed or easy to get running again, which was meant to provide at least 4 years of steady profit, and would of course just surprisingly make it almost impossible for the next president not to cooperate with the oil industry.

And of course the Iraqi societ would be suitably reformed, while buying everything they needed from USA without export taxes...
Nicely boosting US industry a little as a bonus.

First few hours after the attack, this was part of the offical story, several officials talking about it as part of how good things would be for Iraq once this pesky little war was over.

Then they realised that it was a really BIG miscalculation and had started to tear into the propaganda campaign, so it was quickly dropped and thereafter considered something that had never happened and if it did it was never really part of official policy or planning, no sireee!

ksandgren wrote:For the nation, no.

The planning was different, but the robbery didn´t work out, so bummer.

ksandgren wrote:All the debt that the Tea Party decries as Obama overspending can be traced directly to the Bush years.

Pretty much yeah.

ksandgren wrote:Between his unnecessary and costly wars without positive result for any of the US or Iraq or Afghanistan and his "deregulation" of the Financial Industries as well as tax cuts unlimited without spending cuts

Dont forget the military spending outside of wars. Bush jr possibly wasted more money on military pork programs than any other president.

Just the resources wasted merely on getting the F-35 NOT working is staggering, and even with improvements in the last 5 years, it wouldn´t surprise me even if it gets canned completely.
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by thinkstoomuch   » Sat Apr 12, 2014 7:49 am


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Your timeline is seriously warped.

As whole goes got no use for President Bush but ...

Financial deregulation started with President Clinton. Again I remember one bank account changing bank names 3 times with the same number, Never had to change the direct deposit with the US Navy (Yeah I want my Nation's Bank back, good people) before 2001.

We were spending quite a bit on the Persian Gulf before the Iraq war. Something about maintaining two no fly zones. Plus some major naval deployments (boarding tankers and such, talk about the misuse of a Aegis Cruiser). Bunch of other stuff.

Does the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act mean anything, I wonder when it was passed. Other than spending lots of money doing road work in National Parks, and so forth.

TARP did start with President Bush and a Democratic Congress. Democratic Congress then refused to pass a budget so it could be removed. $800 billion a year of FREE money.

You are showing a huge misunderstanding of how the actual money gets allocated and spent in the US Federal government.

Hint the budget was getting better before 2007. Wonder what happened that year?

President Clinton and a Republican Congress did balance a budget. Some of which was reducing the size of the military and effectively no replacement of weapons President Clinton was so busy expending. President Clinton and that Republican Congress made nothing in the "Military Industrial Complex any cheaper as a matter of fact they made it much worse! They just didn't spend anything.

Actually as far as the TEA Party types dislike about President Obama, they decried about President Bush. As well. No child left behind another stupid statist policy, and so forth.

I would really recommend looking at budgets by year and looking at who was in control of each House of Congress and the Presidency as a start.

Though with health insurance, education (valueless, ie underwater basket weaving) and minimum wage stupidity President Obama is edging into Haven President Harris and predecessors territory. Rob Pierre not a chance the opposite in fact. "Its all THEIR fault."

Just saying,

ksandgren wrote:Actually, for Cheney and his buddies in the Defense industry (what Eisenhower called the "Military Industrial Complex")it worked quite well at increasing their sales and profits. For the nation, no. It pushed us to the 2008 financial collapse. All the debt that the Tea Party decries as Obama overspending can be traced directly to the Bush years. He started with the last nearly balanced budget. Between his unnecessary and costly wars without positive result for any of the US or Iraq or Afghanistan and his "deregulation" of the Financial Industries as well as tax cuts unlimited without spending cuts, more than 75% of the debt that everyone is complaining about is directly tied to the last Republican president. (and I was a lifelong Republican until that farce of a government came up for reelection in 2004 when I voted for a third party candidate because both parties stunk.)
Q: “How can something be worth more than it costs? Isn’t everything ‘worth’ what it costs?”
A: “No. That’s just the price. ...
Christopher Anvil from Top Line in "War Games"

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