Dilandu wrote:TFLYTSNBN wrote:
I dont think Coulter was lying as much as not doing her homework. I have seen well ediucated, nonpartisan people attempt to minimize it. My opinion based on the Worldmeters information is that the Covid / China virus has a lethality rate at least an order of magnitude higher than the common flu. The lethality rate increases by another order of magnitude if the epidemic is so severe that the healthcare system is overwhelmed.
As of this writing, the total number of deaths are trivial compared to a normal Flu season. If every case now confirmed died the fatalities would be not much worse than a normal Flu season. We are looking at only 1 / 20,000 of the population. However; if the number of people infected with the Covidvirus continues to grow exponentially for another few months, it will be ugly.
Who are you and what have you done to TFLYTSNBN?

I was also struck by that

TFLY that's a good clear statement...
I would add, that it is already v ugly in particular areas [northern Italy, Madrid] where the healthy systems are overwhelmed, whereas in others [such as my own] where we are much more waiting for the blow to arrive.
There was a v interesting article in the Guardian about the Madrid situation.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/26/spain-coronavirus-response-analysisThe root of that seems to have been
1) a football match in Italy in mid Feb that 2,500 Valencia fans attended
2) mild spring weather so in Madrid pavements, cafes & bars were filled with people being very sociable - physically close for speaking and hugging etc
3) 8th March - some massive marches in Madrid
4) various govt failures [these seem to be common to all countries]
Of concern to us in UK is that on 11th March [only 15 days ago, and incredible as it seems now], 3,000 Madrid football fans flew to Liverpool for a game. I don't know if this has shown up yet.
[edit] Just found the UK gov site which shows current numbers [tested positive] in different cities in the UK
https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/f94c3c90da5b4e9f9a0b19484dd4bb14Liverpool is currently only showing 57, so
maybe we dodged the bullet on that one IRC it was rubbish weather.
Of course, there is also the issue on testing [or lack of it]