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Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by gcomeau   » Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:11 am


Posts: 2747
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n7axw wrote:
The E wrote:
Regardless of what the actual number of hospitalizations will end up being in the end though, we do know that shutting down public life hard and fast can stop this bug in its tracks. Is it not preferable to endure a few weeks of hardship when the alternative is a widespread outbreak?

The question is, will it be "a few weeks"? What would prevent it from flaring up the instant we start to relax?



It will likely be longer than a few weeks. But if they can flatten the infection curve over the next couple of months or so and it follows the pattern of previous flu like viruses it will subside through the summer a bit and give breathing room for vaccine and treatment development before the next expected flareup when the next flu season starts.

Then everyone better be prepared for round 2. It was the *second* wave that really wiped people out in 1918...

*IF* it follows the ebb and flow of other flu like viruses. If it doesn't... well...
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by n7axw   » Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:42 am

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gcomeau wrote:
It will likely be longer than a few weeks. But if they can flatten the infection curve over the next couple of months or so and it follows the pattern of previous flu like viruses it will subside through the summer a bit and give breathing room for vaccine and treatment development before the next expected flareup when the next flu season starts.

Then everyone better be prepared for round 2. It was the *second* wave that really wiped people out in 1918...

*IF* it follows the ebb and flow of other flu like viruses. If it doesn't... well...

According to WHO, this virus probably won't be affected by heat and humidity which would mean that summer is unlikely to slow it down...


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by TFLYTSNBN   » Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:11 pm


Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by Arol   » Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:39 am

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Fate sure is a fickled B****!
Less than 48 hours after a hospital leader; here in Denmark, on national television had declared straight out that the supply situation on vital basic protective equipment such as mouthmasks, clothing and visors etc. would run out in a week or maybe two, and then people would start to die!
Then what happened?
A plane landed at Kastrup Airport, like a knight to the rescue packed with literally lifesaving equipment! 5000,000 masks, 50,000 test kits, protective clothing and visors etc. All of it a donation from Chinas Jack Ma (Alibaba founder)!
Denmark is not the only country receiving this aid, other countries such as Italy and Spain and others are on the list.
It’s not that long ago; if a crisis like the one we are living with today happened, that aid would be flowing from West to East, well today the flow has changed 180 degrees.
As said “Fate sure is a fickled B****”!
There are any numbers of adages that play in here: “Beware of Greeks…Don’t look a gift horse…TANSTAAFL…,
all of them have some relevance here.
Tiananmen, re-education camps, the Uighurs, Hong Kong and much else have; at least for the moment, changed to pragmatic gratitude. That there will be a price to be paid down the line is a certainty, but the simple fact is that without this equipment a lot of people would have died!
It is rumored that from Beijing, that when news of the aid packages were made public, a hyena like laugh and deep rumblings were heard from Mao’s Tomb as the fat bloodstained pedophile was ROTFLHAO!!!
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by The E   » Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:16 am

The E

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And that's why TFLY's dreams about reduced chinese influence in the wake of covid are just that: When, on the one hand, you have the US trying (and failing) to secure exclusive rights to a vaccine in development, and you have the chinese using their massive manufacturing capacity for charity on the other, it's quite easy to see who's going to be seen as more sympathetic.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by Dilandu   » Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:01 am


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The E wrote:And that's why TFLY's dreams about reduced chinese influence in the wake of covid are just that: When, on the one hand, you have the US trying (and failing) to secure exclusive rights to a vaccine in development, and you have the chinese using their massive manufacturing capacity for charity on the other, it's quite easy to see who's going to be seen as more sympathetic.

Exactly. The coronavirus essentially allowed China to advance in their struggle for world dominance without single shot being fired.

They demonstrated, that they could handle the crisis; they stopped the pandemic.

They demonstrated, that they could maintain their economy - and those who rely on it - even in time of crisis. They already re-started their economy. It would took time, of course, to compensate (and they would probably not achieve their pre-pandemic growth rate for quite a while), but they demonstrated, that they could be relied on.

And they demonstrated, that they are able to think not only about their problems, but also to provide help to others. I.e. that they are actively involved in handling the world problems (not only pandemic), and could be relied on to provide the solution.

The China did not already won, of course, but speaking in World War 2 therms, they currently at Midway.

Oh well, if shortening the front is what the Germans crave,
Let's shorten it to very end - the length of Fuhrer's grave.

(Red Army lyrics from 1945)
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by gcomeau   » Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:47 am


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And in the meantime it's pretty obvious why the only actual expert on pandemics was conspicuously absent from Trump's press conference yesterday where he made clear his primary concern was the stock market and not dead Americans and talked about ramping down social distancing measures far sooner than any medical experts say is safe or advisable and sending people back to work... Fauci is the only person there who has either the spine or the integrity to correct Trump's constant idiocy to the cameras and he clearly didn't want that happening.

(Actual quote from Dr. Fauci to Science magazine the other day on Trump's constant incorrect statements... "I can’t jump in front of the microphone and push him down. OK, he said it. Let’s try and get it corrected for the next time.")

Hopefully one of Trump's handlers manages to sit him down and drill sense into his skull, assuming there are any actual sane adults left in the administration at all.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by Arol   » Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:32 pm

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gcomeau wrote:
...Hopefully one of Trump's handlers manages to sit him down and drill sense into his skull, assuming there are any actual sane adults left in the administration at all.

There are plenty of intelligent and talented people in DC.
But not in Trump’s inner circle, and that’s no happenstance.
The last thing a mediocre ego maniac; with delusions of grandeur want around themselves is someone with a true talent and brains! They want yes sayers and toadies, not anyone that might outshine them.
If one does get hired, they are soon sent out the revolving door that the Trump’s White House has been equipped with.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by n7axw   » Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:59 pm

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I think Trump is looking at the end of his political career, myself. If he really tries to open stuff up, numbers will mushroom and it won't do a thing for the economy. We are looking at a sharp recession at minimum, perhaps a depression piled on top of the pandemic.

The other thought is that the governors might step in and take up the slack. They have been pretty sane as a whole, including the Republicans.


When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Time to read THE LAST CENTURION?
Post by Daryl   » Wed Mar 25, 2020 3:24 am

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Trump is the ultimate example of Dunning Kruger. Too dumb to realise that he is dumb.

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