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Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?

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Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by pokermind   » Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:18 pm

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Obama to Latinos give up cable TV & Cell phones to afford your Affordable Care Act insurance:

Yep, as Fly noted an out of touch Legslatrualist!

CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by namelessfly   » Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:41 pm


This is an interesting angle on the issue. ... tions-782/
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by namelessfly   » Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:42 pm


pokermind wrote:Obama to Latinos give up cable TV & Cell phones to afford your Affordable Care Act insurance:

Yep, as Fly noted an out of touch Legslatrualist!


May be give up rent or food too?
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by biochem   » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:54 pm

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The rise of the legislaturalists was a slow path continuing over many generations. With each generation taking a step down the path until they were so far along no one knew how to fix it. By the time they realized that there was a problem anyone who remembered how old style capitalism worked was long dead.

The US seem to be drifting down the same path. Look at the Laborforce participation rate for men (men only since women didn't start to work in large numbers until the 1980s for cultural reasons). There has been a steady decline in the % of working age men with jobs. The decline accelerated with the poor economy we have been experiencing since 2008 but was definitely in place before that. If the decline continues in a few generations we may have the same problem.
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by Uroboros   » Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:25 am

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namelessfly wrote:This is an interesting angle on the issue. ... tions-782/

Honestly, the only reason that the West has taken an issue with the referendum is because Russia is involved, and they took over the area in a fairly shady way. But mostly, because Russia is involved. That particular pissing contest has been going on for a very long time.
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by namelessfly   » Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:51 am


biochem wrote:The rise of the legislaturalists was a slow path continuing over many generations. With each generation taking a step down the path until they were so far along no one knew how to fix it. By the time they realized that there was a problem anyone who remembered how old style capitalism worked was long dead.

The US seem to be drifting down the same path. Look at the Laborforce participation rate for men (men only since women didn't start to work in large numbers until the 1980s for cultural reasons). There has been a steady decline in the % of working age men with jobs. The decline accelerated with the poor economy we have been experiencing since 2008 but was definitely in place before that. If the decline continues in a few generations we may have the same problem.

What is scary is the decline in the workforce participation rate by women which has declined to 1980s level. This is occurring concurrently with a decline in TFRs to record lows. Our women are barefoot and in the kitchen but not pregnant. We are not going to have nearly enough people to pay off the $Trillions in Obama debt.
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by Lord Skimper   » Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:49 am

Lord Skimper
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One always viewed the USA as the League.

China as more of the Rob Pierre Haven.

Europe / Commonwealth as the SEM.

Russia more as the Andie's (Russia of late).

Everyone else sort of the Verge Shell.

Africa could be Silesia? Maybe?

Or maybe the Middle East is Silesia? Plus North Africa. Eastern Europe...
Just don't ask what is in the protein bars.
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by Bruno Behrends   » Fri Apr 11, 2014 1:55 am

Bruno Behrends
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This thread title easily wins the trolling award :P
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by Tenshinai   » Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:01 am


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Bruno Behrends wrote:This thread title easily wins the trolling award :P


We are not going to have nearly enough people to pay off the $Trillions in Obama debt.

You of course mean the debt, deficit and economy in shambles left by Bush.

Obama is messing up plenty on his own, but the financial disaster is completely on Bush jr.
Re: Is Obama America's Rob Pierre?
Post by pokermind   » Fri Apr 11, 2014 11:56 am

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Location: Jerome, Idaho, USA

Tenshinai wrote:
Bruno Behrends wrote:This thread title easily wins the trolling award :P


We are not going to have nearly enough people to pay off the $Trillions in Obama debt.

You of course mean the debt, deficit and economy in shambles left by Bush.

Obama is messing up plenty on his own, but the financial disaster is completely on Bush jr.

I disagree the problem is the Idea (in the heads of both political parties and their leaders) that there will always be a credit card to use that has seeped into government. Eventually they will hit the limit, and it's time to pay back the money. Then there are three options:

1) Repudiate the debt IE What debt? IE rob those who bought the debt.

2) Pay the debt pay back with increasingly worthless paper money. What the Fed is doing. IE. rob those who bought the debt.

3) Steal the money to pay back the debt, IE go to war.

There was a fourth, cut government to the bone and pay back the debt, but with all the added debt and the pain this would cause I don't see this happening any time soon.

Casandra has nothing on me :D

CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.

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