Most of what you say here is agreeable to me.
In it's purist form, capitalism inevitably culminates with all wealth being concentrated in the hands of a vanishly small fraction of the population while the remainder live in poverty. Obviously; we can agree that this is a bad thing.
In its purist form, socialism tolerates no disparity in wealth, income or living standards and imposes no requirement on working to receive these benefits. Hopefully; we can agree that this is a bad thing.
Less obvious, to make socialism work you need to have a powerful government that takes from the productive and prudent to give to the. Indolent and impudent. The NAZI holocaust as well as the megadeaths committed by Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot were all perpetrated as part of a camaign of wealth redistribution.
The healthcare debate is the result of advances in medical technology and changing demographics that have resulted in healthcare expenses becoming a huge segment of the economy. No country can afford to provide all of it's citizens with the best possible healthcare. The countries with "socialized" healthcare have considered this aspect soon because their populations are older and the governments have controlled access to healthcare for generations. Your healthcare costs are lower than the US partially because you don't have an underclass that experiences unusually high mortality rates due to genetics and life style choices, you are better at providing basic, preventive care, and because you severely limit the availability of very advanced medical care. It is arguable that the most advanced medical care does not produce enough benefits to justify the costs. However; should that decision be made by government experts or by individuals and their doctors?
One should not forget the original justification of Obamacare is that it will control costs. This will occur because government will have more authority to limit payments to doctors and other healthcare providers. As a result, the healthcare providers will have less capability to provide advanced healthcare.
Another justification for Obamacare articulated by President Obama himself after it passed is that no American will be allowed to have better healthcare than anyone else. Of course the President, Congress and other elites will be exempted from this. This is the elitist totalitarianism that offends and frightens conservatives. While there are no officially designated "death panels," Obamacare does have provisions for national, government mandated standards on what procedures will be allowed under what circumstances and local panels to determine which patients meet these standards. Unless Americans are fortunate enough to have political influence or deep pockets, they will be judged by these defacto death panels.
Daryl wrote:As the British say about the US "Two countries divided by a common language". In this particular topic it appears to be one country (USA) divided from the rest of the developed world by different cultures, different values and different language terminology, even though on the surface it appears to be similar.
A simple obvious example is the word SOCIALISM. Very different interpretation between cultures. Firstly if an American politician from a hundred years ago was to look at the current USA system they would be horrified as to how socialistic they would perceive it has become, yet a citizen of current Sweden regards it as anything but socialist. All democratic developed countries have some socialist aspects to varying degrees. The alternative would be to have the aristocracy living in utter splendour while the peasants die of starvation. Generally we outside the US are surprised to observe just how vehemently the US citizenry react to the term. The USSR, China, and Vietnam were not bad places to live because of socialism but because of totalitarian dictatorships. By all means have informed discussions about the degree and type of socialistic policies you support but don't say you reject the all. Too late, you already are partially socialistic.
Media bias to left or right is another issue that is relative to the viewer's stance. In Australia we have a government funded broadcaster (ABC) that is very popular due to high production values and professionalism. Regularly the conservatives declare it is biased to the left and call for independent inquiries. When these are held they get down in the weeds counting news articles that are pro progressive or pro conservative, among other exhaustive audits. These inquiries (even the conservative stacked ones) invariably state that the broadcaster is neutral. The reason this is so is that most of our other media is controlled (directly or indirectly) by Murdock and is so biased to the conservative side it make all else look leftish. All the free world now has access to most media and an amusing game is, in the event of an international significant happening check out Fox's report compared top the rest. Pure fantasy and most unprofessional, aimed at their client base of closed mind LCDs.
I'm sorry Fly to hear of your situation and wish you the best in getting it sorted. I do agree with Donnachaidh that you do come across as very angry and negative, neither of which is helpful for anyone with cardiac difficulties. I would suggest that you chill out, relax and calmly try to find a solution. A close friend of mine in the UK had an almost identical situation (displaced pacemaker and defibrillator leads) that was recently sorted for free by their universal health system, so it can be done.
Finally to come back to the different cultures, I see on this thread that the suggestions to fix things are to ensure that everyone has individual and easily transportable personal contracts. Elsewhere we would say, stuff the whole contract thing, everyone has an implicit contract with their government that they will be looked after, so just do it. If corporations won't provide affordable solutions tell them to get out of the way.