Dilandu wrote:cthia wrote:
America eats the cost of high military expenditures to protect it's allies. America eats the cost of high medical costs to fuel a medical R&D second to none. There are no peers. I have to live with the rants from a woman called my sister, who is knee deep in the hoopla.
Yeah, now please answer one simple question: why America could not provide its population with insulin?
The answer is: because your glorious medical researches were aimed specifically toward circumventing Banting's patent, so the companies could justify raising the price on vital medication.
In essense, they developed slightly better insulin solution, to justify order of magnitude higher cost. So essentially, in practical therms they spend money on developement made specifically to pump more money out of patients. The US insuline production is less than 15% of world total, but it generates more than 55% of total revenue in this area.
Yeah, peoples in USA who died because they could not afford insulin must be really proud that the US pharmaceutical put so much efforts into making the most basic, most vital solution too expensive to afford.
This is why I don't generally participate in the Politics Forum. Foreign arrogance, and the obvious fact that you don't really want to know the truth. You just want to bash and point fingers. There are lots of things in the US I'm not proud of. But for foreigners to point a finger when the other four are pointing back at you doesn't help.
The schematic I laid out on page 12 is simply the tip of the iceberg, but a real reality. The story of insulin can be read for yourself. However, even there the true story hides. I am not at liberty, not do I care, to point out some of the ugly truths in American Pharmas.
As in all things there is corruption within the network of American Pharmas. Legal corruption, and since it is legal to exploit a patent free drug like insulin, it is more a scruples and ethics issue. However, many smaller Pharmas ride insulin to success. It IS what it IS. But the story is even more complicated an itch than that that I don't wish to scratch. Much of your answer is contained within my post on the previous page. If you cared to actually learn something from it.
But I agree. America should start taking care of it's own. It could start by shutting down the free ride foreign countries get from a windfall of American research done on the back of American infrastructure; and make foreign countries ante up.
It should stop spending so much on the military and make foreign countries ante up. America could use the money to fund it's healthcare costs, huh?
But if you really are concerned, you can stop your country from stealing and cutting into the profits and creditability of American Pharmas and start paying your fair share.
Cut it out!
Another of my sister's pet peeves.